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Tracking in Google Ads: A DIY Guide and the Benefits of Hiring a Professional Agency


Mastering tracking in Google Ads is crucial for businesses to drive targeted traffic, boost conversions, and grow their revenue. This article covers the basics of Google Ads tracking, a DIY guide to setting up tracking, advanced tracking techniques, the benefits of hiring a professional agency of Google Ads consultants for Google Ads tracking, and how to choose the right PPC agency. It also provides insights into the future of digital marketing, including the importance of video content, VR, Augmented Reality, and voice search.

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding and implementing Google Ads tracking is vital for maximising your digital Google PPC marketing efforts, allowing you to monitor ad performance and optimise for best results.
  • DIY tracking setup involves creating a Google Ads account, setting up conversion and keyword tracking, and regularly monitoring ad performance.
  • Advanced tracking techniques, such as cross-device and audience tracking, as well as Remarketing Lists for Search Ads (RLSA), can enhance your marketing strategies.
  • Hiring a professional agency for Google Ads tracking offers benefits such as expert knowledge, time and resource efficiency, access to advanced tools and techniques, and continuous monitoring and optimisation.
  • When choosing an agency for your Google pay per click advertising needs, consider factors such as their expertise, resources, and the value they can bring to your business.

Understanding the Basics of Tracking in Google Ads

Illustration of a professional standing next to a large computer monitor displaying charts and a mouse, with text highlighting the concept of Mastering Tracking in Google Ads. The scene includes a DIY theme, suggesting a guide for self-implementation, alongside symbols representing a professional agency's expertise.

The Importance of Tracking in Google Ads

In the realm of digital advertising, tracking is a crucial component that can make or break your campaign’s success. It’s not just about setting up your Google Ads and hoping for the best. It’s about understanding how your ads are performing and using that data to refine your strategy. In essence, tracking in Google Ads PPC is a way to measure the effectiveness of your ads. It provides valuable insights into how users interact with your ads, which can help you make informed decisions about your advertising strategy.

Here are some key reasons why tracking in Google Ads is important:

  • Data-driven decisions: Tracking allows you to make decisions based on actual data, rather than assumptions. This can lead to more effective and efficient campaigns.
  • Understanding your audience: By tracking how users interact with your ads, you can gain insights into what resonates with your audience. This can help you create more targeted and relevant ads.
  • Optimisation: Tracking enables you to identify what’s working and what’s not, allowing you to optimise your ads for better results.

Remember, tracking is not a one-time task. It requires continuous monitoring and adjustments to ensure your ads are performing at their best.

For instance, let’s consider a hypothetical campaign for a company called GreenStride. They closely monitor key metrics such as the number of ad impressions on social media, click-through rates on the blog posts, and engagement rates on the video ads. After the first two weeks, the data shows high engagement with the video ad. As a result, they increase their budget allocation to video content for the remainder of the campaign. This is a prime example of how tracking can guide your advertising decisions and strategies.

How Tracking Works in Google Ads

In Google Ads, tracking is a fundamental process that allows advertisers to understand the performance of their campaigns. At its core, tracking involves the use of cookies to monitor user behaviour on a website after they’ve clicked on an ad. This information is then used to measure the effectiveness of the ad and to optimise future campaigns.

Here’s a simplified breakdown of how tracking works in Google Ads:

  1. A user clicks on your ad.
  2. Google Ads places a cookie on the user’s device.
  3. The user navigates your website and completes a valuable action (e.g., a purchase or a sign-up).
  4. The cookie sends a message to Google Ads about the completed action.
  5. Google Ads records this as a conversion.

Tip: It’s crucial to ensure that your website’s privacy policy is up-to-date and clearly explains the use of cookies for tracking purposes.

While this process might seem straightforward, it’s important to note that accurate tracking requires careful setup and ongoing PPC management. For instance, you’ll need to define what constitutes a ‘valuable action’ for your business and set up conversion tracking accordingly. Additionally, you’ll need to regularly check your tracking setup to ensure it’s working correctly and capturing all relevant data.

Key Metrics to Track in Google Ads

When it comes to tracking in Google Ads, there are several key metrics that you should keep an eye on. These metrics provide valuable insights into the performance of your ads and can help you make informed decisions about your advertising strategy.

Firstly, impressions are a crucial metric to monitor. This refers to the number of times your ad was displayed on Google’s network. A high number of impressions indicates that your ad is reaching a large audience. However, impressions alone don’t tell the whole story. You also need to consider the click-through rate (CTR), which is the percentage of people who clicked on your ad after seeing it. A high CTR suggests that your ad is not only reaching a large audience but also resonating with them.

Another important metric is the conversion rate, which measures the percentage of people who completed a desired action (like making a purchase or filling out a form) after clicking on your ad. This is a key indicator of the effectiveness of your ad in driving desired outcomes.

Here’s a brief overview of these key metrics:

Metric Description
Impressions The number of times your ad was displayed
Click-Through Rate (CTR) The percentage of people who clicked on your ad after seeing it
Conversion Rate The percentage of people who completed a desired action after clicking on your ad

Remember, while these metrics are important, they should not be viewed in isolation. Instead, they should be considered as part of a broader set of data to provide a comprehensive view of your ad performance.

Setting Up Tracking in Google Ads: A DIY Guide

A vibrant and dynamic illustration depicting a team with one member analysing a graph on a tablet, another consulting a large analytics display, and a third presenting a bar chart on a mobile device. The backdrop features a magnifying glass over a pie chart, cogs, and statistical icons, representing in-depth analysis and strategy in digital marketing.

Creating a Google Ads Account

Creating a Google Ads account is the first step towards mastering tracking in Google Ads. This process is straightforward and user-friendly, designed to help businesses of all sizes gain access to the most targeted customer base possible. Here’s a simple step-by-step guide to get you started:

  1. Visit the Google Ads homepage.
  2. Click on the ‘Start Now’ button.
  3. Fill in your email address and website URL.
  4. Set your advertising goals and budget.
  5. Create your first ad.

Tip: Use an email that will allow multiple people access. This ensures continuity in case of staff changes.

Once your account is set up, you’ll be able to utilise tools like Google Ads Smart Bidding. This tool enhances Google ad profitability by using machine learning and contextual signals to make smart recommendations. It’s one of the many advanced features that make Google Ads a powerful platform for businesses. Don’t forget to check out our list of common mistakes to avoid in Google Ads.

Remember, setting up your Google Ads account is just the beginning. The real work begins with setting up conversion tracking, implementing keyword tracking, and continuously monitoring ad performance. But don’t worry, with patience and persistence, you’ll soon be reaping the benefits of your Google Ads campaigns.

Setting Up Conversion Tracking

Setting up conversion tracking in Google Ads is a crucial step in understanding how your ads are performing. This process allows you to measure the actions users take after clicking on your ad, such as making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or filling out a form on your website. Here’s a simple step-by-step guide to help you set up conversion tracking:

  1. Sign in to your Google Ads account.
  2. Click on the ‘Tools & Settings’ icon in the top right corner.
  3. Under ‘Measurement’, select ‘Conversions’.
  4. Click on the blue ‘+’ button to add a new conversion action.
  5. Choose the type of conversion you want to track (e.g., website, app, phone calls, or import).
  6. Fill in the necessary details and click ‘Create’.

Tip: Remember to check your conversion tracking status regularly to ensure it’s working correctly. If the status is ‘unverified’ or ‘no recent conversions’, you may need to adjust your settings or check your website’s code.

It’s also worth noting that Google Ads and Google Analytics differ in their approach to conversion tracking. While both tools offer valuable insights, they use different attribution models, conversion counts, and reporting freshness. Therefore, it’s beneficial to use both tools in conjunction to get a comprehensive view of your ad performance.

Finally, keep in mind that a good conversion rate typically falls between 2% and 5%. However, this can vary depending on your industry and the specific goals of your campaign.

Monitoring Ad Performance with Tracking

Monitoring ad performance is a crucial step in the process of running a successful Google Ads campaign. It’s vital to track metrics such as impressions, click-through rates, and engagement. Analysing this data helps you understand what content resonates with your audience and allows for the refinement of strategies for better results. For example, if the data shows high engagement with a video ad, you might consider increasing your budget allocation to video content for the remainder of the campaign.

Here’s a simple table to help you understand where to find these metrics:

Metric Platform How to Find
Ad Impressions Facebook Ads Manager, Instagram Insights, Twitter Analytics, LinkedIn Campaign Manager These platforms provide dashboards where you can view the total number of times your ads were seen.
Click-Through Rates Google Analytics, WordPress These platforms provide insights into how many users clicked on your ads and were redirected to your website.

Tip: Regularly monitoring these metrics allows you to make data-driven decisions and optimise your Google Ads campaign for better performance.

Remember, the goal is not just to track these metrics but to understand them and use this understanding to drive your marketing strategies. This is where hiring a professional agency with expertise in Google Ads tracking can be beneficial.

Advanced Tracking Techniques in Google Ads

An elaborate and engaging illustration depicting a desktop with a screen filled with analytics and Tracking in Google Ads. It features colourful pie charts, trend lines, and data points, alongside a keyboard and a notepad with a pen. The setup conveys a workspace optimized for analysing and improving digital ad performance.

Understanding Cross-Device Tracking

In the realm of Google Ads, cross-device tracking is a powerful tool that allows advertisers to understand and follow the user journey across multiple devices. This means that if a user starts their journey on a mobile device and later switches to a desktop, cross-device tracking enables the advertiser to maintain a consistent view of the user’s interactions. This can be especially true for businesses with a bricks and mortar location. Google Ads for local businesses can be are real boon in these instances and therefore should be considered as part of any cross-device tracking strategy.

The benefits of cross-device tracking are manifold. Here are a few key ones:

  • It provides a more comprehensive view of user behaviour, allowing for more accurate attribution of conversions.
  • It enables more effective ad targeting, as ads can be tailored based on the user’s behaviour across devices.
  • It allows for more efficient budget allocation, as it provides insights into which devices are driving conversions.

Remember, cross-device tracking requires user consent, so it’s crucial to ensure your tracking practises are in line with data privacy regulations.

However, implementing cross-device tracking can be complex, as it involves linking user activity across different devices and platforms. This is where the expertise of a professional agency can be invaluable, as they have the knowledge and tools to set up and manage cross-device tracking effectively.

Leveraging Audience Tracking

Audience tracking is a powerful tool in Google Ads that allows you to understand and reach your most valuable customers. It involves segmenting your audience based on various factors such as demographics, interests, and behaviours. This segmentation enables you to tailor your ads to specific groups, thereby increasing their relevance and effectiveness.

Here are some key steps to leverage audience tracking in Google Ads:

  1. Identify your target audience: Understand who your most valuable customers are. This could be based on factors such as age, location, interests, or past interactions with your business.
  2. Create audience lists: Google Ads allows you to create lists of people who have interacted with your business in some way. This could include people who have visited your website, used your app, or even those who have interacted with your YouTube channel.
  3. Tailor your ads: Once you have your audience lists, you can create ads that are specifically tailored to these groups. This increases the relevance of your ads and improves their performance.

Remember, audience tracking is not just about reaching more people, it’s about reaching the right people. By understanding your audience and tailoring your ads to them, you can significantly improve the effectiveness of your Google Ads campaigns.

Utilising Remarketing Lists for Search Ads (RLSA)

Remarketing Lists for Search Ads (RLSA) is a powerful feature in Google Ads that allows you to customise your search ad campaigns for people who have previously visited your site. This strategy can significantly boost your conversion rates as it targets users who have already shown interest in your products or services.

There are two main ways to use RLSA:

  1. Bid adjustments: You can increase your bid for users on your remarketing lists when they search for your keywords. This increases the chances of your ads appearing to these high-value users.
  2. Targeting settings: You can set your ad to only show to users on your remarketing list when they search for your keywords. This narrows your audience to focus on those most likely to convert.

Remember, the key to successful remarketing is to segment your audience based on their behaviour on your site. This allows you to tailor your ads to their specific interests and needs.

RLSA can be particularly effective when combined with other types of remarketing such as Dynamic Retargeting Ads and Shopping Ads. These personalised ads show products or services users have previously viewed, making them especially useful for e-commerce.

In conclusion, utilising RLSA can help you maximise your return on investment in Google Ads by focusing your efforts on users who are most likely to convert.

The Benefits of Hiring a Professional Agency for Google Ads Tracking

Digital illustration of two professionals examining a magnifying glass, focusing on a computer screen displaying growth charts and analytics. The setting includes interactive icons and documents, indicating a thorough analysis process in a digital marketing environment.

Expertise and Experience

How much do we pay Google for PPC? When you hire a professional agency for your Google Ads tracking, you’re not just paying for a service, you’re investing in a wealth of expertise and experience. These agencies have spent years, sometimes decades, honing their skills and understanding the intricacies of Google Ads. They’ve seen the platform evolve, they’ve adapted to changes, and they’ve learnt from their successes and failures. This wealth of experience is invaluable and can give your business a significant competitive edge.

Consider this: Google Ads is not just about setting up campaigns and tracking their performance. It’s about understanding the nuances of the platform, knowing how to interpret the data, and making strategic decisions based on that data. It’s about being able to anticipate trends, adapt to changes, and optimise campaigns for maximum ROI. This level of expertise takes time and experience to develop, and it’s something that professional agencies bring to the table.

Remember, expertise and experience are not just about knowledge, they’re about wisdom. They’re about knowing what works, what doesn’t, and why. They’re about being able to make informed decisions that drive results.

Here are a few areas where the expertise and experience of a professional agency can make a difference:

  • Strategic Planning: They can help you develop a comprehensive Google Ads strategy that aligns with your business goals.
  • Campaign Optimisation: They can continuously monitor and optimise your campaigns to ensure they’re delivering the best possible results.
  • Data Analysis: They can interpret the data from your campaigns and provide actionable insights.
  • Trend Forecasting: They can anticipate changes in the market and adjust your campaigns accordingly.

In conclusion, the expertise and experience of a professional agency can be a game-changer for your Google Ads tracking. It can help you maximise your ROI, avoid costly mistakes, and stay ahead of the competition.

Time and Resource Efficiency

Efficiency is a key benefit when you hire a professional agency for your Google Ads tracking needs. Not only does it save you time, but it also optimises the use of your resources. Instead of spending hours trying to understand and implement complex tracking methods, you can focus on your core business operations. The agency, with its expertise, can handle the intricate details of Google Ads tracking.

Consider the following comparison:

DIY Google Ads Tracking Professional Agency Tracking
Time-consuming learning and implementation process Quick and efficient setup and management
Potential for errors due to lack of experience Reduced risk of errors due to expertise
Diverts resources away from core business operations Allows focus on core business operations

Remember, time is a valuable resource. By hiring a professional agency, you’re not just outsourcing a task, you’re investing in a solution that saves time and optimises resources.

In addition, agencies often have access to advanced tools and techniques that may not be readily available or known to you. These tools can provide more accurate and comprehensive data, leading to better decision making and ultimately, better results from your Google Ads campaigns.

Choosing the Right Agency for Your Google Ads Tracking Needs

Illustrative concept for Tracking in Google Ads featuring a magnifying glass over a Google search page, a luxury car, and various SEO tools such as gears and graphs. The image symbolizes the power of combining Google's capabilities with the precision of DIY and professional agency strategies for optimizing ad performance.

Factors to Consider When Choosing an Agency

Choosing the right agency for your Google Ads tracking needs is a crucial decision that can significantly impact your business’s success. There are several factors to consider when making this choice. First and foremost, you should consider the agency’s expertise and experience. An agency with a proven track record in Google Ads tracking can provide valuable insights and strategies that can help improve your ad performance.

Another important factor to consider is the agency’s type. You might want to choose between a full-service agency or a niche agency. A full-service agency can provide comprehensive services, including data gathering and utilisation across all your company’s online marketing departments. On the other hand, a niche agency specialises in a specific area and can provide tailored strategies for your online marketing.

Remember, the right agency type for you depends on your specific needs and goals. Don’t rush this decision; take your time to evaluate your options.

Lastly, consider the agency’s specialisation. If your business is in a specific industry, you might benefit from working with an agency that specialises in that industry. For instance, if you’re in the automotive industry, an agency specialising in automotive marketing can provide strategies tailored to your industry’s unique needs.

Here’s a quick checklist to help you in your decision-making process:

  • Agency’s expertise and experience
  • Type of agency (full-service or niche)
  • Agency’s industry specialisation

Choosing the right agency for your Google Ads tracking needs can be a daunting task. However, with the right guidance, it can be a breeze. At PPC Geeks, we offer a 100% free Google Ads Audit to help you improve your results quickly. Our goal is to help you sell more and improve your ROI. Don’t wait, get your free Google Ads Audit today at PPC Geeks. We’re here to help you make the most of your Google Ads. Additionally, partnering with a trusted agency like PPC Geeks will keep you abreast in the latest developments in the digital marketing  world – one example is Google deciding to retire individual and ad group keyword forecasting in Google Keyword Planner.

In Conclusion

Mastering tracking in Google Ads is a crucial skill for any business looking to maximise their online presence and drive targeted traffic. Remember, if you’re asking ‘What is PPC in Google Ads?‘ then remember it refers to the pay-per-click advertising model, where you pay only when someone clicks on your ad. This guide provides a DIY approach for those willing to invest the time and effort. However, the complexities of PPC advertising, keyword research for Google PPC, and continual monitoring highlight the benefits of hiring a professional agency. They bring expertise in utilising tools like Google Ads Smart Bidding and can help you strike the right balance between SEO and PPC. Remember, it’s not about choosing one over the other, but knowing how to use these two strategies for the best outcomes. Whether you choose to go it alone or hire a professional, the goal remains the same – to grow your leads and ultimately, your revenue. Stay updated with the latest Google Ads features of 2024.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the importance of tracking in Google Ads?

Tracking in Google Ads is crucial as it helps to monitor the performance of your ads, understand user behaviour, and optimise your campaigns for better results. It allows you to see how many leads are being generated, which ads are most effective, and where your budget is best spent.

How does tracking work in Google Ads?

Tracking in Google Ads works by using cookies and tracking pixels to monitor user behaviour. This includes actions like clicks, conversions, and other important metrics. The data collected helps to understand the performance of your ads and make necessary adjustments.

What are the key metrics to track in Google Ads?

Key metrics to track in Google Ads include Click-Through Rate (CTR), Conversion Rate, Cost Per Click (CPC), Quality Score, and Impression Share. These metrics provide insights into the effectiveness and efficiency of your ads.

What is Google Ads Smart Bidding?

Google Ads Smart Bidding is a machine learning-powered bidding strategy that optimises for conversions or conversion value in each auction. It uses contextual signals and historical data to make smart recommendations and improve ad profitability.

Why should I consider hiring a professional agency for Google Ads tracking?

Hiring a professional agency for Google Ads tracking can provide you with expertise and experience, save you time and resources, give you access to advanced tools and techniques, and ensure continuous monitoring and optimisation of your campaigns.

What factors should I consider when choosing an agency for Google Ads tracking?

When choosing an agency for Google Ads tracking, consider factors such as their experience and expertise in Google Ads, their understanding of your business and industry, their track record of success, and their pricing structure.

What is cross-device tracking in Google Ads?

Cross-device tracking in Google Ads allows you to track a user’s journey across different devices. This means you can see if a user first discovered your ad on their mobile device but completed a conversion on a desktop, giving you a more complete understanding of user behaviour.

What are Remarketing Lists for Search Ads (RLSA)?

Remarketing Lists for Search Ads (RLSA) is a feature in Google Ads that allows you to customise your search ad campaigns for people who have previously visited your site, and tailor your bids and ads to these visitors when they’re searching on Google and Google partner sites.

To discover more about the ins and outs of digital marketing – such as What is the difference between Google local ads and PPC? – please do not hesitate to reach out to us.



I have a huge interest in marketing and the ever-changing digital world. I’ve developed a wide range of skills and gained a great deal of experience in my role as Account Executive here at PPC Geeks.

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