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Google Ads Localisation Tips for UK Businesses with a Global Reach: Speak Their Language


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In today’s global marketplace, UK businesses need to reach customers far and wide. Google Ads localisation is key to making sure your message hits home, no matter where your audience is. This article will guide you through the best practises for localising your Google Ads campaigns, helping you connect with customers around the world.

Key Takeaways

  • Localising your Google Ads can greatly improve ad performance and ROI.
  • Accurate translation of keywords and ad copy is essential for effective localisation.
  • Understanding local culture and consumer behaviour helps create relevant and engaging ads.
  • Using tools like Google Market Finder can help identify and analyse target markets.
  • Regular testing and optimisation are crucial for maintaining successful localised ad campaigns.

Understanding the Importance of Google Ads Localisation

Why Localisation Matters for UK Businesses

We’ve all heard the saying about reaching “the right people, in the right place, and at the right time.” But how we approach these people is just as crucial. Did you know that 72% of internet users prefer to browse and shop in their native language? This means that localising your Google Ads can help you tap into this significant audience.

The Impact of Google Ads Localisation on Ad Performance

Localising your Google Ads PPC can lead to several benefits:

  • Expand reach by covering high-intent search opportunities.
  • Improve quality scores by targeting localised searches with relevant ads and landing pages.
  • Reduce costs, as localised keywords often have lower competition compared to their English counterparts.

For example, in Sweden, the estimated bid for cryptocurrency searches is more than four times lower than in English-speaking markets.

Common Localisation Mistakes to Avoid

Avoid these common pitfalls when localising your Google Ads:

  1. Not translating all important assets, including sitelinks and callouts.
  2. Ignoring local slang and dialects, which can make your ads feel out of touch.
  3. Failing to provide context to your translation team, leading to poor-quality translations.

By avoiding these mistakes, you can ensure your localisation efforts are effective and resonate with your target audience.

Conducting Market Research for Effective Google Ads Localisation

Identifying Target Markets

Before diving into localisation, we need to pinpoint our target markets. This involves understanding where our current traffic is coming from and identifying potential new markets. Knowing our audience is crucial. We should look at demographics, cultural preferences, and purchasing behaviours. This helps us tailor our ads to meet local needs.

Analysing Local Competitors (Google Ads Localisation Tips)

Next, we should analyse local competitors. What are they doing right? What can we do better? By studying their strategies, we can find gaps in the market and opportunities for our ads. This step is essential for staying ahead in a competitive landscape.

Utilising Google Market Finder

Google Market Finder is a fantastic tool for exploring new markets. It provides insights into search volumes, competition levels, and market trends. Using this tool, we can make informed decisions about where to focus our localisation efforts. It’s a great way to ensure we’re targeting the right places with the right messages.

Conducting thorough market research is the foundation of any successful localisation strategy. It helps us understand our audience, outsmart our competitors, and make data-driven decisions.

Google Ads Localisation Tips: Adapting Keywords for Local Markets

Translating Keywords Accurately

When localising your Google Ads, it’s crucial to translate keywords accurately. A direct translation often misses the mark because search behaviour varies across regions. Instead, start by translating high-volume keywords and then build a unique list tailored to the local market. Proper keyword research is essential for both paid search and SEO.

Incorporating Local Slang and Dialects (Google Ads Localisation Tips)

Incorporating local slang and dialects can make your ads more relatable. For example, a term popular in one region might be unheard of in another. Use tools like Google Trends to identify these regional differences. This approach helps in reaching the right people in the right place.

Using Keyword Tools for Localisation

Utilise keyword tools designed for localisation, such as Google Keyword Planner and SEMRush. These tools can help you find relevant keywords and understand search volumes. Don’t forget to check your search terms report for any localised keywords that might have already appeared. This can offer valuable insights into what your audience is searching for.

Remember, a well-localised keyword strategy can significantly improve your ad performance and ROI.

Google Ads Localisation Tips: Designing Localised Landing Pages

Creating localised landing pages is crucial for connecting with your audience. Let’s explore how to make your landing pages resonate with local users.

Ensuring Consistency with Ad Copy

First, we need to ensure that our landing page content matches our ad copy. This consistency builds trust and improves user experience. If our ad promises a discount, the landing page should highlight that offer prominently.

Optimising for Local User Experience (Google Ads Localisation Tips)

Next, we should focus on the local user experience. This means considering local preferences and behaviours. For instance, if we’re targeting a market that prefers mobile browsing, our landing page must be mobile-friendly. User experience is key to keeping visitors engaged.

Using Local Testimonials and Case Studies

Finally, incorporating local testimonials and case studies can significantly boost credibility. When potential customers see that others in their area have had positive experiences, they’re more likely to convert. Highlighting local success stories can make a big difference.

Remember, a well-designed localised landing page can turn visitors into customers by making them feel understood and valued.

Google Ads Localisation Tips: Setting Up Language Targeting in Google Ads

Selecting Target Languages

When setting up language targeting in Google Ads, the first step is to choose the languages your customers speak. This ensures your ads reach the right audience. Google supports over 50 languages, so you have plenty of options. Remember, your ad copy must also be in a supported language.

Creating Separate Campaigns for Each Language (Google Ads Localisation Tips)

To maximise effectiveness, we recommend creating separate campaigns for each language. This allows for more precise targeting and better performance tracking. For instance, if you’re targeting both English and Spanish speakers, create distinct campaigns for each.

Using Negative Keywords for Precision

Negative keywords help refine your targeting by excluding certain terms. For example, if you’re advertising jelly to American English speakers, you might add “jam” as a negative keyword to avoid showing your ad to British users. This ensures your ads are shown to the most relevant audience.

Setting up language targeting in Google Ads is crucial for reaching your ideal customers and maximising ad performance. By selecting the right languages, creating separate campaigns, and using negative keywords, you can ensure your ads are both effective and efficient.

Google Ads Localisation Tips: Testing and Optimising Localised Ads

A/B Testing Different Ad Versions

To find out what works best, we need to run A/B tests on different ad versions. This means creating two or more variations of an ad and seeing which one performs better. For example, we might test a native language ad against an English one to see which gets more clicks.

Monitoring Performance Metrics (Google Ads Localisation Tips)

It’s crucial to keep an eye on performance metrics like click-through rates (CTR), conversion rates, and cost per click (CPC). These numbers tell us how well our ads are doing and where we might need to make changes.

Adjusting Bids Based on Local Competition

We should also adjust our bids based on local competition. If a keyword is highly competitive in one market, we might need to bid higher to get our ad seen. On the other hand, if there’s less competition, we can lower our bids to save money.

Remember: Testing and optimising are ongoing processes. We need to keep tweaking our ads to get the best results.

Google Ads Localisation Tips: Leveraging Local Insights for Better Ad Performance

Understanding Local Consumer Behaviour

To truly connect with our audience, we need to understand their behaviour. This means diving into local trends, preferences, and habits. Knowing what drives local consumers can help us tailor our ads to meet their specific needs. For instance, in some regions, people might prefer online shopping late at night, while in others, mornings might be more popular.

Engaging with Local Customers (Google Ads Localisation Tips)

Engaging directly with local customers can provide invaluable insights. We can achieve this through surveys, feedback forms, or even social media interactions. By listening to their feedback, we can refine our ad strategies to better resonate with them. This not only improves our ad performance but also builds trust and loyalty among our audience.

Incorporating Local Events and Trends

Local events and trends can significantly impact consumer behaviour. By aligning our ads with these events, we can make our campaigns more relevant and timely. For example, promoting a special offer during a local festival can attract more attention and drive higher engagement. Staying updated with local happenings ensures our ads remain fresh and appealing.

Utilising Tools and Resources for Google Ads Localisation

Translation Services and Software

When it comes to localisation, choosing the right translation services and software is crucial. Professional translation services ensure that your content is not only translated accurately but also culturally relevant. Many global brands rely on Language Service Providers (LSPs) to find skilled translators who are native speakers and understand the local culture. For software, a Translation Management System (TMS) like Localise can streamline your workflow, making it easier to manage translations across various platforms.

Localisation Workflow Management Tools

Managing a localisation project can be complex, but the right tools can simplify the process. Localisation workflow management tools help you keep track of your projects, deadlines, and team communications. These tools often integrate with popular platforms like WordPress and Shopify, making it easier to update and publish localised content. Lokalise, for example, offers features like in-context editing and automated content detection, which can significantly improve your workflow.

Best Practises for Working with Translators

Working effectively with translators is key to a successful localisation strategy. Provide as much context as possible to your translation team to avoid misunderstandings. Use visual aids like screenshots to give translators a better understanding of where and how the text will be used. This approach not only improves the quality of translations but also speeds up the process. Remember, the more context you provide, the better the outcome.

Localisation is not just about translating words; it’s about conveying the right message to the right audience. Using the right tools and resources can make this process much more efficient and effective.

Budgeting for Localised Google Ads Campaigns

Allocating Budget for Different Markets

When planning your budget for localised Google Ads campaigns, it’s crucial to allocate funds wisely across different markets. Each market has its own unique characteristics and demands. We should consider factors like local competition, average cost-per-click (CPC), and potential return on investment (ROI). Understanding these variables helps us make informed decisions and ensures that our budget is used effectively.

Estimating Costs for Translation and Localisation

Translation and localisation are essential for reaching a global audience. However, these services come with their own costs. We need to estimate expenses for translating ad copy, keywords, and landing pages. Additionally, incorporating local slang and dialects can enhance the effectiveness of our ads. Partnering with a reliable PPC ad agency can streamline this process and ensure quality results.

Maximising ROI with Localised Ads

To maximise ROI, we must continuously monitor and adjust our campaigns. This involves A/B testing different ad versions, analysing performance metrics, and adjusting bids based on local competition. By leveraging local insights and trends, we can create more relevant and engaging ads. Working with experienced Google ads agencies can provide valuable expertise and support in optimising our campaigns.

Budgeting for localised Google Ads campaigns requires careful planning and ongoing optimisation. By understanding the unique needs of each market and leveraging local insights, we can achieve better ad performance and maximise our ROI.

Legal and Ethical Considerations in Google Ads Localisation

Complying with Local Advertising Regulations

When localising Google Ads, it’s crucial to follow the advertising rules of each target market. Different countries have unique laws that govern what can and cannot be advertised. For instance, some products might be legal in one country but banned in another. Ignoring these regulations can lead to severe penalties and damage your brand’s reputation.

Respecting Cultural Sensitivities

Understanding and respecting cultural differences is key to successful localisation. What works in one country might be offensive in another. For example, certain colours, symbols, or phrases might have different meanings. We must ensure our ads are culturally appropriate to avoid offending potential customers.

Ensuring Data Privacy and Security (Google Ads Localisation Tips)

Data privacy laws vary from country to country. The EU’s GDPR is one of the strictest, requiring businesses to protect user data and obtain explicit consent before collecting it. We need to be aware of and comply with these laws to maintain trust and avoid hefty fines.

Localisation isn’t just about translation; it’s about adapting to the local culture and legal landscape. This ensures our ads are effective and respectful.

Common Localisation Mistakes to Avoid

  1. Overlooking Local Laws: Always research and understand the local advertising laws.
  2. Ignoring Cultural Nuances: Pay attention to cultural differences to avoid offending your audience.
  3. Neglecting Data Privacy: Ensure compliance with local data privacy regulations to protect user information.

By addressing these legal and ethical considerations, we can create Google Ads campaigns that are not only effective but also respectful and compliant with local norms and laws.

When localising content, it’s crucial to consider both legal and ethical aspects. Different regions have unique laws and cultural norms that must be respected. Ignoring these can lead to serious consequences, including legal action and loss of trust. To ensure your localisation efforts are both effective and compliant, visit our website for expert guidance.


Localising your Google Ads is not just a good idea; it’s essential for reaching a global audience effectively. By tailoring your ads to the language and culture of your target market, you can significantly improve your ad performance and return on investment. Remember, it’s not just about translating words; it’s about understanding and connecting with your audience on a deeper level. With the right approach, tools, and a bit of creativity, your UK business can thrive in international markets. So, start localising today and watch your global reach expand!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Google Ads localisation?

Google Ads localisation means tailoring your ads to fit the language and culture of different target markets. This helps make your ads more relevant to local audiences.

Why is localisation important for UK businesses?

Localisation is crucial because it helps UK businesses reach a wider audience by making ads more relatable and effective in different regions. It can lead to better engagement and higher conversion rates.

How does localisation improve ad performance?

Localisation improves ad performance by making ads more relevant to the target audience. When people see ads in their own language and cultural context, they are more likely to engage and take action.

What are common mistakes to avoid in localisation?

Common mistakes include poor translations, ignoring local slang and dialects, and not considering cultural differences. These errors can make your ads less effective or even offensive to local audiences.

How can I find the right keywords for local markets?

Use keyword tools that focus on local search trends, and don’t just translate keywords—adapt them to fit local slang and common phrases. Google Market Finder can also help identify popular local keywords.

What should I consider when writing localised ad copy?

Ensure your ad copy follows local spelling and grammar rules. Use culturally relevant references and make sure the message resonates with the local audience. Testing different versions can help find the most effective copy.

How do I set up language targeting in Google Ads?

In Google Ads, you can select target languages when creating a campaign. It’s often best to create separate campaigns for each language to ensure your ads reach the right audience.

What tools can help with localisation?

Translation services and software, localisation workflow management tools, and keyword research tools are all helpful. These tools can streamline the process and improve the quality of your localised ads.


Rory Bettany

Rory has worked with a variety of businesses in different industries around the world to deliver results based, data driven digital marketing strategies.

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