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What is the difference between Google local ads and PPC?


Google Local Services Ads and Google Ads PPC are two popular advertising platforms offered by Google. While both aim to help businesses reach their target audience and drive conversions, there are key differences between the two that marketers should be aware of. Let’s explore the key takeaways that distinguish Google Local Services Ads from Google Ads:

Key Takeaways

  • Google Local Services Ads focus on generating leads and calls, while Google Ads are based on cost-per-click (CPC) model.
  • Local PPC targets customers within a specific geographic location, while traditional PPC campaigns have a broader reach.
  • Local PPC ads include location-specific information, making it easier for local customers to find the business, whereas traditional PPC ads may focus on broader messaging.
  • Success in local PPC is measured by factors like store visits and phone calls, while traditional PPC success metrics may include clicks and conversions.
  • Google Local Services Ads provide businesses the opportunity to compete with larger corporations on a local level, enhancing their local market presence.

Understanding Google Local Services Ads vs Google Ads

Key Differences in Targeting

When it comes to targeting potential customers, Google Local Services Ads and Google Ads operate on distinct principles. Google Local Services Ads are hyper-local and service-oriented, focusing on connecting businesses with leads in their immediate area. This is particularly beneficial for service providers such as plumbers, electricians, and locksmiths who are looking to attract a local clientele. On the other hand, Google Ads offers a broader range of targeting options, allowing advertisers to reach a global audience with granular precision.

Google Ads targeting capabilities include:

  • Location: Target ads to specific geographic areas.
  • Language: Reach users who speak certain languages.
  • Demographics: Focus on age, gender, and more.
  • Device: Tailor ads for mobile, tablet, or desktop users.
  • Remarketing: Engage previous visitors to your website or app.

By leveraging these targeting options, advertisers can craft campaigns that resonate deeply with their intended audience, ensuring relevance and engagement. It’s about making every click count and investing your advertising budget wisely.

The key to Maximising ROI with Google Ads lies in continuous optimisation. Regularly auditing your Google Ads can reveal insights into which targeting options are yielding the best results.

Ad Copy Distinctions

When it comes to crafting compelling Ad Copy for Google Ads, the distinction between Google Local Services Ads and traditional Google pay per click advertising (PPC) is quite pronounced. Local Services Ads are designed to be more straightforward and trust-oriented, focusing on the service provided and the credibility of the business. They often include badges such as ‘Google Guaranteed’ to instil confidence in potential customers. On the other hand, PPC ads offer more creative freedom, allowing advertisers to use persuasive language and calls to action to entice clicks.

Google Local Services Ads typically include:

  • Business name
  • Service offered
  • Contact information
  • Reviews and ratings

Whereas Google Ads might feature:

  • Headlines with keywords
  • Descriptive text
  • Promotional offers
  • A call to action

It’s essential to tailor the ad copy to the platform’s strengths to maximise the impact of your advertising efforts. Local Services Ads are about connecting with local customers through trust, while PPC ads are about capturing attention and driving traffic through compelling copy.

Remember, the effectiveness of ad copy is not just about the words used; it’s also about the relevance and speed at which the information is delivered. Page speed is crucial for user retention and conversion. Google ranks based on speed. Faster pages lead to higher ROI. Tools help analyse and improve page speed for better performance.

Measurement of Success

The true measure of success for Google Local Services Ads and PPC campaigns lies in the tangible results they deliver. Conversion tracking is the cornerstone of this measurement, providing insights into how effectively your ads convert interest into action. For Local Services Ads, success is often gauged by the volume of direct leads, such as phone calls and messages, which can be attributed to the ad. In contrast, PPC campaigns typically focus on a broader set of metrics, including click-through rates, online conversions, and return on ad spend (ROAS).

It’s essential to benchmark your business data before launching an ad campaign to clearly identify the impact of your Google Ads vs. Social Media Advertising efforts.

To illustrate, consider the following table comparing key performance indicators (KPIs) for both types of ads:

KPI Google Local Services Ads Google PPC Ads
Lead Volume High direct contact Varied based on goals
Conversion Type Phone calls, messages Online actions, sales
Success Metric Leads generated ROAS, conversion rate

Regular audits of your account structure and conversion tracking can unveil areas of budget wastage and highlight opportunities for optimisation. By systematically reviewing these components, you can refine your approach to achieve better ROI. Remember, an audit is not just a one-time task but a continuous process of improvement.

Navigating the complexities of online advertising can be daunting, but understanding the difference between Google Local Services Ads and Google paid search ads is crucial for any business aiming to thrive in the digital space. Our team of Google Ads Specialists and PPC Experts are on hand to demystify these platforms and tailor a strategy that maximises your online presence. Don’t let your competition get ahead; visit our website now for a free, comprehensive Google Ads Audit and discover how we can elevate your advertising efforts to new heights.


In conclusion, the difference between Google local ads and PPC lies in the targeting, billing model, and focus on lead generation. Google local ads are specifically tailored to target local customers within a specific geographic location, focusing on generating leads and calls rather than clicks. On the other hand, traditional cost per click Google campaigns have a broader reach and target a wider audience. Understanding these differences is crucial for Google Ads for Local Businesses looking to enhance their online advertising strategies and reach their target audience effectively.

Frequently Asked Questions for what is the difference between Google local ads and PPC?

What is an example of a PPC?

What is an example of a PPC? Imagine you own a local bakery specialising in vegan desserts. You could:

Run a PPC campaign targeting the keyword “vegan bakery near me”. When someone searches that term, your ad might appear at the top of results, enticing them to click and visit your website. You’d only pay if someone actually clicks your ad, making it a potentially cost-effective way to reach people actively looking for what you offer. This is just one example, and PPC can be used for diverse goals and industries, always following the “pay-per-click” model.

What is the main difference between Google Local Services Ads and Google Ads?

The main difference is that with Google Local Services Ads, you pay per lead/call, while with Google PPC advertising, you pay per click (CPC).

What is PPC in Google Ads?

PPC stands for pay-per-click, a form of online advertising where advertisers pay a fee to Google Ads each time someone clicks on their ad. What is PPC in Google Ads? With Google Ads, advertisers create text, image, and video ads that appear on Google Search results pages and the Google Display Network. The PPC model allows advertisers to control their costs and only pay when their ads drive traffic to their site. When setting up a Google Ads campaign, advertisers choose keywords relevant to their business and set a maximum cost-per-click bid on those keywords. The higher the bid, the more likely the ad will appear prominently on search results pages. The goal is to drive qualified traffic to the advertiser’s site by getting the ad seen by users searching for related products or services.

How do Google Local Services Ads target customers differently from Google Ads?

Google Local Services Ads target customers based on their proximity to the business location, while Google Ads can be set up to target a global or specific area.

Is Google PPC worth it?

Is Google Pay Per Click worth it? Google PPC can be a worthwhile investment for many businesses looking to drive targeted traffic to their website. The main advantage of PPC is that you can reach your ideal customers when they are actively searching for products or services related to your business. PPC allows for precise targeting based on geography, demographics, behaviour, and contextual keywords. You only pay when someone clicks your ad, so there is minimal wasted ad spend. PPC also provides detailed analytics so you can track conversions and optimise your campaigns for better ROI over time. However, PPC does require constant monitoring and optimisation to maximise results. Also, costs can add up quickly if not managed properly. Overall, PPC is a flexible, measurable form of advertising that can deliver a positive ROI if implemented strategically for your specific business goals.

What are the key distinctions in ad copy between Google Local Services Ads and Google Ads?

Google Local Services Ads include location-specific information in the ad copy, such as the business address and phone number, whereas Google Ads may focus on broader messaging.

Are PPC ads worth it?

Whether PPC ads are “worth it” depends entirely on your specific situation. Are PPC ads worth it? The facts: PPC Ads offer fast results, targeted reach, and measurable data, but come with costs and require ongoing management. If you have the budget, goals, and skills for active campaign optimisation, PPC can be a valuable tool for driving qualified traffic and conversions. Weigh the pros and cons against your needs and explore test campaigns to see if it works for you. Remember, PPC and SEO are often best used together for a holistic and impactful online presence find our expert advice here on is PPC better than SEO?

How is success measured differently for Google Local Services Ads compared to Google Ads?

Success for Google Local Services Ads is measured by factors such as store visits, phone calls, and direction requests, while success for Google Ads campaigns may include metrics like clicks and conversions.

Why is PPC so expensive?

Several factors can contribute to the perceived “expense” of PPC advertising and leave you asking why is PPC so expensive?

  • Competition: Popular keywords in competitive industries attract many bidders, driving up the cost per click (CPC).
  • Auction System: PPC operates like an auction, where the highest bidder’s ad gets the most prominent placement. This can lead to higher costs for desired positions.
  • Campaign Optimisation: Ongoing effort is needed to refine keywords, ad copy, and landing pages for optimal performance. This requires expertise and time, which can translate to costs.
  • Instant Results:  Integrating Google Ads with Your SEO Compared to organic SEO, which takes time to build, PPC delivers immediate visibility, but this convenience often comes at a premium.

However, remember that PPC costs are relative to results. Effective campaigns can deliver high returns on investment (ROI) by bringing in qualified leads and driving conversions. By optimising your approach and targeting the right audience, you can mitigate costs and leverage The Future of PPC for profitable growth.

What are the benefits of using Google Local Services Ads for businesses?

Google Local Services Ads allow businesses to reach customers at the moment they are actively seeking products or services in their local area, providing a competitive advantage and the opportunity to establish a strong local presence.

What are the top Advanced Strategies for Google Ads I can use today?

Here are 3 advanced strategies for Google Ads you can start using today:

  • Dynamic Search Ads (DSA): Let Google generate ads based on your website content, automatically targeting relevant keywords. Great for capturing long-tail traffic and maximising reach.
  • Audience Bidding Adjustments: Refine your bids based on demographics, interests, or in-market segments. Reach high-value audiences with tailored bids while saving budget on less promising demographics.
  • Conversion Value Tracking: Assign different values to conversions (e.g., purchases, leads) based on their importance. Google Ads optimises campaigns to prioritise higher-value conversions, maximising your return on ad spend (ROAS).

Remember, advanced strategies work best with a solid foundation. Ensure you have the basics covered (e.g., keyword research, negative keywords, ad extensions) before diving deeper. Good luck!

What are the main mistakes to Avoid in Google Ads?

The main mistakes to avoid in Google Ads include neglecting Keyword Research for Google PPC, leading to the selection of irrelevant or overly broad keywords that drive poor quality traffic. Overlooking the importance of ad extensions and negative keywords can also result in missed opportunities to enhance ad visibility and filter out unwanted clicks, respectively. Failing to optimise for mobile users, not using location targeting effectively, and ignoring the power of ad scheduling can further diminish the effectiveness of campaigns. Additionally, neglecting to track conversions or underutilising Google Ads’ analytics features can prevent advertisers from fully understanding campaign performance and opportunities for optimisation. Avoiding these mistakes is crucial for maximising the ROI of Google Ads campaigns.

How much should my PPC budget be?

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer for your ideal PPC budget! Learn more here on how much should my PPC budget be? The short answer is it depends on several key factors:

  • Industry: Competitive industries typically have higher keyword costs, impacting budget needs.
  • Goals: Aiming for rapid brand awareness requires a different budget than targeting specific conversions.
  • Keywords: The cost per click (CPC) of your chosen keywords significantly influences your budget.
  • Conversion rate: Higher conversion rates allow for smaller budgets while maintaining profitability.
  • Campaign experience: New campaigns often require more testing and optimisation, affecting budget needs.

Instead of a fixed amount, consider starting with a percentage of your marketing budget (10-50% is common) and adjusting based on campaign performance and ROI. Track and analyse data meticulously to optimise your campaigns and ensure you’re getting the most value from your investment. Remember, PPC is a journey, not a destination, so be prepared to adapt and refine your budget as you learn and grow.

Why should businesses consider investing in Google Ads and Google Local Services Ads?

Businesses should consider investing in Google PPC marketing and Google Local Services Ads to promote their products or services, raise awareness, increase traffic to their website, and reach a targeted audience effectively.



Has worked on hundreds of Google Ads accounts over 15+ years in the industry. There is possibly no vertical that he hasn't helped his clients achieve success in.

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