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The Post Audit Plan: Actionable Steps to Implement After Your UK PPC Audit


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After completing a PPC audit for your UK campaigns, the next steps are crucial. It’s not just about knowing what’s wrong; it’s about taking action to fix it. This article will guide you through actionable steps to implement post audit of your PPC account.

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding your PPC audit results helps identify strengths and weaknesses.
  • Setting clear and aligned objectives is essential for post-audit success.
  • Implementing quick changes can provide instant improvements.
  • Optimising your campaign structure can enhance overall performance.
  • Continuous monitoring and adjustments are necessary for long-term success.

The Post Audit Plan: Understanding Your PPC Audit Results

Interpreting Key Metrics

When we receive our PPC audit report, the first step is to understand the key metrics. These metrics include impressions, clicks, conversions, cost per click (CPC), and cost per acquisition (CPA). Each metric tells a different story about our campaign’s performance. For instance, a high number of impressions but low clicks might indicate that our ads are not engaging enough.

A sleek digital dashboard displaying key metrics from a PPC post-audit, including impressions, clicks, conversions, CPC, and CPA, set against a professional blue gradient background.

Identifying Strengths and Weaknesses (The Post Audit Plan)

Next, we need to identify the strengths and weaknesses of our campaigns. This involves looking at which keywords are performing well and which are not. We should also assess the effectiveness of our ad copy and landing pages. By pinpointing these areas, we can focus on what works and improve what doesn’t.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid

Finally, it’s crucial to be aware of common pitfalls in PPC campaigns. One common mistake is not setting clear goals. Without clear objectives, it’s hard to measure success. Another pitfall is ignoring the importance of continuous monitoring. Regular audits help us stay on top of our campaigns and make necessary adjustments.

Regular audits and continuous monitoring are essential for maintaining the effectiveness of your PPC campaigns. By leveraging the right tools and techniques, you can ensure that your campaigns are always optimised for the best performance.

Setting Clear Objectives Post Audit

Defining Your Goals

After a PPC audit, it’s crucial to set clear goals. We need to understand what we want to achieve. Are we aiming for more clicks, better conversion rates, or lower costs? Defining these goals helps us focus our efforts.

Aligning Objectives with Business Strategy (The Post Audit Plan)

Our PPC goals should match our overall business strategy. If our business aims to grow in a specific market, our PPC campaigns should target that market. This alignment ensures that our PPC efforts support our broader business objectives.

Prioritising Actionable Insights

Not all insights from the audit will be equally important. We should prioritise the most impactful ones. By focusing on the key areas, we can make the most significant improvements. This approach helps us use our resources effectively and achieve better results.

The Post Audit Plan: Implementing Immediate Changes

Quick Wins for Instant Impact

After a PPC audit, it’s crucial to act swiftly on the findings. We should focus on quick wins that can deliver immediate results. These might include adjusting ad schedules, refining audience targeting, or updating ad creatives. By making these changes, we can see a noticeable improvement in performance without a significant time investment.

A professional workspace where a marketing team implements changes based on a PPC post-audit, showing screens with ad schedules, audience targeting, and creative updates.

Adjusting Bids and Budgets (The Post Audit Plan)

One of the first steps post-audit is to review and adjust our bids and budgets. This ensures that we are allocating our resources effectively. We should increase bids on high-performing keywords and reduce spend on underperforming ones. This reallocation can lead to better ROI and more efficient use of our budget.

Refining Ad Copy and Keywords

Improving ad copy and keywords is another immediate change that can have a big impact. We need to ensure that our ad copy is compelling and relevant to our target audience. Additionally, refining our keyword list to include more specific and relevant terms can help improve our ad’s visibility and click-through rate.

By focusing on these immediate changes, we can quickly enhance our PPC campaign’s performance and set the stage for sustained growth.

The Post Audit Plan: Optimising Campaign Structure

Reorganising Ad Groups

To get the most out of our PPC campaigns, we need to ensure our ad groups are well-organised. Each ad group should have a clear theme and only include relevant keywords. This helps in improving the Quality Score and makes it easier to manage our campaigns. A well-structured ad group can significantly boost our ad performance.

Improving Keyword Match Types (The Post Audit Plan)

Choosing the right keyword match types is crucial. We should use a mix of broad, phrase, and exact match types to balance reach and relevance. Broad match types can help us discover new search terms, while exact match types ensure our ads show up for highly relevant searches. This strategy helps in reducing wasted spend and improving ROI.

Enhancing Ad Extensions

Ad extensions are a great way to increase our ad visibility without additional costs. We should make use of all available ad extensions, such as sitelinks, callouts, and structured snippets. These extensions provide extra information and can improve our click-through rates. Ad extensions are essential for making our ads more compelling and informative.

By focusing on these key areas, we can optimise our campaign structure and achieve better results from our PPC efforts.

The Post Audit Plan: Enhancing Conversion Tracking

Setting Up Accurate Tracking

To get the most out of our PPC campaigns, we need to ensure that our conversion tracking is set up correctly. This means tracking every click, call, live chat, form fill, and sale. Accurate tracking helps us measure our marketing ROI in detail. We should use tools like Google Analytics or Kissmetrics to track these events. It’s also important to regularly check that all tracking codes are working properly.

A digital marketing specialist setting up and testing conversion tracking in a modern office, focusing on accurate post-audit tracking for clicks, calls, and sales.

Analysing Conversion Data (The Post Audit Plan)

Once our tracking is set up, we need to dive into the data. Analysing conversion data helps us understand which campaigns, keywords, and ads are performing well. We can use this information to make informed decisions about where to allocate our budget. Tools like Hotjar or Crazy Egg can help us visualise user behaviour on our landing pages, giving us insights into what works and what doesn’t.

Using Insights for Improvement

The final step is to use the insights we’ve gained to improve our campaigns. This might involve tweaking ad copy, adjusting bids, or refining our keyword lists. By continuously testing and optimising, we can ensure that our PPC efforts are always improving. Remember, the goal is to make data-driven decisions that lead to better performance and higher ROI.

The Post Audit Plan: Budget Reallocation Strategies

Identifying High-Performing Campaigns

First, we need to identify which campaigns are performing well. This involves looking at key metrics like conversion rates, click-through rates, and return on ad spend (ROAS). By focusing on these metrics, we can pinpoint the campaigns that are driving the most value. High-performing campaigns should receive more budget to maximise their impact.

Reducing Wasted Spend (The Post Audit Plan)

Next, we should look at areas where money is being wasted. This could be on keywords that aren’t converting or on campaigns that have a high cost per conversion. By cutting down on these areas, we can free up budget to use more effectively elsewhere. It’s crucial to regularly review and adjust to ensure we’re not wasting resources.

Allocating Budget for Maximum ROI

Finally, we need to reallocate the budget to ensure we’re getting the best return on investment (ROI). This means putting more money into high-performing campaigns and less into those that aren’t delivering results. A balanced approach will help us achieve our business goals more efficiently.

By reallocating our budget strategically, we can ensure that every pound spent is driving the best possible results for our business.

The Post Audit Plan: Continuous Monitoring and Adjustment

Using Dashboards for Real-Time Insights

Dashboards are crucial for getting real-time insights into our PPC campaigns. They help us track key performance indicators (KPIs) and make quick, data-driven decisions. By setting up a strong dashboard system, we can greatly improve our ability to monitor campaign performance. Dashboards let us see metrics like click-through rates, conversion rates, and cost-per-click, so we can spot trends and issues right away.

A modern workspace with multiple screens displaying real-time PPC dashboards, focusing on continuous monitoring and adjustment post-audit.

Regular Performance Reviews (The Post Audit Plan)

To stay ahead, we need to regularly review our PPC strategies. This means going back to our audit data, doing quarterly checks, and having a full audit every year. By doing this, we can keep up with changes in algorithms, market conditions, and what customers want. Regular updates make sure our campaigns stay effective and match our business goals.

Adapting to Market Changes

The market is always changing, and so should our PPC campaigns. We need to be flexible and ready to adjust our strategies based on new trends and data. This might mean tweaking our audience targeting, changing our ad copy, or reallocating our budget. Being adaptable is key to staying competitive and achieving the best results.

Continuous monitoring and adjustment are essential for the long-term success of our PPC campaigns. By using dashboards, regularly updating strategies, and adapting to market changes, we can ensure our campaigns stay effective and deliver the best possible results.

The Post Audit Plan: Leveraging Advanced Tools and Techniques

Utilising Automation Tools

Automation tools can save us a lot of time and effort. By using automated bidding strategies, we can adjust bids based on real-time data. This helps us stay competitive without constantly monitoring our campaigns. Automation can free up time for strategic decision-making.

Incorporating AI and Machine Learning (The Post Audit Plan)

AI and machine learning are game-changers in PPC. These technologies can analyse vast amounts of data to identify patterns and trends. This allows us to make data-driven decisions that improve campaign performance. For example, AI can help us optimise ad placements and targeting.

Advanced Data Analysis Methods

Advanced data analysis methods enable us to dive deeper into our campaign metrics. By using tools like Google Analytics, we can track and analyse performance metrics such as impressions, clicks, and conversions. This helps us understand what’s working and what needs improvement. We can also segment our data by different dimensions like device, location, and time to get more insights.

Leveraging advanced tools and techniques is crucial for maximising the effectiveness of our PPC campaigns. It allows us to make informed decisions and stay ahead of the competition.

Here are some quick tips for achieving stellar results:

  • Use automated bidding strategies to save time.
  • Incorporate AI to analyse data and optimise campaigns.
  • Utilise advanced data analysis methods to gain deeper insights.

By following these steps, we can enhance our PPC performance and drive business growth.

The Post Audit Plan: Collaborating with Your PPC Team

Effective Communication of Findings

After completing a PPC audit, it’s crucial to share the results with your team. We need to ensure everyone understands the key insights and recommendations. Clear communication is essential for implementing changes effectively. Use simple language and visual aids like charts or tables to make the data more digestible.

Assigning Responsibilities (The Post Audit Plan)

Once the findings are communicated, the next step is to assign tasks. Each team member should know their specific responsibilities. This helps in avoiding confusion and ensures that all actionable insights are addressed. A well-defined task list can make a significant difference.

Tracking Progress and Accountability

To keep the momentum going, we must track the progress of each task. Regular check-ins and updates can help in maintaining accountability. Use project management tools to monitor the status of each task. This way, we can ensure that all changes are implemented on time and effectively.

Regular audits and continuous monitoring are essential for maintaining the effectiveness of your PPC campaigns. By leveraging the right tools and techniques, you can ensure that your campaigns are always optimised for the best performance.

The Post Audit Plan: Exploring New Opportunities

Testing New Ad Formats

After a PPC audit, it’s crucial to explore new ad formats. This can help us stay ahead of the competition and capture more audience attention. For instance, we might try video ads or interactive ads. These formats can be more engaging and lead to higher conversion rates. Testing different formats allows us to see what resonates best with our target audience.

Expanding Keyword Lists (The Post Audit Plan)

Another opportunity lies in expanding our keyword lists. By adding more relevant keywords, we can reach a broader audience. Tools like Google Keyword Planner can help us find new keywords that we might have missed. This step is essential for capturing more search traffic and improving our ad performance.

Entering New Markets

Finally, entering new markets can provide significant growth opportunities. We should consider targeting different geographical locations or demographics. This strategy can help us tap into new customer bases and increase our overall market share. It’s important to analyse market data and trends to make informed decisions about which markets to enter.

Exploring new opportunities is not just about trying new things; it’s about finding what works best for our business and audience.

The Post Audit Plan: Evaluating Long-Term Impact

Measuring ROI Over Time

After implementing changes from your PPC audit, it’s crucial to measure the return on investment (ROI) over time. This helps us understand the effectiveness of our strategies. Tracking ROI involves comparing the cost of our campaigns to the revenue generated. We should regularly review these metrics to ensure our efforts are paying off.

Assessing Overall Campaign Health (The Post Audit Plan)

To get a full picture of our campaign’s health, we need to look beyond just ROI. Metrics like click-through rates (CTR), conversion rates, and quality scores are essential. By monitoring these, we can identify areas that need improvement and make data-driven decisions. This holistic approach ensures we maintain a strong and effective campaign.

Planning Future Audits

Regular audits are key to continuous improvement. We should schedule audits at least twice a year to stay on top of our PPC performance. Each audit provides an opportunity to refine our strategies and adapt to market changes. By planning future audits, we can ensure our campaigns remain competitive and effective.

Regular audits are essential for maintaining the quality, relevance, and effectiveness of your content strategy. They reveal any issues that need to be fixed and ensure that your content is still performing as it should.

In summary, evaluating the long-term impact of our PPC efforts involves measuring ROI, assessing overall campaign health, and planning future audits. This comprehensive approach helps us stay ahead in the competitive PPC landscape.

Case Studies of Successful Post Audit Implementations

Real-World Examples

Let’s dive into some real-world examples of successful post-audit implementations. These case studies highlight how businesses have turned their PPC audit insights into actionable strategies, leading to significant improvements in their campaigns.

  1. E-commerce Retailer: After a comprehensive PPC audit, an e-commerce retailer identified that their audience targeting was too broad. By refining their audience segments, they saw a 30% increase in engagement rates and a 20% boost in conversions.
  2. Tech Startup: A tech startup discovered through their audit that their ad copy was not resonating with their target audience. They revamped their ad copy and keywords, resulting in a 25% increase in click-through rates (CTR) and a 15% rise in sales.
  3. Local Service Provider: A local service provider found that their budget allocation was inefficient. Post-audit, they reallocated their budget to high-performing campaigns, reducing wasted spend by 40% and increasing their return on investment (ROI) by 35%.

Key Takeaways from Success Stories

From these examples, we can extract several key takeaways:

  • Refine Audience Targeting: Narrowing down your audience can lead to higher engagement and conversions.
  • Revamp Ad Copy and Keywords: Ensuring your ad copy resonates with your audience is crucial for improving CTR and sales.
  • Reallocate Budget Efficiently: Focus your budget on high-performing campaigns to maximise ROI and reduce wasted spend.

Lessons Learned for Future Campaigns

These case studies also offer valuable lessons for future campaigns:

  • Continuous Monitoring: Regularly monitor and adjust your campaigns based on performance data.
  • Test and Learn: Always be open to testing new strategies and learning from the results.
  • Align with Business Goals: Ensure your PPC strategies are aligned with your overall business objectives for maximum impact.

By learning from these successful implementations, we can better understand the importance of a thorough PPC audit and the actionable steps that follow. This not only optimises our campaigns but also drives better results for our business.

Explore our case studies to see how businesses have thrived after our post-audit implementations. These success stories highlight the real impact of our strategies. Ready to transform your own business? Visit our website for a free PPC audit and start your journey to success today.


In conclusion, a thorough PPC audit is not just a one-time task but an ongoing process that can significantly enhance your campaign’s performance. By following the actionable steps outlined in this guide, you can identify areas of improvement, optimise your budget, and ultimately achieve better results. Remember, the key to successful PPC management lies in continuous monitoring, regular updates, and a willingness to adapt to new insights. With the right approach, your PPC campaigns can become a powerful tool for driving growth and achieving your business goals.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a PPC audit?

A PPC audit checks your pay-per-click campaigns to see what’s working well and what needs fixing. It helps make your ads better.

How often should I do a PPC audit?

You should do a PPC audit at least every three months. This helps keep your campaigns running smoothly and effectively.

Can a PPC audit really improve my ROI?

Yes, a PPC audit can help improve your return on investment (ROI) by finding and fixing problems in your campaigns.

What will I get from a PPC audit report?

A PPC audit report gives you insights into your campaign’s performance, areas that need improvement, and tips on how to make your ads better.

Do I need special tools for a PPC audit?

Yes, tools like Google Analytics, Google Ads Editor, and SEMrush can help you run a thorough PPC audit.

What happens if I’m not happy with the audit results?

If you follow the audit’s advice and don’t see improvements, some services might offer a refund. Always check the terms with your provider.

Can I do the PPC audit myself?

Yes, you can do it yourself if you have the right tools and knowledge. However, hiring experts can give you more detailed insights.

How much does a PPC audit cost?

The cost of a PPC audit varies. Some companies offer free initial audits, while detailed audits may have a fee. It’s best to ask for a quote.



I have a huge interest in marketing and the ever-changing digital world. I’ve developed a wide range of skills and gained a great deal of experience in my role as Account Executive here at PPC Geeks.

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