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Need a New PPC Agency ?

Get a free, human review of your Ads performance today.

Cool Dude Book Your Free PPC Review Now For Your Company!

Welcome from our Startup to Yours! We know how important it is to get things right the first time and as such we are offering you Cool Dude our FREE Market Analysis and PPC Audit for Your Company.

Simply book your FREE Pay Per Click Review today! Our PPC Geeks will manually review your Pay Per Click Ads Accounts, it will cost you nothing and you are under no obligation to use us to fix any issues we find. What have you got to lose? Nothing! You simply have everything to gain!


Will your company be our next happy PPC client ?

Book Your 100% Free Pay Per Click Ads Audit & Market Analysis Now:

We recommend spending as much time as you can to choose the right PPC Marketing Agency for your startup.

Our experience of being the chosen PPC specialist for many startups like yours has taught us that every startup has different goals depending on where they are in their natural cycle.

The main focus for your startup could be aggressive sales growth, market share, product awareness, profitability or else you might suffer the consequences.

This is why it is so important to choose the right PPC agency for your startup that meets your needs and has the experience to overcome the challenges you are facing.

An agency that can articulate and provide answers on how to get you from where you are now to where you want to be.

We understand Startups often have aggressive growth targets and pressure to meet funding goals. We work with you to focus on the right areas to exceed your targets.

Free Pay Per Click Ads Audit = Why Do You Need One & What Can You Expect?

Your Free Pay Per Click Ads Audit will give you expert PPC advice in a detailed and easy to understand format on many aspects of your account, from issues and wasted spend that will have cost your company lots of budget, and we will focus on shorter-term problems that can be fixed quickly. Your Free Pay Per Click Ads Audit will go into a good level of detail and give you clear action points, these are usually 20+ pages long.

How to choose the right PPC agency for your startup (checklist)

Do they have a team of experts with real-world experience?

Are they set up to and are able to work closely with you to achieve your goals?

Have they got experience with startups?

Do you feel comfortable working with them?

Are they fully qualified and vetted by Google?

Do they have a clear results-based approach of how to get you to where you need to be?

PPC Geeks Can Help You Achieve Sucess On All Of The Major PPC Platforms 

The PPC Geeks - Your Growth Experts - See What People Say About Us!

Who Are The PPC Geeks?

We are the PPC Geeks and we work with a very wide and diverse range of businesses and understand that as a very busy Marketing Director or Business Owner you need to cut through the sales jargon to what actionable points are needed to move the dial for your business.

This is why you should talk to us, we will give you actionable advice and guide you through the world of Pay Per Click marketing and make sure your spend is directly targeting your KPI's.

We are offering you our 100% Free Pay Per Click Ads Audit, these are specifically designed to cut through the fluff and show you what is and isn't working in your account.

Rest assured that getting your Free Pay Per Click Ads Audit is probably one of the best things you can do for your company this year as we will guide and show you what is and isn't working.

Our highly detailed audits are manually created by the PPC Geeks team, these often extend to over 20 pages of in-depth analysis of your Pay Per Click Ads performance and outcomes.

Our expert Pay Per Click Geeks work on your PPC Audit themselves, we DO NOT USE 'plug and play' inferior 'algorithms'. We use some of the most talented PPC Experts in the industry with many years of hands-on experience to detail how making changes will improve the results you get. It's then up to you on who you decide to do the work (yes, it's that simple) you can use us or your inhouse team. The decision at that time is yours. We just show you what needs to improve and what will move the dial for you and your business.

Pay Per Click Ads is a very specialist field of Pay Per Click digital marketing and costs, along with wasted spend, will go unmissed unless there are lots of detailed planning and constant optimisations made to the account regularly. You should look to partner with a dedicated specialist Pay Per Click (PPC) agency that has a full back catalogue of proven tactics and results of overachieving on KPIs for their partners. See some of the PPC Geeks Reviews and Case Studies to understand the kind of improvements you could get when working with the PPC Geeks.

Leverage insider knowledge by booking in for your free audit today to give your company the competitive edge against your competitors today.


What Pay Per Click Services Your Startups Might Need

  • Paid search
  • Retargeting/remarketing
  • Display
  • App Store
  • Shopping
  • Bing Ads
  • Amazon Ads
  • Facebook Ads
  • TikTok Ads


Our PPC Geeks are masters at all of these and many more! Speak with our super friendly and knowable team today!

What you should do before looking for a PPC company to help your Startup

  • Define what you want out of running PPC (this will change over time)
  • Define your budget
  • Work out what your USPs are in your marketplace
  • Clearly set out what problem your startup solves

Below Details What You Will Get Cool Dude From Your Free Review: Order Yours Now For your company - It's The Best Decision You Can Make This Year!

The PPC Ads Audit Process

All of our Free Pay Per Click Ads Audits are unique to each ad account so these will vary from one account to another, depending on what is in the account and what we find. Please think of the below as a rough guide to what a typical PPC Audit will look like in structure and workflow. All of our PPC Geeks when auditing a PPC account do so depending on what is found in the account - so these are unique by their very nature:

1. Free Pay Per Click Ads Audit (20+ Pages)
2. Executive Summary -

This is a high-Level summary of the account and our findings. This will give all knowledge levels a good overview of what the health of the account is at the time of auditing. It will briefly describe some of the wins, losses, findings over the short and longer-term. This could also highlight areas that can be updated swiftly to achieve better results straight away.

3. Overall PPC Audit Score -

Our PPC Experts will assign your account a score out of 100 and will show you simply if what you are doing can be improved upon or not. Most companies are unknowingly spending money on areas of their PPC accounts that if data-backed decisions were made the accounts outcomes would look much better. This simple score out of 100 will be evaluated on what has been found on the audit and help guide you on if you are doing well or if you would benefit from extra help to get you where you want to be in terms of ROI and KPIs.

4. Top Line 12 Month Figures -

This is the summary over the longer term of the account. Our PPC Geeks will evaluate the account on top-level KPI metrics, performance and results. Is the account improving or being beaten to the punch over the long term? 12 months can be a long time for a business and with many internal and external factors could be contributing to the outcomes. Our PPC Experts will report on the overall trends and help guide you on how the account has been performing.

5. Top Line 30 Days Pay Per Click Figures -

Our PPC Experts will lift the lid and show you here the top-level details on the most recent performance highlighting any issues or missed KPIs (Key Performance Indicators). This is essential to see how the account has been performing on the most recent time period - have results taken a turn for the worst or inactivity strangling your progress? How much testing has been going on? As with almost everything in life - the harder you work on something the better it will be - and - PPC is no exception. There does need to be constant data-backed optimisations made, with lots of testing to make sure your account is constantly evolving. See our case studies for just some of the amazing results we get for our clients.

6. Account Structure & Naming Conventions -

This might be overlooked by many - but careful planning on the structure and naming conventions on your PPC account will not only helo you and your team working on the account but also get you better results as you will bale to move around the account quicker. Allowing you and or your team to action data-backed decisions quicker. You will be able to bring or take away products much faster and build your account for success. How well 'thought out' and 'planned' are the specific elements within the account? Our team of PPC Experts will evaluate this and report back.

7. Conversion Tracking (Pixels, Remarketing, GTM, Firebase & More)-

Your PPC account will only ever be as good as the data it can collect and report back on. Unfortunately, we audit many accounts where conversion tracking is not set up correctly. This is a very costly mistake with lots of wasted budget because you can't see accurately what is and isn't working on your account. Is your conversion tracking set up correctly? Our PPC and Tracking Experts will lift the lid and see if everything looks good or not.

8. Target Audiences & Placements -

Are you making the most of the many Placements and Audience types available on PPC Accounts these days? Choosing and executing the correct targeting will have a dramatic influence on the results you get. With a mind-blowing array of options these days our PPC Geeks will evaluate your performance in this area. Does the data collected in your PPC account support the chosen targeting within the campaigns, ad groups, and account you are running? Are you putting money where you will reap the greatest returns?

9. Deep Dives into The Highest Spending Campaigns -

Usually, most accounts will have some 'top-performing' and 'spending' elements and campaigns. Here we get to 'lift the bonnet' of the account and see in greater detail what is and isn't working at the 'nuts and bolts' level to give you valuable and actionable insights into how you can improve your bottom line. Often we find that some areas that are spending the most are in need of optimisation and these improvements will have a very positive impact on your bottom line.

10. Keyword and Adverts Quality Score-

Most PPC platforms now score your keywords and ads. This means that improvements can direct impact on how much each click costs you. How much time has been spent on improving your Quality Scores? Has your team been testing and improving your QS on elements such as your keywords, ads, Videos, Images, Carrousels, Shopping ads? Improving and working through a structured improvement plan can and will directly improve your results the ROI (return on investment) your account can achieve.

11. Main KPIs Overview -

How well is your team performing against the KPIs set by your business? There can be many hurdles and excuses as to why your team is or isn't performing inline or overachieving on your set KPIs. Here we look to see how your account is performing against the set KPIs. This section will detail the areas for improvement Vs the KPIs set for the account and give you the 'clear plan of action' you need to improve the results you get from your Pay Per Click Ads account.

12. Concluding Comments -

This section is for all levels of experience and will clearly summarise the details and any specific comments from our Pay Per Click Ads PPC Geeks.

We recommend after your 100% Free Pay Per Click Ads Audit you should book in for your Business Specific Success Strategy (BSSS) that will road map out for you the next steps to gain success on Pay Per Click Ads and set the business-led specific KPIs - we create these for all of our clients.

Image showing the first three pages of the 100% Free PPC Audit produced by the PPC Geeks
Image showing the Free PPC Audit pages three through to six - get your free PPC Audit today
Image showing pages 7 through to 9 of the Free Pay Per Click Audit provided by PPC Geeks

Are you interested in your free PPC audit? Great 🙂 !

Below details what the Process is to Get Your Free Pay Per Click Ads Audit with us!

Rest assured, getting your Free Pay Per Click Ads Audit couldn’t be easier, all you need is a Pay Per Click Ads account!

As a reminder your audit is free and you have no obligation to use us to complete any work that might need doing. So book yours today! What have you got to lose?


1. Say Hello: Contact Us Today - let us know you are interested, this can be by Calling Us, messaging us on Live Chat or by simply Filling Out On of Our Forms. Our Geeks will be happy to chat and answer any questions you might have.


2. Your Account Number: Depending on your PPC Account we will access to your account. This could be your Google Ads Account, Facebook Ads Account, LinkedIn Ads Account, Bing Ads Account or any of the other PPC accounts you might have. Our Geeks will need to gain access to your ad account and we will walk you through the steps - usually, it is easy and we will walk you through the steps.


3. Our PPC Experts Start Working On Your Free Pay Per Click Ads Audit: Once our Geeks confirm we have access we can schedule in your 100% Free Pay Per Click Ads Audit. You will soon be able to reap the rewards by finding out how your account is performing and if needed how to improve your Pay Per Click Ads Account! Our Geeks will schedule in your audit and let you know when they expect to have this completed. We aim to get your Free Pay Per Click Ads Audit completed within five working days.


4. Audit Findings Call: Once your Free Pay Per Click Ads Audit has been completed we will schedule in a screen share meeting with you. We recommend that you have as many people from your organisation on the call as you can and anyone that has a financial interest (CEO, COO, Directors, HR, Digital Marketing Managers, etc) should all be on the free audit findings call. This is the best opportunity to ask any questions around your 100% Free PPC Audit and its findings. These audits tend to 20 to 30+ pages long so they go into a good level of detail and are all explained in plain English so all levels of experience should be okay with the detail uncovered. Once the call is over we will email over copies of the audit so you will have a hard copy.


5. Next Steps - Work Through Findings & Improve Your Pay Per Click Ads Account: You will now have a great starting point and lots of guidance on how to improve the return on investment (ROI) you get from your Pay Per Click Ads account! - Congratulations! If you want the work done as part of a larger and smarter BSSS (Business Specific Success Strategy) with greater ROI, return on ad spend (ROAS) and actionable business-driven Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to improve your business's bottom line, then we will be happy to keep on speaking with you.


It is really easy to get your audit arranged today. Simply reach out and let our PPC Geeks know you're interested and they will be happy to guide you through the simple process detailed above and of course answer any questions you might have.

Why Would You Choose The PPC Geeks To Work With You on The Findings from the Free Pay Per Click Ads Audit?


PPC Geeks specialise in all aspects of PPC (Pay Per Click) including Pay Per Click Ads, Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Bing Ads, Amazon Ads, and more.

However, the greatest value we offer (we believe) is our ability to craft accounts to match the specific needs and KPIs of our partners' businesses and your prospects' touchpoints.

We are PPC Experts and craft market-beating accounts. We do this through many years of digital marketing experience backed up with careful and detailed discussions with our partners and real-time optimisations based on the data we collect.

We take the time to get to know all of our clients (just like you) and this level of knowledge is paramount to crafting accounts that go above and beyond for businesses just like yours. Our Geeks get to know our client’s businesses wants, needs, plans, pain points and vision.

Our Pay Per Click Experts are able to plan all of this information out against all of the millions of touchpoints in a Pay Per Click Ads account to make sure there are actionable and accountable KPIs set in place in their BSSS (business specific success strategy). This helps set out the framework of how we will get your account from where it is today, to where it needs to be.


Some of the key benefits of working with the PPC Geeks

  • PPC Geeks are PPC Experts and have over 15 years experience in Pay Per Click Ads and Digital Marketing.
  • You get access straight away to our full UK based team of PPC Experts (but not just PPC, they do CRO, UX, Tracking, Coding & much more).
  • No complicated and surprising pricing models, just a simple pricing structure that has your ROI at heart.
  • All of this actually costs less than for you to do it in-house - you get bags more experience and it costs you less!
  • You will get better results using our PPC Geeks than using an in-house solution - see our PPC case studies for just some of the amazing results we get and how choosing the PPC Geeks could mean huge improvements for you!
  • You will get all of the new technology at no extra cost (keeping you ahead of your competitors).
  • With a proven track record, our Geeks make their clients £Millions in ROI and we could do the same for you at a fraction of the cost of doing it yourself.
  • Improved bottom-line results for your business by cutting the wasted budget, adding more budget to what is working, and working with you to better market your business to its core demographics.
  • All of the PPC Geeks are fully accredited PPC Expert Partners.
  • Say hello to ZERO RISK, as you get a full money-back guarantee - YES we offer a full money-back guarantee.
  • Not sure? See what our clients say for yourself with our 5 star Trustpilot reviews.
  • Our PPC Experts get to know your business and will become an integral part of its growth strategy through crafting your very own BSSS (Business Specific Success Strategy).
  • Yes we are a growing team of Experts but we will give you just one single point of contact. This way you don't need to communicate with multiple people. We structure the team so you have a single point of contact but the full use of our team. You get your own dedicated account manager.
  • You get a full team of experts making smart KPI focused optimisations in your account (all for the same price) as we do not charge extra for having access to the team.
  • You don’t need to worry about vacations/holidays/absence/maternity/paternity or sickness cover ever again.
  • Oh yeah, did we say, our Pay Per Click Ads Audit is 100% free, with no obligation, so let's get the wheels moving on this free Pay Per Click Ads Audit .

Will your Free Pay Per Click Ads Audit find improvements in your account? Find out now ?

Every audit is different but they all follow some of the same principles and best practices. So don't delay and get your 100% free Pay Per Click Ads audit here today.

Get started with the PPC Geeks

We’ll show you what difference we can make. Let us in for a free, no obligation audit of your account.

Step One

Give the Geeks secure access to your Pay Per Click Ads account (it’s easy, we’ll show you how)

Step Two

The Geeks will review your account, finding where we can increase your return on investment

Step Three

We’ll take you through our findings and present a plan to improve your Pay Per Click Ads performance


The Voices of Our Success: Your Words, Our Pride

Don't just take our word for it. With over 100+ five-star reviews, we let our work-and our satisfied clients-speak for us.


I've been really impressed with the project management throughout.

We have good regular updates and useful discussions around experiments we can try next to keep the momentum or deal with challenges when they come up. There has been a good foundation of honesty since we started, which has made this feel like a real team effort.

Read Our 166 Reviews Here

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