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18 Immediate Benefits of PPC Advertising


18 Immediate Benefits of Google Ads PPC Advertising: PPC Geeks

How long does it take for Google Ads to work? PPC is an essential part of any good digital marketing strategy. Sure, many businesses think they can get by without it, but they’re missing out. There are so many benefits of PPC that, from almost the moment you start using it, you’ll find yourself wondering how your business ever got by without.

And the best thing is? Most of these benefits can be seen and felt immediately. Start a PPC campaign today, and you may start noticing a difference by this time tomorrow.


In this post we’ll list 18 immediate benefits of PPC. These are the sort of game-changers you might notice in the short-term, but rest assured, the long-term benefits can be even more impressive!

One: Immediately drive more traffic to your site

With a good PPC strategy, you can soon have highly targeted ads placed right at the top of the first page of the search results. This will give you a huge boost to web traffic, and fast.

Two: Not just more traffic – better traffic!

Of course, you don’t want just anyone visiting your site. You only really want to reach people who are interested in your products and services.

But your PPC ads will only ever get seen by people who have searched for certain things. So, if you get your keyword targeting and match types spot-on, anyone you reach will already be interested in what you have to offer.

Three: PPC site visitors are more likely to convert

Those that arrive at your site having clicked a PPC ad are looking to buy and, as they’ve clicked on your ad, this indicates that they believe you might have what they’re looking for.

PPC traffic can convert 50% more than organic traffic. You may be wondering why your organic search plummeted? Here at PPC Geeks, we have amassed an award-winning team of specialists, data analysts and expert consultants. Indeed when it comes to paid search, we have very structured processes to ensure that accounts are reviewed, analysed, and optimised to the highest possible standards, so you never have to be concerned about plummeting results.


So from the start, PPC site visitors are already more likely to convert. If they like what they see once they finally reach your site, you can make that final conversion even more likely.

Four: You’ll only ever pay when your ads are successful

How much do we pay Google for PPC? PPC stands for “pay per click”. That means you only pay when people click on your adverts. If somebody clicks on one of your ads, then it’s fair to say that they’re interested in what your business has to offer. But if nobody clicks on your ads, you don’t pay a thing.

Not many other types of marketing work this way. Usually you’re required to invest up front, and if your adverts aren’t successful, you’ve already made a loss.

With PPC, there’s no such risk.

Five: You have total control over your budget

How much do you want to spend on your online advertising? With PPC you can specify a fixed budget, and once that money’s gone, your ads will stop displaying.

You can even specify daily caps, which can be changed at any point!

It still pays to invest more, of course – particularly if you’re working in a competitive industry. But one of the major benefits of PPC is the amount of control you have over your budget. This is one form of marketing where you truly get what you pay for.

Not sure how to control your budget? Try our Easy Guide to Better AdWords Budget Strategies.

Six: PPC can do almost anything

What do you want to achieve with your online advertising? With PPC, almost any type of goal can be tracked.

Brand awareness? You can track that. Sales and conversions? You can track that. Newsletter sign-ups? Competition entries? App downloads? Yes, yes, and yes.

When setting up your PPC campaign, you can specify exactly what you’re trying to achieve. You’ll then be able to track exactly how effective your ads are at achieving this goal.

Find out how to set up your conversion tracking today.

Seven: Reach more people and find new customers fast

Email and social media marketing can be powerful, but you’re limited in the sort of people you can reach. You’ll only be able to engage with those who already subscribe to your mailing list, or who already follow your social media accounts.

Growing these lists takes time.

With PPC, you won’t have this problem. Right from the start you can reach people beyond those who are already aware of who you are and what you do.

Eight: Get up and running quickly

If you’re new to the world of PPC, you might feel like you have a lot of catching-up to do.


If you’re targeting the right keywords with the right budget, and if your ads are well-written and carefully optimised, you’ll have a fighting chance of beating your competitors – even if they’ve been using PPC advertising for years.

Nine: Compete with the biggest businesses in your sector

PPC is a numbers game. If you can master it, or if you can afford to hire an expert, you have every chance at competing with the biggest businesses in your sector on a level playing field.

The bad news is that these big businesses invariably have the sort of budgets that makes it possible for them to dominate the paid listings. Because they invest so much, they can drive up the cost of PPC for everyone, which can make it harder for smaller businesses to compete.

But there are always new things to try. You can target niche keywords, for example, or set your ads to run at different times.

No other form of marketing lets you compete at such a level, and so quickly. Usually it can take months, or even years, for your business to gain equal footing with the big players. But with PPC, it really is possible to compete at the highest possible level almost immediately.

Not sure whether to invest in a PPC agency to give you the upper hand? Find the 7 ways you could be wasting money by keeping your account in-house.

Ten: PPC is measurable

AdWords is Google’s PPC platform. Use it in combination with Google Analytics and you’ll get a very clear picture of who’s seeing your ads, and what they’re doing when they see them.

The level of detail can be overwhelming at first, but once you learn what to look for, you’ll be astounded by just how much you can learn. Impressions, clicks, and conversions based on your defined business goals – they’re all made clear, and they’re all available to view from almost the moment your ads are live.

PPC makes it easy to attribute your marketing budget to direct results. You can quickly get a very good idea of the sort of people you’re reaching and the sort of results you’re getting.

Eleven: Extremely powerful targeting

The better you understand your target audience, the better your PPC will perform. With powerful targeting tools, you can reach people at a specific time and in a specific place.

You can even control precisely what ads your prospects see at any given time and in any given place.

Twelve: Immediately gain access to a range of ad formats

Those text ads you see at the top of search results are just the tip of the iceberg.

PPC also allows you to experiment with animated banners and even videos. And as ever, you have a lot of control over who sees these ads and over where they see them.

And again: You only ever pay when people click.

Thirteen: Reach people when and where it matters

As well as targeting specific locations at specific times, PPC also lets you set preferences for the devices you reach.

So let’s say you run a pizzeria. With PPC, you can set up an ad that people in your local area will see on their mobiles at around dinner time. You can target your ads so that they’ll be seen by people when they’re hungry and looking for something quick, easy and delicious for dinner.

When you reach the right person at the right time with the right ad, the results can be incredible.

Interested? Try AdHawk’s Complete Guide to AdWords Location Targeting.

Fourteen: Reach people beyond that initial search

A major benefit of PPC is how comparatively easy it makes it to get your ads seen on the first page of Google search results.

But you know what your customers are like. Making that ultimate decision to buy can take time.

With PPC, you can hit your customers at numerous points of the decision-making process. Beyond the initial search, you can set it so that your potential customers see ads for your products on certain sites they visit.

You can ensure you get as many impressions as possible from your target audience – and yet, you’ll only ever pay when people are interested enough to click on your ads.

Try remarketing or remarketing lists for search ads where you can make specific ads for people who have visited your website before.

Fifteen: PPC is scaleable

With so much control over your budget and targeting, PPC makes it possible to start small. But the moment you start to see good results, you can scale up immediately.

And should you ever want to scale back, or even pause your campaign, you can do so at the touch of a button.

Sixteen: Results can show quickly

Start an SEO or a social media marketing campaign, and you may have to wait months to notice any results.

With a good PPC campaign, results can literally occur overnight. Got a product to sell? Set up a PPC campaign today and you could start making sales within hours.

Success isn’t guaranteed, of course. How well your ads perform will depend on a huge number of factors. That’s why it pays to have a PPC expert on your side!

Seventeen: Integrate with other marketing channels

Insights from your PPC campaign can directly inform your SEO strategy. You’ll get a good idea of the sort of keywords that are most valuable to your business, and of the sort of language your customers use when talking about your products are services.

Then there’s remarketing ads, which allows you to continue to engage with potential and existing customers even after they’ve left your site.

The potential for integration is a huge topic with huge potential.

But long story short: PPC is powerful in itself.

When integrated with other channels, and when used as part of a wider marketing channel, the results can be epic.

Eighteen: PPC is less risky

Google regularly updates their algorithm, so what works today in SEO might not necessarily work tomorrow. Similarly, social media platforms are updated so frequently that social media strategies must be built to be resilient. There’s no guarantee that your results will be consistent.

This isn’t the case with PPC. Yes, your strategy must be flexible. And yes, for best results you have to be prepared to do a lot of monitoring and a lot of optimising, but AdWords is a major source of revenue for Google. It’s not going anywhere, and what works now will very likely still work in years to come.

Sold on the Benefits of PPC?

We work with businesses to build their profits through successful PPC accounts. Whether it’s help with Google ads strategies, account set-up or optimisation/ we can help you to enjoy that short-term success while also setting up your business for sustainable long-term success. If you’re still pondering over “what is an example of PPC?”, think of it as your direct link to the consumer who is actively searching for your product or service, ready to make a purchase. This immediate connection, combined with the right strategy, can transform your digital marketing efforts overnight.

PPC is not just about immediate gains; it’s about laying the groundwork for continuous growth and establishing your brand in the digital space. By leveraging the power of PPC, you’re investing in a strategy that offers flexibility, scalability, and measurable success. Let us show you how to navigate this landscape, achieve successful Google Ads campaigns for the best returns, and make PPC a cornerstone of your digital marketing strategy.

With the power of Google Ads for local businesses and the expertise of our Google Advertising Agency, your brand can achieve remarkable results and elevate its online presence. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to increase brand awareness and drive sales through targeted advertising campaigns. Contact us today to learn more and take your business to the next level.

Find out more about how we can help you and your business grow today. Let PPC Geeks be your guide to harnessing the power of Google Ads PPC advertising for unmatched success in the digital arena.




I have a huge interest in marketing and the ever-changing digital world. I’ve developed a wide range of skills and gained a great deal of experience in my role as Account Executive here at PPC Geeks.

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