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7 Common Social Media Advertising Mistakes and How to Fix Them


7 Costly Social Media Advertising Blunders and Proven Remedies

Social Media Advertising Mistakes: Welcome to our new article, where we explore social media advertising pitfalls that brands often encounter. If you want to get better results from your PPC our experts will provide you with a free social ads audit, simply reach out to us today to learn more.

In a digital age, social media advertising is essential for businesses to connect with their target audiences on a personal level. Brands leverage Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn to reach millions of users globally, promoting products and services effectively.

However, with limitless possibilities come the potential pitfalls that may impede the success of a social media advertising campaign. From vague objectives to ineffective targeting, it’s easy to waste resources on efforts that don’t deliver desired results. This guide provides PPC expert level insights and actionable solutions to rectify the seven most common social media advertising mistakes.

Join us as we explore the complexities of social media advertising, learning from others’ experiences and optimising your approach for maximum impact. Whether you’re a seasoned marketer looking to refine your strategies or a business owner dipping your toes into the world of social media advertising for the first time, this article is packed with valuable information to help you achieve your goals and reach new heights of success. Let’s unlock the true potential of social media advertising together, one mistake at a time.


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A comprehensive social media audit dives deep into all major platforms, analytics, engagement, competitors, and more. This level of analysis typically costs between £3,000-£5,000.

For businesses looking to scale their operations, the insights gained from a comprehensive audit can be invaluable. Understanding which channels are most effective and where to allocate resources can make the difference between steady growth and exponential success.

Learn what to look out for when deciding How Much You Should Pay For Your Social Media Audit.


Mistake #1 – Not Understanding the Platform Algorithm (Social Media Advertising Mistakes)

In the fast-paced realm of social media advertising, one of the most critical mistakes brands can make is neglecting to grasp the intricacies of the platform algorithms that govern user interactions and content visibility. Platforms like Facebook Ad Strategy and Instagram employ algorithms that are not only complex but also subject to constant evolution. Staying updated on algorithmic changes is crucial for optimal performance and visibility of ad campaigns in the digital landscape.

Take, for example, Facebook’s algorithm, which places a premium on meaningful and relevant engagement rather than simply counting likes and shares. Content fostering meaningful conversations and connections among users tends to achieve higher organic reach. No longer are vanity metrics the sole measure of success. Now, it’s about crafting audience-centric content that resonates personally.

7 Common Social Media Advertising Mistakes and How to Fix Them

So, how do you go about fixing this common mistake and optimising your social media advertising approach? Firstly, it is crucial to stay vigilant about algorithm updates and changes. Social media platforms frequently improve algorithms to enhance user experience. Understanding these changes can provide valuable insights for effectively adapting your campaigns.

Algorithm Shifts

Secondly, analyse how these algorithm shifts impact the organic reach of your content. Learn the trends and patterns and avoid social media advertising mistakes. Fine-tune your content strategy to match the platform’s preferences. Focus on content that sparks meaningful interactions and conversations among users. This will boost visibility and engagement over time.

Lastly, don’t be afraid to test different types of content that focus on generating relevant engagement rather than just passive interactions. Engage your audience by experimenting with different formats like polls, questions, and interactive videos, encouraging active participation and sharing of thoughts. By doing so, you can create a virtuous cycle of increased engagement, better algorithmic favour, and ultimately, improved ad performance.

How to Fix It:

  1. Regularly review platform algorithm updates and changes
  2. Analyse how algorithm shifts impact organic reach
  3. Test content that aims for relevant engagement over passive engagement

In conclusion, understanding how platform algorithms rank and distribute ads is pivotal in devising successful Social Media PPC advertising campaigns. Stay informed, analyse performance, prioritise interactions, and gain a competitive edge in social media advertising. Enhance brand visibility and engagement in the ever-evolving landscape through regular PPC audits.


Mistake #2 – Relying on Default Settings

In the world of social media advertising, convenience can sometimes be a double-edged sword. Social platforms have made ad creation for brands effortless with streamlined processes and default settings. Beware of relying too heavily on default options! They often lead to lackluster campaigns that fall short of desired results.

Default settings like broad targeting and automatic bidding may not align with your specific advertising goals and nuances. Casting a wide net may generate traction, but lacking precision and finesse hinders connection with your target audience and driving meaningful actions.

For truly successful social media advertising, customisation is the key. Brands that customise their campaigns based on their unique products, target audiences, and objectives achieve superior outcomes. To reach your ideal audiences, grasp their preferences, and create customised messages that resonate, effectively cutting through the noise.

Customise Your Targeting

To fix and optimise your campaigns, customise targeting parameters to reach the most relevant audience segments. Utilise detailed targeting options on the platform to narrow down demographics, interests, behaviours, and location. This ensures your ads reach the most engaged audience for your brand.

Moreover, set bids based on your campaign’s key performance indicators (KPIs) and profit margins. Don’t rely on automatic bidding, as it may not align with your specific goals or budget constraints. Take control of your bids to ensure you’re getting the best return on investment.

Furthermore, resist the urge to use a one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to ad copy and creatives. Tailor your messaging and visuals for each audience segment, focusing on addressing their unique pain points and aspirations. This personalisation fosters a stronger connection and boosts the likelihood of converting potential customers into loyal advocates.

Lastly, consider developing advanced campaign structures with thoughtful ad sets. Organising ads into targeted groups enhances PPC management budgeting, bids, and performance tracking, enabling strategic optimisations.

How to Fix It:

  1. Tailor targeting to reach your ideal audiences
  2. Set bids based on campaign KPIs and margins
  3. Craft ad copy and creatives for each audience segment
  4. Develop advanced campaign structures with thoughtful ad sets

In conclusion, while default settings may offer convenience, they often fall short in delivering the desired impact and returns. Maximise social media advertising by tailoring campaigns to your brand and audience preferences. Unlock the full potential of customisation! Take advantage of the platform’s robust tools and features to fine-tune your strategy continually. Harness social media advertising to propel your brand to success! Ditch the “set it and forget it” approach and unleash its full potential.


Mistake #3 – Not Testing Different Ad Formats

When it comes to social media advertising, versatility is the name of the game. Facebook and Instagram provide a wide range of ad formats, each with unique strengths and capabilities. A wide variety of captivating ads, including images, videos, carousels, and stories, offer abundant options to engage and attract audiences. Brands often overlook the significance of testing various ad formats to find the ones that connect most effectively with their target audience.

  1. Image ads
  2. Video ads
  3. Carousel ads
  4. Stories ads
  5. And more

Each format has unique ideal use cases and audience engagement strengths. Failing to test different options means you could be missing out on the formats that would work best.

How to Fix It:

  1. Experiment with All Relevant Format Types for Your Objectives: Don’t shy away from exploring various ad formats that align with your campaign goals. If you’re aiming to create brand awareness, visually striking image ads might be your best bet. For showcasing product features or conveying a captivating brand story, video ads often prove to be more effective. Experiment with various formats to determine which ones align best with your objectives.
  2. Split Test Formats Against Each Other to Determine Winners: Take advantage of split testing (A/B testing) to compare the performance of different ad formats head-to-head. Create multiple versions of your ad with different formats and monitor their performance metrics closely. Discover the formats that deliver optimal engagement, clicks, conversions, and other key performance indicators for your campaign.
  3. Consider Using Different Formats Along the Customer Journey: Different ad formats can be strategically utilised at various stages of the customer journey. For instance, you might start with an attention-grabbing video ad to introduce your brand to a broader audience. Use carousel ads to highlight product options or customer testimonials as prospects progress through the sales funnel. Tailoring formats to each stage ensures a cohesive and effective advertising experience.
  4. Test Ad Content Within Formats as Well to Optimise: Beyond testing ad formats, don’t forget to experiment with the content within each format. Try different visuals, copy variations, and calls-to-action to uncover what resonates most with your audience. Small tweaks can lead to significant improvements in ad performance.

In Conclusion:

The key to unlocking the full potential of your Paid Social Media Ads advertising lies in continuous experimentation and testing. Explore a variety of ad formats, finding ones that best align with your brand’s goals and audience preferences. Regularly evaluate performance data and optimise your social media audit advertising strategy to stay ahead in the ever-evolving digital landscape. Achieve exceptional results through refinement.


Mistake #4 – Avoiding Audience Overlap

Marketers often try to keep their targeted audiences very separate and distinct, thinking that avoiding any overlap will improve the efficiency of their ad spend. However, some intentional overlap can actually be beneficial.

You have two audiences: one consists of previous customers from your eCommerce store, and the other includes visitors to your website in the last 30 days who didn’t convert. There is likely significant overlap between these two groups – many recent site visitors are probably previous customers.

Instead of excluding previous buyers from the recent visitors audience, consider leaving that overlap in place. Including both groups in relevant ad sets and campaigns can improve targeting relevancy. Your ads may resonate even more with an audience member who is both a recent visitor and past customer.

To fix the mistake of overly avoiding overlap:

  • Carefully review your defined audiences for areas where overlap is likely. Examples of potential cases for a social media account include recent visitors, past customers, followers, and engagers.
  • Utilise those overlapping audiences together where appropriate to improve ad targeting specificity. For example, target both groups with ads for newly launched products or seasonal promotions.
  • When using overlapping audiences, ensure your ad creative and messaging will still be relevant for people who belong to both groups. Avoid confusing or contradictory calls-to-action.
  • Maintain separation between very broad audiences and more narrowly targeted segments. For example, keep general prospecting targets distinct from hyper-specific retargeting groups.

To achieve optimal results, strategically overlap audiences when appropriate, while keeping focused segments separate from mass targeting. This balanced approach provides both specificity and sufficient reach.

How to Fix It:

  1. Review audiences for potential overlap
  2. Use overlapping audiences where relevant to improve targeting
  3. Ensure ads are still relevant if audiences do overlap
  4. Separate broader audiences from tighter segments

Get the best of both specificity and sufficient reach by permitting smart, strategic overlap.


Mistake #5 – Not Optimising for the Objective

Are you optimising social campaigns to drive website traffic or increase online sales? Too often, brands will choose objectives that don’t actually align with their goals.

Optimising for awareness when you really want sales wastes budget on the wrong metrics. Make sure to select objectives based on true desired outcomes.

Mistake #5 – Not Optimising for the Objective

How to Fix It:

  1. Audit campaign objectives against actual goals – Review all existing campaigns and ad sets to ensure the objective set matches your true KPIs and goals. Misalignment here undermines results.
  2. Set specific objectives like landing page views or add to cart – Rather than generic awareness or traffic objectives, choose specific events like lead form submissions, product page views, add to carts, etc.
  3. Choose objectives optimised for the customer journey – Understand your typical path to conversion and set objectives for each stage – awareness > consideration > conversion.
  4. Separate campaigns by goal where needed – If you have multiple distinct goals like traffic and conversions, use different campaigns with objectives matched to each goal.

Having clearly defined objectives focused on business results creates alignment. Choosing the right objective is crucial for optimisation. Take time to audit and adjust objectives to match desired outcomes. This ensures your ad spend is efficiently driving real impact.


Mistake #6 – Using Weak Calls-to-Action

Your ad’s call-to-action (CTA) provides the critical prompt for the desired action. Using generic, bland CTAs can severely hamper results.

Weak CTAs like “Buy Now” or “Learn More” don’t compel users. Take the time to test descriptive, action-driven language.

How to Fix It:

  1. Audit current CTAs for specificity and impact
  2. Test CTAs focused on driving conversions
  3. Tailor CTAs based on audience and intent
  4. Try authoritative, urgent language for maximum effect

The right CTA can be the difference between a social ad campaign that flops and one that meets KPIs.


Mistake #7 – Not Monitoring Performance

The only way to know what’s working with your social ads is to actively monitor performance. KPIs, budgets, bids, and more require optimisation over time.

Brands that “set and forget” their social ad campaigns almost always see a drop-off in results and waste budget.

7 Common Social Media Advertising Mistakes and How to Fix Them

How to Fix It:

  1. Check campaign analytics frequently
  2. A/B test new creatives, audiences, and variables
  3. Stay on top of budget pacing and traffic trends
  4. Build reports to easily identify top/bottom performers

Consistent fine-tuning and optimisation is critical for continual social ad success.


Social Media Advertising Mistakes: Audit and Optimise Your Social Advertising Approach

Avoiding common social advertising mistakes comes down to in-depth understanding of the platforms, audiences, and metrics coupled with constant optimisation.

Our social media advertising experts at PPC Geeks, the top UK PPC agency, can audit your campaigns and suggest performance improvements.

We’ll explore targeting, budgets, formats, and creatives, creating an actionable plan to boost relevant reach and maximise return on ad spend.

Easily avoid common traps on social platforms by partnering with specialist auditors from PPC Geeks. Develop breakthrough strategies tailored to your brand and goals.

Reach out today to get started with a complimentary social advertising audit from the experts at PPC Geeks!

We’re here to chat about your social advertising needs, helping you avoid mistakes, optimise for KPIs, and enhance performance. If you’d also like to discover more about Google Ads vs. social media advertising, we’re more than happy to help.

Don’t hesitate to contact us if you’re interested in a free social media Pay Per Click audit.



Has worked on hundreds of Google Ads accounts over 15+ years in the industry. There is possibly no vertical that he hasn't helped his clients achieve success in.

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