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Social Ads Audit

We will help you make Social Ads work for Your Brand

Social Ads Audit: depending on your product and demographics Social Media Audit might well be a must if you’re looking to reach a new, targeted audience - fast.

Like it or not, organic traction on social channels is harder and harder to generate these days. Indeed, the days of ‘going viral’ without some sort of leg up may now be a thing of the past.

Of course, nobody likes moving from organic to paid advertising, and when there’s real money involved, it’s important to understand every option available to you. What’s more, social ads can, in fact, both transform your business online and generate leads and sales in the process.  Book your 100% free Social Ads Audit with us today! Or you can contact our Social PPC agency to learn more!

Will Your Brand be our next happy Social Ads client ?

What are Social Ads?

Advertising on social media is a hyper-direct way to reach your audience. Be it the chance to target new customers, consolidate returning ones or complete some important research. The major social networks including Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn provide advertising opportunities aplenty.

Targeting teenagers? Try TikTok. Want to strike a chord with Gen X and Millennials? Get yourself on Instagram.

Is your main demographic aged 35-60? Facebook is your go-to platform.

Do you want to connect with career lead business professionals? LinkedIn Ads could well be the platform for your brand!

Indeed, social media ads are a sure-fire way to get noticed by a wider audience of your choosing.

But if you already are on these platforms how do you know if your budget is being spent wisely? Easy, simple book your free Social Ads Audit with us here.

We will help your campaigns go from good, to great!

Image showing the first three pages of PPC Geeks 100% Free Social Media Pay Per Click Ads Audit

Book Your 100% Free Social Ads Audit With Us Today & Get Better Results Fast!

Free Social Ads Audits are typically 20+ Pages and will give you actionable insight on how to get better results from your Social Ads spend! Just some of the areas we will report on are:

  • Account Structure & Settings🛠️🔩
  • Conversion Tracking 📈
  • Target Audiences 🎯
  • Deep Dives into The Highest Spending Areas 💰
  • Main KPIs Overview 📌
  • And Much More! 🏆

Get yours today and soon you should be getting better results from your Social Ads budget!

Why Use Social Ads?

From expanding your reach and visibility to increasing your conversion rate and boosting ROI, social media advertising enables you to target and retarget your ideal customers and market to them accordingly.

Though paid social media advertising on the likes of Instagram, LinkedIn and Facebook does require some sort of up-front investment, social ads can not only generate leads and business on their own merit, but they can also complement the organic campaigns that you are running simultaneously across multiple channels.

When Did Social Media Advertising Begin?

With the advent of the smartphone and social media apps, users could take their social networks with them wherever they went. These two inventions liberated social media from the desktop with the likes of Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and Twitter thriving in the new mobile app environment.

Furthermore, Facebook began to serve ads on its platform as early as 2006. Twitter followed soon after, enabling ads in 2010; while LinkedIn, Instagram and TikTok have tried to monetise their services through various forms of paid advertising since their inception.

Become A Social Ads Auditing Expert!

Embark on the journey of becoming a proficient social ads PPC auditing expert by delving into our complimentary guides below.

These invaluable resources will equip you with the essential insights and skills needed to navigate the intricacies of social advertising.

Follow our links and unlock a realm of knowledge that will empower you to excel in the realm of social media advertising audits.

Free Guides on Expert Level Social Ads Audits

Begin your quest to master the art of social ads auditing expertise by immersing yourself in our collection of free guides provided.

We have broken these down to Starter, Intermediate and Jedi Level guides. We highly recommend working through these in order before trying to do an audit yourself. Become a PPC expert before trying to audit your own accounts.

If all of this seems like a lot of work (and trust us we have done over 1000+ of these) we are happy to do this for you, just book your Social Ads Audit with us today!

We hope these resources will equip you with essential insights and skills necessary to navigate the complexities of social advertising.

Follow the links and unlock a treasure trove of knowledge that will empower you to excel in the realm of social media advertising audits.

But, remember, if all of this seems like a lot of hard work, we are happy to do this for you with our Free Social Ads Audit, simply book yours today!


Starter Auditing Guides:

If you are just starting out and want to learn more on the basics of auditing and how to do one yourself then work through these to get a better understanding.


Intermediate Auditing Guides:

So, you've been in digital marketing for a couple of years (congratulations) but aren't getting the results you want. Don't fear, bring your levels up with our intermediate auditing guides here. Please don't skip ahead through them. Take time, study them and put the actions into practice. We know your findings will help spur increased revenue and profits for your brand.


Jedi Level Auditing Guides:

Hello and welcome Yoda! Great to see you drop by! Okay, so you have several years in digital marketing, your hair (if you have any left) is likely greying (ours is)... But you still have a thirst for knowledge! Great! These in-depth, step by step guides are for you. We hope you enjoy and find our Expert Level social ads audit guides useful. If you do, please share them with your teams.

How Are Your Social Ads Doing?

Get your 100% Free Social Ads Audit here and find out How To Get Better Results Fast!

Social Ads Statistics You MUST Know About

  • Social ad spending is forecasted to increase by 20% year-on-year.
  • 52% of all online brand discovery still happens in public social feeds.
  • 72% of B2B marketers who use paid channels online use paid social ads.
  • 27% of internet users say they find new products and brands through paid social ads.
  • Weak social ads generate a negative emotional response in 1 second or less.

And in terms of platform specific advertising, the statistics continue to amaze:

  • 928.5 million people can be reached by paid ads on Instagram.
  • 92% of Instagram users say they’ve followed a brand, clicked on their website or made a purchase after seeing a product/ service on the platform.
  • Facebook ads reach 1.95 billion of the platform’s 2.5 billion monthly users.
  • 80% of social media referrals to ecommerce websites came from Facebook in 2019-20.
  • 89% of B2B marketers use LinkedIn for lead generation.

There’s no arguing how incredible some of these stats truly are. There’s also no doubt that social ads are a serious tool in an advertiser’s arsenal.

Types of Adverts on Facebook

There are a number of ways you can display your ads on Facebook. From photo ads to playable content, here are just a select number of options available to you:

1. Photo Ads

Data, as provided by Facebook, shows that a series of photo ads can drive more unique traffic than any other type of social ad format.

Social Ads - Facebook Ads image ad example - PPC Geeks

And, with photo ads, you get the best of both worlds as they also include 90 characters of text plus a 25 character headline to be included.

So, if you’ve got a tangible product to promote, a paid facebook photo ad is a great way to showcase it to the world.

2. Video Ads

Be it short, looping, or original videos, video ads - and rich media in general - is critical to any successful paid advertising campaign.

While short videos tend to have higher conversion rates, if you’ve got a compelling message that you want to get across to your target demographic, it’s better to invest in longer-form video. What’s more, video can clearly demonstrate your services and help you stand out more in a mostly static news feed.

3. Messenger Ads

Messenger ads are basically Facebook ads placed in the chat tab of the Facebook messenger app.

Social Ads - Facebook Ads messenger ad example - PPC Geeks

Appearing inbetween conversations, you can use messenger ads to start an automated conversation with a customer or link to your website. Indeed, over 1.3 billion people use Facebook messenger every month, so it’s certainly a tool not to be overlooked.

Notable mentions also include 15 second story ads, 10 image or video carousel ads, slideshow ads and mobile-only playable ads.

Are Your Social Ads Performing?

Get better results from your Social Media Pay Per Click spend by ordering your 100% Free Social Ads Audit here.

Learn How To Get Better Results Fast with one of the best PPC management brands in your corner!

Types of Instagram Ads

Instagram ads support the three main campaign goals: awareness, consideration and conversion. Moreover, there are a number of ways you can serve up your ads on Instagram. From carousel ads to stories and more, here are just some of the options available to you:

1. Carousel Ads

As part of an Instagram carousel, users can swipe to see multiple images.

Social Ads - Instagram Ads carousel ad example for stories - PPC Geeks

Though choice is good, it’s good to keep the images in your carousel as similar and tied together as possible by a common theme, be it colour, imagery or even language. It shouldn’t be harsh or conflicting to swide between the images in your carousel ad.

2. Explore Ads

Extending your ads into Instagram’s explore feed is a sure way to reach an already inquisitive audience looking for new accounts to interact with.

Social Ads - Instagram Ads explore ad example - PPC Geeks

The perfect way to position your content next to content that’s equally as relevant and, most importantly, trending, explore ads have the potential to reach up to 200 million-plus users. Though you won’t appear directly on the explore grid, you will once a user clicks on your photo.

3. Instagram Story Ads

Instagram story ads can use both photos and videos up to 120 seconds long and are displayed in full-screen format.

Indeed, Instagram stories also perform better when an interactive element is included.

Notable other ads include photo- and video-specific ads, collection ads and IGTV advertising respectively.

Get 5-Star YouTube Ads Results With Our Social Ads Audit

Types of LinkedIn Ads

LinkedIn is much more business-orientated than other social networks. Most importantly, LinkedIn provides targeting options based on professional qualifications like job role and position. HereDetails are just a select number of options to look out for:

1. Sponsored Content

Sponsored content ads appear in the LinkedIn news feed on both desktop and mobile. They’re used to place your content in front of a larger audience whilst still looking like an organic piece of content.

Social Ads - LinkedIn Ads sponsored content ad example - PPC Geeks

From single image ads and videos to carousel and text-based ads, there are a myriad of options available when it comes to sponsored content.

2. Sponsored InMail

Similar to email marketing, sponsored InMail goes directly to the LinkedIn users’ inbox. One unique feature that sets LinkedIn apart from the likes of Facebook messenger, for example, is that users only receive ad messages while they are active on LinkedIn. This means that messages never sit idle.

Social Ads - LinkedIn Ads sponsored messaging ad example - PPC Geeks

Be it more conversational or more direct, sponsored InMail has shown to generate invaluable leads on LinkedIn.

3. Text Ads

Text ads are small yet mighty, mostly because they appear at the top of your LinkedIn news feed. However, they only appear to desktop users, and not on mobile devices.

Social Ads - LinkedIn Ads sponsored text ad example - PPC Geeks

And, despite their name, text ads can actually include a thumbnail image.

Other notable ads include dynamic and video-based ads.

Is Your Brand Just Begining Its Social Media Journey? If So Setting Up Your Social Ads Campaign - Today - Could Be One Of The Best Things You Can Do!

Indeed, social media paid advertising, be it LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, or any other platform, should play a huge part in your marketing strategy if that is where your brand ambassadors are.

With an already standout past and a truly exciting future ahead, it’s a monumental moment to start immersing yourself in the world of paid social media marketing. Using the tips, tricks and useful hints we’ve outlined above to your advantage, you can now start creating impactful social campaigns that deliver on your goals and objectives.

Want to generate better results on Facebook? Book your free Facebook Ads Audit today!

Social Media Advertising Tips: Get Your Free Social Ads Review Today, It's The Best Thing You Can Do Today!

There’s a social media ad solution for every budget. That said, notwithstanding your budget, it’s best to understand some vital tips of the trade before thinking about throwing money at your campaign and hoping to generate the results you crave.

Our top tips are:

  • Get Your Free Social Ads Audit Today
  • Know your brands' goals
  • Understand your target audience
  • Let organic posts inform your PPC
  • Pay for what matters most to your brand

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