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Free eCommerce Shopping Feed Audit, Get Yours Now

Learn why you should get your Free eCommerce Shopping Product Feed Audit to find out how your companys shopping feed stacks up against some of the best in the business.

✔️ Increase Sales

✔️ Reduce Costs

✔️ 100% Free Advice

Simply follow the instructions below and get your full report straight to you today! Your full product feed will be reviewed, it COSTS YOU NOTHING and you are under no obligation to use our Google shopping agency to fix any issues we find. What have you got to lose?

Will your company be our next happy Shopping PPC client ?

Get Your 100% Free Shopping Product Feed Audit:

We work with a very large range of eCommerce businesses in many sectors from including B2B and B2C. We understand that as a busy professional you need to cut through all the usual technical language and obscure acronyms.

We are offering you our 100% free product feed audit; these are specifically designed to do just that. Rest assured that getting your free product feed audit which details every single area that you need to improve in your Google Shopping Feed is probably the best thing you can do for your eCom company this year.

Our highly detailed audits are fully produced by our PPC Agency. These show in-depth analysis of your product feed and give you actionable areas to work on and improve your e-Commerce sales outcomes.

Your free shopping feed audit (which is unique to your Shopping Feed) lifts the lid on areas that need improvement. It will be in an easy to understand format. The audit will show you what is and isn't working. What could be improved, and where you are wasting money.

Image showing the upwards curve of and ecommerce store sales going up - aug - 2020

Shopping Ads

Shopping Ads is a very specialist field of Pay Per Click digital marketing. Costs, along with wasted spend, can and will go unmissed. Unless there is lots of detailed planning and regular optimisation. To maximise your ROAS you need to know what you are doing. And constantly adapt your approach and translate the data into meaningful actions.

We recommend that you should look to partner with a dedicated specialist Shopping e-Commerce PPC (Pay Per Click) partner. One that has a full back catalogue of proven tactics. And results of overachieving on KPIs for their customers.

See just some our glowing Pay Per Click e-Commerce Case Studies here.

You can leverage the huge amount of insider PPC knowledge the PPC Geeks team brings with them to give your company the competitive edge against all of your competitors online today.

Free Shopping Ads Feed Audit - What You Can Expect 

Your free product feed audit will give you expert advice in an easy to understand fashion on many aspects of your feed, Improve your company ROAS by knowing where can be improved!

Remember that your feed is one of the most important elements of running Google, Facebook and many other platforms shopping ads.

Building your shopping ads on good foundations is one of the most important things you can do today for your e-commerce store!

Free Product Feed Audit Process

As your product feed audit is FREE it really couldn't be easier to get your 100% free product feed audit. Simply start the process of getting your shopping feed audit now by pressing the big green button below (yes, it is this easy):

Areas the PPC Experts will look at on your feed:

  1. Do titles follow best practice for the industry
  2. Are GTIN or MPN added correctly
  3. Are you using the most appropriate 'Product Category'
  4. Are images of high enough quality
  5. Are all relevant attributes i.e. colour, size etc being used
  6. Look at % of disapproved items in GMC and the reasons
  7. Look at product descriptions that include 'keyword(s)'
Shopping feed audit

What will we look at on your 100% free shopping feed audit? 

Below details some of the areas we will evaluate - this will help your e-commerce store get better results!

Getting your Free Product Shopping Feed Audit couldn’t be easier!

As a reminder your audit is free, and you have no obligation to use us to complete any work that might need doing. So, get yours today! What have you got to lose?

What will the free shopping feed product audit look at?

Great question! Here are some of the areas we will look at:

  1. Google Product Categories
    • The Google Product Category [google_product_category] attribute is used to tell Google what category an item should sit inside of.  Google's taxonomy list is BIG, but selecting the correct category is super important. You can see the list of Google's taxonomy here. It's very important to make sure you select the correct category for your product. If you don't, you may find customers simply can't find your products when looking for the products you have to sell. We also look to see if your products in the right category or maybe an old category that they should no longer be in? We have found that some items can be mistakenly assigned to a parent category for every product! If you are looking for greater e-commerce store success, then making sure your products appear in the correct category every time is of paramount importance!
  2. Product Titles
    • A product title is very much one of the most important parts of your product feed. The product title should describe perfectly what your product is and include relevant keywords and elements of interest for the potential customer, elements such as 'size', 'colour', 'gender', 'material' and many other elements that are of interest to your end-user (potential customer). All your products in your eCommerce store should have well-structured and written titles providing all the required information on your product, this will help users to understand your product better and help turn searches into purchases. Google matches user search terms to the words within your product titles so it’s important to make sure your titles or both relevant and contain the right elements of volume search terms. Writing great product titles is no substitute for the proper use of your product attributes. This all needs to be balanced with a close eye on not adding too many or too few characters. Laziness is not well received here so don't be fooled into making lots of your product titles the same, your product titles need to be individual - which can be quite a big job if you have a very large product catalogue. But putting in the hard work first will pay dividends in the end. Stick with it and watch your products fly off the shelves of your e-commerce store!
  3. Product Descriptions
    • Everyone who has the internet these days understands what a product description is. But the art of writing engaging marketing copy that explains what a product is and why it is the product your prospect should purchase is sometimes missed in the 'rush' to get the 'new product' up and live. As you will know the purpose of the product description is to give the customers all the relevant and important information about the features and benefits of your product. These should be written as to compel the prospective e-commerce store visitor into purchasing that specific product. Google also scans and ranks your Product Descriptions to match keywords to the search terms (your customers are typing in). It’s hugely important that all of your Product Descriptions contain high quantity descriptions of your products. These need to be specific descriptions that encourage the prospect to convert. Whilst ‘keyword stuffing’ is frowned upon, Product Descriptions do provide the perfect opportunity to make sure you are able to include all of your core and converting keywords, aligning your product descriptions to your highest value search terms can result in more targeted and quality traffic, resulting in more sales in your e-commerce store. So, taking the time to be as customer-centric as possible with well-written descriptions should be very high on your list of 'must-haves' for your e-commerce store!
  4. Product Types
    • We often find that in the rush to get new products onto e-commerce stores areas such as the [product_type] attribute is one area that is all too easy to be overlooked by 'over-enthusiastic' team members. It won't come as much surprise to learn that Google uses Product Types to match the search terms people are typing in to find and display your products within the correct filters. It’s important to ensure you’re not just passing generic Product Types or using the website navigation from your own website. There are several 'best practices' to follow here from Use > to separate multiple levels in a category. through Submit product_type [product_type] for products used in any campaign type. With elements such as if you use product_type [product_type] to organise your bidding and reporting in Google Ads, we recommend that you don't submit more than 1 value. And many more, the initial list can be found here or for API we recommend starting here. With lots more information here around Product data specification. If all of this is starting to seem like 'the dark arts' don't worry - we are here to give you helpful and insightful insights into what matters and more importantly - how to improve it to make sure your e-commerce store is firing on all cylinders!
  5. Brands
    • The brand attribute is one of the two product identifiers and should always be part of your Product Titles and Product Descriptions where relevant. The brand element is occasionally missed so sense checking is advised. Ideally and depending on your product list you should be running the free shopping feed product audit once per month at least. After the audit you should set aside the time to 'fix' any elements this highlights as moving the needle here will have a positive effect on your e-commerce stores sales and long-term viability.
  6. GTINs
    • Global Trade Item Numbers (or to the uninitiated 'barcodes') are the unique identifiers for products/trade items. GTIN identifiers are used everywhere you go and for most products available in most shops and e-commerce stores alike. Google and other product selling websites use these to match up product information in a database which may belong to the retailer, manufacturer, or other entity. If your products have GTINs but you do not include them within your Product Feeds, then you are missing out on lots of very specific traffic. Including product specific GTINs to will lead to thousands of extra impressions every month. Yes, you guessed it - GTINs are super important! We will go through your entire feed and hunt down any products that are missing their GTINs - highlighting these will allow you to add them in and your e-commerce store will be able to reap the benefits!
  7. Item Group IDs
    • Whilst it is not always 100% relevant for e-commerce stores who only sell 'parent products' we will look across all of your products for any missed opportunities. Item Group IDs can and will increase the number of impressions, clicks and ultimately sales your e-commerce store registers every month. If you sell many different variants of products (think size, colour, gender and many more) then this is for you. Stop missing out on traffic with incorrect or missing Item group IDs. Your eCommerce store will thank you for it!
  8. MPNs
    • Manufacturer Part Number is as described, the manufacturer-assigned value (alphanumeric). The MPNs are mainly used to identify specific products from the same manufacturer.
      Usually, the MPN is required for products that do not have a manufacturer assigned GTIN (Global Trade Item Number). There are some exceptions to this rule such as custom-made products and/or products that don’t have a clearly defined and associated MPN. Whilst the MPN is not as important as GTIN, you should still get into the flow and process of including your Manufacturer Part Numbers. If you have them as MPN’s they are one of the two required Product Identifiers, so you are heading in the right direction. The most important thing to remember is 'the more data we can give Google and others, the better your e-commerce store will perform'. As more people who are looking for your products will be able to find you!
  9. Other Elements
    • There are other elements you can expect us to 'lift the lid' on for your e-commerce shopping feed audit. Including Product Images and Product Type Depth. Remember your product shopping feed audit is 100% free and fast. Follow the simple steps of filling in the reform now to get your audit fast!
      We recommend after your 100% Free Facebook Ads Audit you should book in for your Business Specific Success Strategy (BSSS) that will road map out for you the next steps to gain success on Facebook Ads and set the business-led specific KPIs - we create these for all of our clients.

Next Steps - we highly recommend you work through findings & improve your Shopping Ads Account: You will now have a great starting point to improve the return on investment (ROI) from your e-commerce store! - Congratulations! Now you should speak to us around how your own larger and smarter BSSS (Business Specific Success Strategy) will further help you get a much better ROI, return on ad spend (ROAS) and actionable business-driven Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to improve your business's bottom line, then we'll be happy to keep on speaking with you.


If you have any questions simply reach out and let our PPC Geeks know you're interested and they will be happy to guide you through the simple process detailed above and of course answer any questions you might have.

Why Would You Choose The PPC Geeks To Work With You to Boost Your e-Commerce Store Sales?

PPC Geeks specialise in all aspects of PPC (Pay Per Click) including Shopping, TikTok, Facebook Ads, Google Ads, Bing Ads, Amazon Ads, and more.

But, the greatest value we offer is our ability to craft accounts to match the specific needs of our partners' businesses and prospects' touchpoints. We do this through many years of digital marketing experience. Backed up with careful and detailed discussions with our partners to align bespoke campaigns to the companies specific KPIs (key Performance Indicators).

Our experienced PPC Geeks take the time to get to know all our clients (just like you). Our Geeks get to know our client’s businesses wants, needs, plans, and vision. Our Geeks are able to plan all this information out against all the millions of touchpoints in a Shopping Ads account, to make sure there are actionable and accountable KPIs set in place in their BSSS (business specific success strategy). This helps set out the framework of how we will get your account from where it is now, to where it needs to be.


Some of the key benefits of working with the PPC Geeks

  • Our PPC Geeks have well over 15 years' experience in Pay Per Click Ads and digital marketing.
  • You get access straight away to our full UK based team of experts (PPC, CRO, UX & more).
  • You get your own account manager so you have one point of contact but full access to the full team.
  • One team, all bases covered. Our team of PPC experts can promote Your Brand across all of the major PPC Platforms, including but not limited to all of these. Simply pick your free audit and we will do the rest. You will soon be getting better results from PPC :
  • No complicated and surprising pricing models, just a simple pricing structure that has your ROI at heart.
  • All of this actually costs less than for you to do it in-house!
  • You will also get better results using our PPC Geeks than using an in-house solution!
  • You will get all of the new technology at no extra cost (keeping you ahead of your competitors).
  • With a proven track record, our Geeks make their clients £Millions in ROI.
  • Improved bottom-line results for your business by cutting the wasted budget, adding more budget to what is working, and working with you to better market your business to its core demographics.
  • All of the PPC Geeks are fully accredited PPC Partners.
  • Not sure? See for yourself what our clients say about working with us:
  • Learn how you can get ahead with your own BSSS (Business Specific Success Strategy).
  • You get a full team of experts making smart KPI focused optimisations in your account (all for the same price).
  • You don’t need to worry about vacations/holidays/absences or sickness cover ever again.
  • Oh yeah, did we say, our Product Feed Audit is 100% free, with no obligation, so let's get the wheels moving on this free Shopping Product Feed Audit .

Will the Free Google Shopping Product Feed Audit find improvements in your feed? Find out now ?

Every feed audit is different but they all follow some of the same principles and best practices. So, don't delay and get your 100% free Shopping Product Feed Audit here today.


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