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Latest Google Ads Features of 2024: Stay Updated!


As we step through the new year, advertisers need to stay informed about the latest Google Ads PPC features and trends. In this article, we will explore the key takeaways from the latest Google Ads features of 2024, focusing on AI-powered features, automation, broad match emphasis, video advertising growth, and visual search experience.

Key Takeaways

  • Increased AI-Powered Features
  • Growing Automation and Smart Bidding
  • Focus on Broad Match
  • Rise in Video Advertising
  • Enhanced Visual Search Experience

Latest Google Ads Features of 2024

AI-Powered Features

The advent of AI in Google Ads has revolutionised the way campaigns are managed and optimised. Predictive analytics now play a pivotal role in campaign management, allowing marketers to anticipate and respond to market trends and potential challenges ahead of time. This proactive approach is complemented by AI’s continuous learning capabilities, which refine advanced strategies for Google Ads based on a wealth of data.

One of the most talked-about introductions is the semi-autonomous ad creation within the Performance Max (PMAX) campaign type. Here, advertisers can input text assets, and with the rapid development of AI, we’re on the cusp of seeing AI-generated imagery becoming a standard feature. This shift is not just about efficiency; it’s about harnessing the creativity that AI can bring to the table, offering a blend of human insight and machine precision.

Properly calculating Google Ads ROI is crucial for effective Google PPC marketing. Common mistakes include undefined conversions, improper tracking, and focusing on wrong metrics. Optimise successful Google Ads campaigns for better results.

The table below highlights the key AI-powered features that are setting the stage for a new era in digital Google pay per click advertising:

Feature Description
Predictive Analytics Forecasts potential campaign outcomes to inform strategy adjustments.
Continuous Learning Refines strategies with each new piece of data, improving over time.
Semi-Autonomous Ad Creation Leverages AI to create ads from advertiser inputs, soon to include imagery.

As we embrace these advancements, the role of the marketer evolves towards more strategic decision-making and creative input, leveraging AI’s insights for maximum impact.

Demand Generation campaigns:

Demand Generation campaigns: These campaigns use AI to target businesses that are actively researching solutions your product or service offers. This can be a great way to reach high-value leads who are already interested in what you have to offer.

Demand generation campaigns powered by AI offer a valuable tool for businesses to reach high-value leads. Here are some key points to consider:


  • Targeted reach: AI algorithms analyse vast amounts of data to identify businesses actively researching solutions your product or service addresses, eliminating wasted ad spend on irrelevant audiences.
  • Increased efficiency: By focusing on qualified leads, you can maximise your marketing budget and get a higher return on investment (ROI).
  • Personalisation: AI can personalise ad messaging based on specific business needs and pain points, increasing engagement and conversion rates.
  • Scalability: AI-powered campaigns can adapt and learn in real-time, automatically optimising targeting and messaging for better results.

Things to remember:

  • Defining your ideal customer: Clearly define your target audience and their specific needs to ensure the AI effectively identifies them.
  • Setting campaign goals: Determine what you want to achieve, be it website traffic, brand awareness, or lead generation, to guide the AI optimisation.
  • Data quality: The success of AI-powered campaigns relies on good data quality. Ensure your customer data is accurate and up-to-date.
  • Compliance: Be mindful of data privacy regulations and ensure your targeting methods comply with relevant laws.

Overall, demand generation campaigns powered by AI can be a powerful tool to reach potential customers actively seeking solutions. By understanding the benefits and considerations, you can leverage this technology to drive qualified leads and grow your business.

Performance Max asset creation:

Performance Max asset creation: This feature uses AI to suggest text, images, and videos for your dynamic ad campaigns. This can be a great way to save time and create more effective ads.

Performance Max asset creation, powered by AI, can be a valuable tool for businesses looking to streamline their ad campaign creation process and potentially improve performance. Here’s a closer look at the benefits and considerations:


  • Saves time: Instead of manually creating numerous text variations, images, and videos, AI can suggest options based on your website and campaign goals, saving you significant time and effort.
  • Expands reach: Performance Max campaigns automatically appear across various Google inventory, so having diverse assets can cater to wider audiences on different platforms.
  • Improves performance: AI can analyse vast amounts of data to understand what resonates with your target audience, potentially leading to more effective ad combinations and results.


  • Limited control: While you can choose and edit suggested assets, AI ultimately generates them, potentially reducing control over the exact messaging and visuals used.
  • Brand consistency: Ensure the AI-generated assets align with your brand voice and image to maintain a cohesive experience for your audience.
  • Performance monitoring: Keep a close eye on campaign performance and adjust asset combinations as needed to optimise results.

Overall, AI-powered asset creation for Performance Max campaigns can be a valuable tool, but it’s important to understand its limitations and use it strategically within your broader marketing efforts.

Responsive Search Ads (RSAs): A Comprehensive Guide

What are RSAs?

Responsive Search Ads are a flexible ad format by Google Ads that allows you to create a single ad with multiple headlines and descriptions. Google then tests different combinations of your provided assets and shows the combination it predicts to perform best for each individual search query. This helps deliver more relevant and impactful ads to potential customers.

Benefits of RSAs:

  • Increased reach and relevance: Show more relevant messages to users based on their specific searches.
  • Improved performance: Google’s machine learning optimises ad combinations for better click-through rates (CTRs).
  • Reduced workload: Create one ad template instead of multiple static ads, saving time and effort.
  • Flexibility: Experiment with different headlines and descriptions to find the best performing combinations.

Recent RSA Updates:

  • Single headline display: Google might show only one headline if predicted to improve performance.
  • Campaign-level assets: Up to 3 headlines and 2 descriptions can be associated at the campaign level, even pinning them to specific positions.
  • Account-level automated assets: Generate headlines and descriptions based on your account details.

Creating Effective RSAs:

  • Headlines: Write clear, concise headlines that highlight your unique selling proposition (USP) and include relevant keywords. Use a minimum of 3, up to 15 headlines.
  • Descriptions: Provide additional information and a call to action (CTA). Use a minimum of 2, up to 4 descriptions.
  • Pinning: Pin high-performing assets to specific positions for guaranteed inclusion.
  • Experimentation: Continuously test different headline and description combinations to find the best performers.
  • Negative keywords: Exclude irrelevant searches to avoid wasted ad spend.

Limitations of RSAs:

  • No direct image or video inclusion: Use Responsive Display Ads (RDAs) for visual elements.
  • Less control over ad appearance: Google chooses the best-performing combination, which might not always be your preferred one.

Additional Tips:

  • Track performance: Monitor key metrics like impressions, clicks, and conversions to measure RSA effectiveness.
  • Compare to other ad formats: Test RSAs against expanded text ads or RDAs to see which performs best for your campaigns.
  • Stay updated: Google Ads evolves frequently, so keep yourself informed about future RSA updates and other ad format changes.

I hope this comprehensive guide provides you with everything you need to know about Responsive Google Paid Search Ads. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask!

Responsive Search Ad (RSA) asset updates:

Responsive Search Ad (RSA) asset updates: These updates allow you to add more text, images, and videos to your RSAs, which can help you create more engaging and relevant ads.

Recent RSA updates:

  • Single headline display: Google Ads might now show just one headline if predicted to improve performance.
  • Campaign-level assets: Up to 3 headlines and 2 descriptions can be associated at the campaign level, even pinning them to specific positions.
  • Account-level automated assets: Generate headlines and descriptions based on your account details.

What cannot be added to RSAs:

  • Images: Currently, including images directly within RSAs is not possible. However, you can leverage responsive display ads (RDAs) for image and video elements.
  • Videos: Similar to images, video embedding within RSAs isn’t supported. RDAs or separate YouTube video ads are the options for video content.

Additional thoughts:

  • Although you can’t add images or videos directly, compelling headlines and descriptions can still create engaging and relevant ads. Utilise strong calls to action and highlight unique selling points.
  • Consider RDAs when visual elements are crucial for your campaign.

Google’s focus on privacy for 2024 & Beyond

Google’s focus on privacy has become increasingly prominent in recent years, driven by a combination of factors like:

  • Shifting user expectations: Users are demanding more control over their data and greater transparency in how it’s used.
  • Regulatory pressure: Data privacy regulations like GDPR and CCPA are forcing companies to rethink their data practices.
  • Competitive landscape: Other tech giants are also making privacy a priority, putting pressure on Google to keep up.

Here are some key aspects of Google’s current privacy focus:

Transparency and Control:

  • Privacy Checkup: This tool allows users to review and manage their privacy settings across various Google products.
  • My Account: This hub offers centralised access to privacy controls, data deletion options, and download tools.
  • Incognito Mode: Enhanced incognito mode provides more privacy browsing options.

Data Minimisation and Collection:

  • Privacy Sandbox: This initiative aims to develop new advertising technologies that respect user privacy while still enabling targeted ads.
  • Federated Learning: This technique allows training machine learning models without centralising user data.
  • Differential Privacy: This approach adds noise to data sets to protect individual privacy while preserving insights.

Regulatory Compliance:

  • GDPR and CCPA compliance: Google has implemented measures to comply with these regulations.
  • Collaboration with policymakers: Google engages with policymakers on developing effective privacy frameworks.

Challenges and Criticisms:

  • Balancing privacy with ad revenue: Google’s business model relies on targeted advertising, which can conflict with privacy goals.
  • Privacy Sandbox effectiveness: Some experts are sceptical about the Privacy Sandbox’s ability to deliver effective ads while respecting privacy.
  • Data collection concerns: Despite efforts, Google still collects a significant amount of user data, raising concerns about potential misuse.

Consent Mode v2:

This specific feature within Google Cloud helps developers manage data privacy permissions within their apps. It provides tools to:

  • Obtain informed consent: Guide users through data collection permissions with clear language and options.
  • Manage consent preferences: Allow users to easily control what data is collected and used.
  • Comply with regulations: Align data practices with relevant privacy regulations like GDPR.

While Google has made strides in its privacy focus, it’s important to stay informed about ongoing developments and critically evaluate its initiatives.

Search Themes in Performance Max (PMax)

Search Themes in Performance Max (PMax) are a powerful tool for expanding your reach and targeting users based on broader search topics. Here’s a breakdown of everything you need to know:

What are Search Themes?

  • They’re keywords or short phrases (under 80 characters) that describe relevant topics for your business.
  • They act as signals to Google’s AI, helping it understand what kind of audience you want to reach across all PMax channels (Search, YouTube, Discover, Display, Gmail, Maps).
  • Unlike traditional keywords, they’re not exact match, meaning your ads can show for related searches based on user intent.

Benefits of using Search Themes:

  • Reach new audiences: Go beyond keywords and target users in the early stages of their buying journey who might not use specific keywords yet.
  • Improve campaign performance: Provide Google AI with clearer guidance, potentially leading to more relevant placements and conversions.
  • Fill in campaign gaps: Identify areas where your PMax campaign might be missing out and supplement them with relevant themes.
  • Gain insights: Track performance based on search themes in your reports to see which ones resonate most with your audience.

How to use Search Themes:

  • Add them to your PMax asset groups, up to 25 per group.
  • Think broadly about relevant topics, product categories, or user interests.
  • Use a mix of broad and specific themes to capture a wider audience.
  • Monitor performance and adjust your themes based on results.

Additional things to know:

  • Search themes are still in beta, so features and functionality might evolve.
  • They complement, not replace, your existing keyword research for Google PPC strategy.
  • They respect your negative keywords and brand exclusions.
  • They have the same prioritisation as phrase match and broad match keywords in Search campaigns.

Automation and Smart Bidding

The landscape of Google Ads is continually evolving, with automation and smart bidding taking centre stage in 2024. These advancements are not just about efficiency; they represent a paradigm shift in how campaigns are managed. Smart bidding strategies, such as Target CPA and ROAS, are now integral components of a successful campaign, leveraging the power of AI to optimise for the best possible outcomes.

With the marketer’s role transitioning towards strategic decision-making and creative input, the reliance on AI to handle the analytical heavy lifting has never been greater. This shift is a testament to the effectiveness of automation in ad creation and audience targeting.

Smart bidding has proven its worth by using machine learning to optimise conversions and conversion values in real-time auctions. Here’s a quick glance at some of the popular strategies:

  • Enhanced Cost-Per-Click (cost per click Google)
  • Target Cost-Per-Acquisition (CPA)
  • Target Return on Advertising Spend (ROAS)

Each business will find a strategy that best fits its unique needs, with many small businesses finding success with Maximise Conversions with Target CPA. As these technologies continue to mature, we can expect even more sophisticated and tailored solutions to emerge, further cementing the role of PPC as an essential tool in digital marketing.

Emphasis on Broad Match

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital advertising, Google has placed a renewed emphasis on broad match keywords within its Ads platform. This strategic pivot is underpinned by a burgeoning confidence in smart bidding and the AI’s capacity to learn and refine its targeting over time. Advertisers are now being nudged to embrace this broader approach, which marks a departure from the granular control of yesteryears, where specific match types and negative keywords were meticulously curated to capture precise queries.

The more data fed into the system, the more adept it becomes at aligning with your campaign goals. However, this shift has not been without its sceptics. Many seasoned marketers, accustomed to the fine-tuning capabilities of Google Ads, view the diminishing transparency with a degree of wariness. They recall a time when the power to shape campaigns was firmly in their hands, allowing for a tailored presence in the search landscape.

Despite these reservations, the trend towards AI-driven optimisation is unmistakable. It promises efficiency and a potential for performance that manual methods may struggle to match.

It’s important to note that while Google Ads and Analytics share common ground, they differ in several key aspects such as attribution models, conversion counting, date/time stamp, reporting freshness, and phone call conversions. These differences can significantly impact how broad match keywords perform and are measured across campaigns.

Video Advertising Growth

The landscape of video advertising is undergoing a significant transformation, with a marked shift towards short-form video ads. Platforms like YouTube have introduced features such as the bumper machine, enabling advertisers to convert sub-90-second videos into a series of bumper ads, ready to captivate audiences on the YouTube network. This innovation is a response to the growing popularity of platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels, which have set the trend for bite-sized content.

Advertisers are now able to target YouTube Shorts as a placement, offering a new avenue to engage with users who prefer quick and engaging content. The ease of setup and AI-driven ad creation tools are expected to further boost the use of Shorts among marketers.

  • Simplified ad setup process
  • AI-driven ad creation
  • Targeting YouTube Shorts as a placement

The emphasis on video is not just a trend but a strategic move. Video content has proven to be a powerful tool for business reach, aesthetic appeal, and cost-effectiveness. With Google’s decision to discontinue third-party pixel tracking on YouTube, the Ads Data Hub is set to provide more comprehensive reporting and measurement, ensuring advertisers can gauge the effectiveness of their ads across different screens.

In the realm of mobile content, video reigns supreme. Those without video advertising experience risk falling behind, as video ads are not only impactful but also relatively low in cost.

As we continue to witness the growth of video advertising, it’s clear that businesses must adapt to stay competitive. The Google Ads Expert can offer invaluable PPC services, including new Discovery Ad features for an improved ad experience, creative support, audience insights, and campaign management. Trust in expertise for Google Ads success.

Visual Search Experience

The visual search experience is transforming how users interact with Google Ads, offering a more intuitive and immediate way to find products. Visual search allows users to search using images rather than text, streamlining the path from discovery to purchase. For instance, snapping a photo of an item can directly lead to shopping links for that product, bypassing the need for keyword searches.

To capitalise on this trend, businesses should consider building a comprehensive photo catalogue of their offerings. Enhancing images with accurate metadata ensures they are properly indexed by search engines, making them easily discoverable through visual searches.

Embracing visual search can significantly enhance user engagement and conversion rates.

Keep an eye on future enhancements such as Augmented Reality (AR) integration, dynamic image ads, and video content within search ads, which are poised to further enrich the visual search landscape.

Stay ahead of the curve with the latest Google Ads features of 2024! Our comprehensive guide on our website delves into the newest innovations, including Video Ads, App Ads, and Feed Optimisation, ensuring your campaigns are more effective than ever. Don’t miss out on harnessing these cutting-edge tools for your business. Visit our website now to explore the full range of services and book your free PPC audit to maximise your advertising potential!

Conclusion on the latest Google Ads Features of 2024

In conclusion, the latest Google Ads features of 2024 bring a wave of innovation and efficiency to online advertising. With advancements in AI-powered tools, automation, and audience targeting, advertisers can expect better results and a more targeted approach to reaching their audience. The evolving landscape of Google Ads presents opportunities for businesses of all sizes to enhance their online presence and drive growth. Stay informed, adapt to the changes, and leverage the power of Google Ads to stay ahead in the digital marketing realm.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the key trends predicted for Google Ads in 2024?

The key trends predicted for Google Ads in 2024 include the release of more AI-powered features, increased emphasis on automation and smart bidding, a focus on broad match targeting, growth in video advertising, and a more visual search experience.

How can Google Ads benefit businesses in 2024?

Google Ads can benefit businesses in 2024 by providing a cost-effective way to reach a targeted audience, offering flexible ad management options, and supporting various ad formats like Google Search Ads, Google Shopping Ads, and more.

What targeting options are available in Google Ads for businesses?

Google Ads provides businesses with targeting options such as demographic targeting based on location, age, gender, and device type, keyword targeting based on relevant keywords, and remarketing ads to target users who have previously interacted with their ads or website.

Is Google PPC worth it?

To help you work out is Google PPC worth it please follow these steps.

The effectiveness of Google Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising for your business hinges on various key factors tailored to your unique requirements and objectives. Here’s an enhanced evaluation to aid in your decision-making process:


  • Immediate Visibility: PPC campaigns catapult your site into the spotlight quickly, contrasting with the slow-burning nature of SEO.
  • Precise Targeting: Tailor your reach to the tee, targeting by demographics, interests, locations, and keywords to pinpoint your ideal clientele.
  • Quantifiable Metrics: Every element of your campaign is trackable, from clicks to conversions, facilitating informed decisions and strategic optimizations for unparalleled ROI.
  • Boosted Brand Recognition: Your ads serve a dual purpose, driving potential clicks while passively elevating your brand’s profile among your target audience.
  • SEO Synergy: PPC acts as a perfect adjunct to integrating Google Ads with your SEO, bridging visibility gaps and providing a testing ground for keyword efficacy prior to SEO investment.


  • Budgetary Implications: The pay-per-click model means costs accrue with each click, potentially depleting budgets rapidly if campaigns are not finely tuned.
  • Fierce Competition: Highly sought-after keywords come at a premium, especially in saturated markets, making it a costly endeavour.
  • Ongoing Management: Success in PPC is not set-and-forget; it demands continuous PPC monitoring and adjustment to stay ahead of the curve.
  • Ephemeral Presence: Unlike the lasting impact of organic SEO efforts, PPC’s benefits vanish the moment you cease funding.

Decision Criteria:

  • Financial Resources: Assess your budgetary flexibility for ongoing click costs.
  • Market Dynamics: Consider the competitive landscape of your sector in PPC spaces.
  • Objective Analysis: Weigh your need for quick wins against a vision for sustained, organic growth.
  • Operational Capacity: Reflect on your ability or readiness to manage and optimise PPC campaigns over time.

Strategic Approach:

  • For businesses with tight budgets and a long-haul outlook, SEO may present a more viable path.
  • Those in pursuit of immediate impact, and with resources to manage and afford PPC, will find it to be a potent accelerator.
  • A balanced strategy, integrating both SEO and PPC, often yields the most comprehensive benefits, capturing immediate opportunities while building a foundation for future growth.

Pro Tip:
Embarking on the future of PPC journey with a pilot campaign could provide valuable insights into its potential payoff for your business. Consulting a PPC expert can further refine your strategy, ensuring that your investment is both judicious and effective.

Why should businesses consider using Google Adwords and a Google advertising agency?

Businesses should consider using Google Adwords and a Google advertising agency to tap into Google’s extensive reach, target a large online audience, improve brand awareness, and achieve better results through expert campaign management.

What factors should I think of when working out how much my PPC budget should be?

How much should my PPC budget be? Deciding your ideal PPC budget involves carefully considering several factors specific to your business. Here are some key aspects to ponder:

1. Industry:

  • Competitive landscape: Highly competitive industries often have pricier keywords, demanding a bigger budget. Research average CPCs (cost per click) for your target keywords.

2. Goals:

  • Fast brand awareness: Requires larger budgets compared to targeted conversions, which might need less upfront investment.

3. Keywords:

  • CPC (cost per click): This significantly impacts your budget. Analyse the CPCs of your chosen keywords and adjust your budget accordingly.

4. Conversion Rate:

  • Higher conversion rates: Allow for lower budgets while maintaining profitability. Analyse historical data or industry benchmarks.

5. Campaign Experience:

  • New campaigns: Often need more testing and optimisation, potentially requiring a larger initial budget. Consider consulting an expert for guidance.

6. Additional factors:

  • Marketing budget allocation: PPC typically takes up 10-50% of your marketing budget. Consider your overall marketing strategy and budget constraints.
  • Business goals and timeline: Align your budget with your desired results and how quickly you need them.
  • Learning curve: Factor in the time and effort you’re willing to invest in PPC management and learning.


  • Start small and iterate: Begin with a manageable budget and adjust based on campaign performance and maximising ROI with Google Ads.
  • Track and analyse data: Monitor clicks, conversions, and costs to optimise your campaigns and maximise value.
  • Consider a combined approach: Explore integrating PPC with organic SEO for long-term growth.

Instead of a fixed amount, think of your PPC budget as a dynamic investment. Continuously evaluate, refine, and adapt it based on your learning and evolving business needs.

What types of Google Ads can a leading Google advertising agency provide?

A leading Google PPC advertising agency can provide various types of Google Ads including Google Search Ads for text-based adverts, Google Shopping Ads for product descriptions, and other ad formats like video ads, app ads, and remarketing ads.

What is the difference between Google local ads and PPC?

While both Google local ads and PPC involve paying to promote your business online, they have some key differences:

Payment Model:

  • Local Ads: Pay-per-lead (PPL), charged only when a potential customer contacts you (calls, messages, etc.).
  • PPC: Pay-per-click (PPC), is charged every time someone clicks your ad, regardless of conversion.


  • Local Ads: Focuses on local searches with geographic targeting and prominent display of Google Business Profile info.
  • PPC: Offers keyword-based targeting for broader reach, though location options exist.

Campaign Design:

  • Local Ads: Limited ad customisation with pre-set formats and focus on contact details.
  • PPC: Flexible ad creation with headlines, descriptions, and landing pages for deeper messaging.


  • Local Ads: Ideal for local service businesses seeking qualified leads directly.
  • PPC: More versatile for diverse businesses and goals, but requires more management and potentially higher costs.

Here’s a table summarising the key differences:

Feature Google Local Ads Pay Per Click
Payment Model Pay-per-lead (PPL) Pay-per-click (PPC)
Targeting Local searches, geographic targeting Keyword-based targeting, location options available
Campaign Design Limited customisation, pre-set formats Flexible ad creation with headlines, descriptions, landing pages
Best For Local service businesses seeking qualified leads Diverse businesses with various goals

How can businesses improve their Google Ads performance in 2024?

Businesses can improve their Google Ads performance in 2024 by staying informed about the latest trends and predictions, leveraging AI-powered features, refining their targeting strategies, and exploring new ad formats like video ads and visual search experiences.


May Dayang

I am an expert administrative professional with a strong background in marketing. Exceptionally skilled in organizing, planning, and managing tasks

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