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The #1 Agency for Feed Optimisation

  • Do you need help from one of the best agencies in the UK specialising in feed optimisation?
  • Do you want to improve your feed optimisation?
  • Do you want to unlock the potential of eCommerce feed optimisation?

If you answered YES to any of the above, then PPC Geeks can help - be it by managing your eCommerce ads or providing specialist advice.

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Shopping feed audit

Get Your Free eCommerce Audit and Transform Your Business

Our eCommerce Audits are around 30+ pages and are perfect for eCommerce business owners looking to gain valuable insights on how to improve their feed optimisation. Some of the areas our reports cover include:

  • Account Structure
  • Conversion Tracking
  • Target Audiences
  • Deep Dives into The Highest Spending Areas
  • Main KPIs Overview
  • Where Your Brand Is Wasting Budget
  • Missed Opportunities

In order to capitalise on the expanding eCommerce market, it’s important to understand the details of how to optimise your product feed.

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Why Invest Time and Energy into Product Feed Optimisation?

The process for feed optimisation is a lot less complicated than it sounds. The key is to be descriptive and tailor your products to your target demographic.

Optimising your feed works similarly to SEO. The more detailed and specific your product descriptions are, the higher up your products may appear in your audiences’ feed. Indeed, by investing some time in optimising your feed, your ads and products should be shown more often.

In short, when implemented by a team of experts, there are ample benefits to using feed optimisation. Some of the key benefits include more impressions, less wasted ad spend, an increase in click-through rates, an improved quality score, and a visible increase in sales.


Why Work with a Leading eCommerce Agency that Understands the Value of Feed Optimisation?

At PPC Geeks, we pride ourselves on what we achieve for our clients on a daily basis, be that significant results or improving their eCommerce business through implementing a robust feed optimisation strategy.

We always have your businesses’ best interests in mind when it comes to investing in feed optimisation. That being said, we also provide a lot of added value, including:

  • Exclusive access to our UK based, comprehensively certified PPC team who pride themselves on having worked with some of the most established eCommerce businesses in the world
  • No surprising pricing models. Just an uncomplicated structure that prioritises increasing your sales by optimising your product feed
  • Our work is unmatched by anything an inhouse team could produce. We are simply more equipped and knowledgeable in the field of feed optimisation
  • With a proven track record in the eCommerce sector, we make our clients millions of pounds in improved sales through paid advertising and product feed optimisation
  • We provide you with one single point of contact. This way nothing gets lost and you can communicate with one dedicated individual whilst also benefiting from the use of the whole PPC Geeks team.
  • We are completely focused on making smart, informed and data-driven KPI decisions that have your marketing interests in mind
  • When it comes to feed optimisation, we don’t believe in unnecessary risk. We always consider your wider objectives before making any decision

We have hundreds of 5-star reviews on Trustpilot from some of the world’s biggest eCommerce businesses

Feed Optimisation, How Are You Doing?

Learn How To Get Better Results Fast By Imporving The Information You Give Google! Our PPC Experts will show you how to get optimise your feed, simply order your free Feed Optimisation review today!

How to Achieve Your Product Feed Optimisation Objectives?

The first step to improving your ads is to optimise your product feed. In short, this is where search engines such as Google harnesses its data for your products and displays your ads online.


Prioritise Your Product Titles

In order to successfully optimise your feed, your product titles need to be your main priority. While writing your product titles, it’s important to be detail oriented to match long-tail queries. It’s also a good idea to incorporate everything including your product’s brand name, size, style, colour, material and exact measurements


Product Photography is Key

Visuals are hugely important for capturing the eye of potential customers. When photographing your products, make sure to include multiple angles of your product and, as a general rule, avoid using text or logos on your images, and ensure that every image is high resolution


Don’t Underestimate Product Descriptions

To improve your feed optimisation, incorporate secondary keywords into your product descriptions, preferably at the beginning of the description. Aim to weave important keywords that may not fit into your product title into your descriptions. This way, Google can find your products when crawling the internet and serving them up to its audience

Get 5-Star Product Feed Results With Our Free Review

PPC Geeks: Specialists in Product Feed Optimisation

Take the guesswork out of building your eCommerce business online and let one of the world’s best Google Shopping agencies guide you on how to boost product sales and increase brand awareness.

In short, our team of Google Shopping experts are on hand 24/7 to help grow your business.


The Voices of Our Success: Your Words, Our Pride

Don't just take our word for it. With over 100+ five-star reviews, we let our work-and our satisfied clients-speak for us.


I've been really impressed with the project management throughout.

We have good regular updates and useful discussions around experiments we can try next to keep the momentum or deal with challenges when they come up. There has been a good foundation of honesty since we started, which has made this feel like a real team effort.

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