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PPC Audit Checklist: Diagnosing and Resolving Performance Issues


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Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising can be a powerful tool for driving traffic and generating leads. However, to make the most of your PPC campaigns, it’s essential to regularly audit and fine-tune them. This checklist will guide you through diagnosing and resolving performance issues in your PPC campaigns, ensuring you get the best return on your investment.

PPC Audit Checklist: Key Takeaways

  • Regular audits help identify and fix performance issues in PPC campaigns.
  • Evaluating campaign structure ensures your ads are well-organised and targeted.
  • Analysing ad performance can help pinpoint underperforming ads and improve ad copy.
  • Reviewing keyword strategy is crucial for targeting the right audience and avoiding wasted spend.
  • Utilising analytics and reporting tools can provide valuable insights for optimising your campaigns.

A professional image illustrating the assessment of ad group organisation in PPC campaigns. The scene features a computer displaying a dashboard with well-organised ad groups, performance metrics, and visual cues like checkmarks and magnifying glasses, emphasising structure and relevance in campaign performance.

Evaluating Campaign Structure

Assessing Ad Group Organisation

When we start evaluating a campaign, the first step is to look at the ad group organisation. A well-structured ad group can make a significant difference in performance. Disorganised ad groups can lead to wasted spend and missed opportunities. We should ensure that each ad group is tightly themed and relevant to the keywords and ads it contains. This helps in better targeting and improves the overall quality score.

Reviewing Campaign Objectives

Next, we need to review the campaign objectives. Are the campaigns aligned with the business goals? It’s crucial to set clear and measurable objectives. For instance, if the goal is to increase sales, the campaign should focus on conversion-oriented strategies. On the other hand, if brand awareness is the aim, then impressions and reach should be prioritised. Regularly reviewing and adjusting objectives ensures that the campaigns remain effective and relevant.

Analysing Geographic and Demographic Targeting

Finally, we analyse the geographic and demographic targeting. Are we reaching the right audience in the right locations? It’s important to tailor the campaigns to specific regions and demographics to maximise effectiveness. For example, a campaign targeting urban areas might perform differently than one targeting rural areas. Similarly, age, gender, and interests can significantly impact the success of a campaign. By fine-tuning these settings, we can ensure that the ads are shown to the most relevant audience, thereby improving performance.

A well-structured campaign is the foundation of successful PPC efforts. By carefully assessing ad group organisation, reviewing campaign objectives, and analysing geographic and demographic targeting, we can diagnose and resolve performance issues effectively.

A professional image illustrating the process of identifying underperforming ads in a PPC campaign. The scene features a computer displaying a dashboard with key metrics such as click-through rates (CTR) and conversion rates, with warning signs and downward arrows highlighting ads that need improvement.

Analysing Ad Performance (PPC Audit Checklist)

Identifying Underperforming Ads

We need to regularly check for ads that aren’t doing well. This helps us spot issues early and fix them. We should look at metrics like click-through rates (CTR) and conversion rates to see which ads need improvement.

Evaluating Ad Copy Effectiveness

The words in our ads matter a lot. We should test different versions to see which ones work best. A/B testing is a good way to do this. We can also use automated tools to help us. It’s important to make sure our ad copy matches what people are searching for. This makes our ads more relevant and effective.

Assessing Ad Extensions Usage

Ad extensions can make our ads more useful and attractive. They give extra information and can improve our ad’s performance. We should use extensions like site links, callouts, and structured snippets. These can help increase our ad’s visibility and click-through rate. It’s important to review and update our extensions regularly to keep them effective.

Regularly checking and updating our ads can help us stay ahead in the competitive world of PPC advertising. This ensures our ads are always performing at their best.

Reviewing Keyword Strategy

Conducting Keyword Research

We start by conducting thorough keyword research. This involves using tools like Google Keyword Planner or SEMrush to find relevant keywords. Identifying the right keywords is crucial for driving traffic. We look for a balance between search volume and competition. High search volume keywords can bring more traffic, but they are often more competitive.

Evaluating Keyword Match Types

Next, we evaluate the keyword match types. There are several match types to consider: broad match, phrase match, and exact match. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Broad match can capture a wide range of searches, while exact match targets very specific queries. We need to choose the right mix to maximise our reach and relevance.

Identifying Negative Keywords

Finally, we identify negative keywords. These are terms we want to exclude from our campaigns to avoid irrelevant traffic. By adding negative keywords, we can refine our targeting and improve the efficiency of our campaigns. This step is essential for combating wasted spend and ensuring our ads reach the right audience.

Regularly updating our keyword list is essential to stay current with industry trends and changes in user behaviour.

A professional image comparing manual and automated bidding strategies in PPC campaigns. The scene shows one side with a hand manually adjusting a bid on a computer screen, while the other side displays an automated system with gears making real-time adjustments. Charts and graphs highlight bid performance, with symbols like clocks and calculators representing the time and control factors.

Assessing Bidding Strategies

Comparing Manual vs. Automated Bidding

When we look at bidding strategies, we need to decide between manual and automated bidding. Manual bidding gives us full control over each bid, but it can be time-consuming. On the other hand, automated bidding uses algorithms to adjust bids in real-time. Choosing the right strategy depends on our campaign goals and available resources.

Evaluating Bid Adjustments

Bid adjustments allow us to increase or decrease bids based on specific conditions like device type, location, or time of day. This helps us optimise our budget and improve ad performance. For example, we might increase bids for mobile devices if we see higher conversion rates from mobile users.

Reviewing Cost-Per-Click (CPC) Trends

It’s crucial to keep an eye on CPC trends to understand how much we’re paying for each click. By analysing these trends, we can identify any sudden changes and adjust our bidding strategy accordingly. This ensures that we are not overspending and that our ads remain competitive.

Regularly reviewing our bidding strategies helps us stay competitive and make the most of our advertising budget.

Effective bidding strategies are key to achieving our marketing objectives and maximising return on investment.

Examining Landing Page Experience

Assessing Page Load Speed

Page load speed is crucial for user engagement. Slow-loading pages can drive users away, impacting both user experience and SEO performance. We should use tools like GTmetrix or Google’s PageSpeed Insights to measure and improve our page load times. Prioritising page speed during our audits can significantly enhance user satisfaction and conversion rates.

Evaluating Mobile Friendliness

With the increasing use of mobile devices, ensuring our landing pages are mobile-friendly is essential. We can use Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test to check how well our pages perform on mobile devices. A mobile-friendly design can improve user experience and reduce bounce rates.

Reviewing Content Relevance

Content relevance is key to keeping users engaged. We need to ensure that the content on our landing pages aligns with user intent and provides value. Regularly updating and optimising content can help maintain its relevance and effectiveness.

Neglecting the landing page experience can drastically reduce the overall success of our PPC campaigns. It’s not just about the ads; the landing page plays a significant role in conversions.

By focusing on these aspects, we can create a more effective and user-friendly landing page experience.

A professional image representing a PPC audit checklist focused on setting up conversion goals. The scene includes a computer displaying a checklist with items related to conversion goals, key events, and tracking, along with graphs showing conversion data. A crossed-out icon symbolises the exclusion of agency and employee visits.

Monitoring Conversion Tracking

PPC Audit Checklist: Setting Up Conversion Goals

To start, we need to set up conversion goals correctly. These goals, also known as key events, are essential for tracking the actions we want users to take on our site. Without proper goals, we can’t measure success. Make sure to exclude agency and employee visits to avoid skewed data.

Evaluating Conversion Data Accuracy

Next, we must ensure the accuracy of our conversion data. This involves linking our Google Ads account to GA4 and integrating it with Microsoft Ads. All trackable web pages should use GTM, Clarity, and GA4 codes. For online stores, the e-commerce module should be enabled by default.

Analysing Conversion Paths

Finally, we need to analyse conversion paths to understand the customer journey. Tools like GA4’s “Conversion Paths” and “Explorations” reports can help us see the entire journey. This insight is crucial for refining our PPC approach and improving overall performance.

Accurate conversion tracking is the backbone of any successful PPC campaign. It allows us to make informed decisions and optimise our strategies effectively.

Analysing Audience Targeting

Reviewing Audience Segmentation

When we review audience segmentation, we look at how well our ads are reaching the right people. It’s important to break down our audience into smaller groups based on their interests, behaviours, and demographics. This helps us create more targeted ads that resonate with each group. Effective segmentation can lead to higher engagement and better performance.

Evaluating Remarketing Lists

Remarketing is a powerful tool that allows us to target users who have previously interacted with our website or ads. By evaluating our remarketing lists, we can ensure that we are focusing on users who are more likely to convert. This involves checking the size and quality of our lists and making adjustments as needed. Remarketing helps us bring back potential clients who have shown interest in our services or products.

Assessing Demographic Targeting

Demographic targeting involves tailoring our ads to specific groups based on age, gender, income, and other factors. We need to assess whether our current demographic targeting is effective and make changes if necessary. This can help us reach the most relevant audience and improve our ad performance. For example, if we notice that a certain age group is not responding well to our ads, we might need to adjust our targeting settings.

Regularly reviewing and adjusting our audience targeting strategies is crucial for maintaining the effectiveness of our PPC campaigns. By focusing on the right audience, we can maximise our return on investment and achieve better results.

Reviewing Budget Allocation (PPC Audit Checklist)

Assessing Daily and Monthly Budgets

When we review our daily and monthly budgets, we need to ensure they align with our campaign goals. Using tools like the “Campaign” report, we can compare our daily budget numbers with actual spending. This helps us see which campaigns underutilise their budgets and which ones hit their limits regularly. Additionally, the “Auction Insights” report is useful for evaluating how budget limitations might affect our ad visibility compared to other companies, especially during high-traffic periods.

Evaluating Return on Ad Spend (ROAS)

Evaluating ROAS is crucial for understanding the effectiveness of our ad spend. By comparing the revenue generated from our ads to the amount spent, we can determine if our campaigns are profitable. Tools like budget simulation reports from the “Performance Planner” can forecast how changes in our daily budget might impact costs, conversions, and clicks. This data-driven approach helps us make informed decisions about budget allocation.

Identifying Wasted Spend

Identifying wasted spend is essential for optimising our budget. We should regularly audit our campaigns to find areas where money is being spent without yielding results. This includes reviewing keyword performance, ad placements, and targeting settings. By eliminating or adjusting underperforming elements, we can ensure our budget is used more efficiently.

Regularly reviewing and adjusting our budget allocation is key to maximising the effectiveness of our PPC campaigns. A well-allocated budget ensures that we are not only reaching our target audience but also getting the best return on our investment.

A professional image depicting the process of setting up custom reports for PPC campaigns. The scene includes a computer displaying a customised report with various charts, graphs, and key metrics, along with visual elements like magnifying glasses and filters, symbolising the focus on specific data and trends.

Utilising Analytics and Reporting Tools

Setting Up Custom Reports

Creating custom reports is essential for understanding the performance of our PPC campaigns. We can tailor these reports to focus on specific metrics that matter most to our business. This allows us to track progress and make informed decisions. Custom reports help us identify trends and areas that need improvement.

Using Google Analytics for PPC Insights

Google Analytics is a powerful tool for gaining insights into our PPC efforts. By linking our Google Ads account with Google Analytics, we can access detailed data on user behaviour after they click on our ads. This includes metrics like bounce rate, time on site, and conversion paths. These insights are crucial for optimising our campaigns and improving ROI.

Evaluating Performance Metrics

Regularly evaluating performance metrics is key to a successful PPC strategy. We should monitor metrics such as click-through rate (CTR), cost per click (CPC), and conversion rate. By analysing these metrics, we can determine which ads are performing well and which ones need adjustments. This ongoing evaluation helps us stay on top of our PPC game and ensures we are getting the best results from our campaigns.

Remember, data is the key to ecommerce success. It reveals the story behind customer interactions and transactional trends, guiding your decisions with precision.

Optimising Ad Scheduling (PPC Audit Checklist)

Reviewing Ad Delivery Times

When we look at ad delivery times, we need to understand when our audience is most active. This helps us ensure our ads are shown at the right moments. Peak times can vary based on the industry and target audience. We should regularly review performance data to adjust our schedules accordingly.

Assessing Dayparting Strategies

Dayparting allows us to schedule ads for specific times of the day. This can be particularly useful for businesses that see varying levels of engagement throughout the day. By analysing performance metrics, we can identify the best times to run our ads and reduce customer acquisition cost (CAC).

Evaluating Seasonal Trends

Seasonal trends can significantly impact ad performance. We need to be aware of these trends and adjust our ad schedules to match. For instance, holiday seasons or special events might require more aggressive ad scheduling. Keeping an eye on these patterns helps us stay ahead of the competition.

Regularly updating our ad schedules based on performance data ensures we are always reaching our audience at the most effective times.

Ensuring Compliance with Policies

Reviewing Ad Policy Compliance

We must ensure that our ads comply with all relevant policies. This includes checking for any prohibited content, such as misleading claims or inappropriate material. Regular audits help us stay on top of these requirements and avoid potential issues.

Assessing Landing Page Policy Adherence

Our landing pages need to follow specific guidelines to provide a good user experience. This means avoiding deceptive practices and ensuring that the content is relevant to the ad. We should also make sure that our pages load quickly and are mobile-friendly.

Evaluating Account Suspension Risks

It’s crucial to be aware of the risks that could lead to account suspension. This includes understanding the common reasons for suspensions, such as repeated policy violations or suspicious activity. By staying informed and proactive, we can minimise these risks and maintain a healthy account status.

Staying compliant with policies not only protects our account but also builds trust with our audience. It’s a vital part of our overall PPC strategy.

Making sure your business follows all the rules and guidelines is super important. It helps you avoid problems and keeps everything running smoothly. We have lots of resources to guide you.

PPC Audit Checklist: Conclusion

In conclusion, conducting a PPC audit is essential for maintaining the health and performance of your advertising campaigns. By regularly reviewing and optimising various elements such as keywords, bidding strategies, and ad creatives, you can ensure that your campaigns are running efficiently and effectively. Remember, a successful PPC campaign is not a set-it-and-forget-it endeavour; it requires ongoing attention and adjustments. By following the checklist and tips provided in this article, you’ll be well-equipped to diagnose and resolve any performance issues that arise, ultimately leading to better results and a higher return on investment.

A professional image depicting the final stage of a PPC audit checklist, featuring a computer displaying a completed checklist with items such as keywords, bidding strategies, and ad creatives. The scene includes upward-trending graphs, checkmarks, and gears symbolising optimisation, reflecting the importance of regular audits for campaign success.

PPC Audit Checklist: Frequently Asked Questions

What is a PPC audit?

A PPC audit is a detailed look at your pay-per-click campaigns to find out what’s working and what needs fixing. It helps improve the performance of your ads.

Why is it important to evaluate campaign structure?

Evaluating campaign structure ensures your ad groups and campaigns are well-organised. This makes it easier to manage and optimise your ads for better performance.

How do I identify underperforming ads?

You can find underperforming ads by looking at key metrics like click-through rates (CTR), conversion rates, and return on ad spend (ROAS). Ads that perform below average need attention.

What should I look for when reviewing keyword strategy?

When reviewing keyword strategy, check for relevant keywords, proper match types, and any negative keywords that might be wasting your budget.

How can I assess my bidding strategies?

You can assess your bidding strategies by comparing manual and automated bidding, evaluating bid adjustments, and reviewing cost-per-click (CPC) trends to see which method works best for you.

Why is landing page experience important?

A good landing page experience ensures visitors stay on your site and take action. Check page load speed, mobile friendliness, and content relevance to improve it.

What is conversion tracking and why is it important?

Conversion tracking measures the actions users take after clicking your ad, like making a purchase. It’s important because it helps you understand the effectiveness of your ads and optimise them for better results.

PPC Audit Checklist: How do I review budget allocation in PPC campaigns?

Review your daily and monthly budgets, evaluate your return on ad spend (ROAS), and identify any wasted spend to make sure you’re getting the most out of your budget.


Siobhain McConnell

Siobhain started her career in Software Engineering, diversifying her skillset to align with growing trends in Website Development and Internet Marketing. After spending a number of years in SEO consultancy, Siobhain is perfectly placed to translate technical data into language that empowers clients to make the best decisions for their business.

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