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Safeguarding Against Data Breaches – A 2024 Imperative for Ecommerce Businesses


In the dynamic realm of digital marketing, where data is king, safeguarding your business from potential pitfalls is paramount. As we step into 2024, the threat landscape for eCommerce businesses is more ominous than ever, with cyber attacks and data breaches on the rise. According to alarming statistics from 2022, a staggering 70% of eCommerce businesses fell victim to data breaches or cyber attacks, a number projected to escalate in the coming years as hacking tools become increasingly sophisticated and accessible online. As a PPC agency in Manchester with a geek-level expertise in Pay Per Click services, we understand the intricate dance between digital visibility and data security.

As part of our informative mini-series focusing on essential insights for brands in 2024, we’ve compiled these key topics for easy navigation. Simply use the links provided below to swiftly access each of them.

  1. eCommerce Industry Risks: Security Breaches in Data
  2. Logistics and Supply Chain Complications
  3. eCommerce Industry Risks: Vulnerability to Social Engineering Deceptions
  4. Concerns Around Illegally Copied Content
  5. eCommerce Industry Risks: High Volume of Return Requests
  6. Excessive Reliance on Major Digital Platforms like Facebook and Google
  7. eCommerce Industry Risks: Adaptation to Emerging Online Business Models

At PPC Geeks, we recognise that customer data is the lifeblood of eCommerce businesses. A single breach has the potential to obliterate consumer trust and loyalty, as evidenced by the enduring impact on companies like Target and eBay. Rebuilding reputation and sales in the aftermath of a highly publicised breach can be a protracted and arduous journey.

The repercussions of data breaches extend beyond shattered trust, infiltrating the financial realm. Violations of privacy regulations often incur hefty penalties, and eCommerce businesses must grapple with the financial fallout of forensic investigations, customer notifications, public relations efforts, and potential class action lawsuits. A damning 2022 IBM report underscored the severity of these financial consequences, pegging the average cost of a data breach for eCommerce companies at a staggering £3.6 million.

In the face of this ominous landscape, PPC Geeks stands as a stalwart guardian of your digital fortress.  Partnering with a reputable Google Ads agency is not just about enhancing your online presence; it’s about fortifying your defenses in an increasingly perilous digital environment.

Our team of experts, akin to a Google Ads expert on a mission, crafts data-backed strategies that prioritise clarity, honesty, and excellence. As a PPC Agency in the UK, our commitment to transparency and results-driven decision-making sets us apart. In case you’ve been wondering: Why is PPC so expensive? In the spirit of continuous improvement, we offer not just services but a partnership in growth, ensuring that every pound of your marketing budget is a strategic investment in your digital resilience.

As we navigate the digital landscape of 2024, trust PPC Geeks to be your unwavering ally in the pursuit of growth, security, and excellence. Stay updated with our list of the latest Google Ads features of 2024.

Here are five concrete steps online merchants should take to bolster data security in 2024:

1. Safeguarding Against Data Breaches: Implement End-to-End Encryption

Encrypting data in transit and at rest is essential. Prioritise encryption of all sensitive information like passwords, credit card details and personal data. This ensures that even if hackers gain access, extracted data is indecipherable without the encryption keys.

Ecommerce businesses should encrypt data as soon as it is captured – for example, implementing field level encryption for credit card numbers. Sensitive data should remain encrypted throughout processing right up to storage. Decryption should only occur when required for authorised use.

Encryption applies to data stored across all repositories like databases, log files, archives and backups. Cloud adoption is accelerating, so implementing robust cloud encryption policies is also critical.

End-to-end encryption ensures that you are competing more effectively as an eCommerce business. To be able to compete on a global stage with eCommerce PPC, follow this link to learn about reducing wasted ad spend and other important factors.

2. Safeguarding Against Data Breaches: Adopt Multifactor Authentication

Enforce 2FA or multifactor authentication across all admin accounts and apps. This requires personnel to provide an additional credential like a one-time-password or biometric confirmation when logging in. It adds a strong second layer of identity verification over just usernames and passwords.

2FA protects against compromised credentials which are one of the top attack vectors. Even if hackers steal passwords, the account remains secure. For best results, opt for app-based authentication over SMS and email-based 2FA. YubiKeys for physical MFA are also highly effective.

3. Safeguarding Against Data Breaches: Monitor for Anomalies Using AI

Leverage machine learning algorithms to study normal data access patterns and user behavior across networks. Any abnormal activity like unexpected large data transfers, foreign IP addresses or unfamiliar devices can trigger alerts.

AI correlation of multiple threat indicators makes early breach detection possible. The fastest a data breach can be identified and contained, the lower the impact. AI also gets smarter at baseline modeling and threat prediction over time. In relation to AI, you may also want to know why tracking is so essential to optimum eCommerce performance.

4. Safeguarding Against Data Breaches: Conduct Periodic Penetration Testing

Hire ethical hackers to probe systems, apps and networks for vulnerabilities. They use tools and techniques similar to malicious actors. This identifies weak points ranging from unpatched devices to insufficient access controls.

Discover critical issues that require patching before actual attacks exploit them. Cover all external and internal digital assets. Schedule tests at least once a quarter to account for updates and new deployments.

5. Safeguarding Against Data Breaches: Educate Employees

95% of breaches occur due to employee negligence. Conduct security awareness workshops. Share examples of phishing attacks and train staff to identify suspicious emails or links. Ensure employees never click unverified content or share passwords and credentials.

Instill a top-down cybersecure culture where everyone is invested in protecting data. Employees should be encouraged to report odd behavior and be rewarded for identifying potential threats.

Image showing security on a mobile phone to avoid data breaches

Implement Layered Security

No single measure can fully protect against data breaches. Businesses need to implement layered security combining controls at the network, application and user access levels.

Network access controls limit connections to approved users and devices. Next-gen firewalls spot malware and anomalies entering or spreading across the network. Endpoint detection responds to advanced threats that evade perimeter defenses.

Hardened apps with encrypted data storage minimise damage if endpoints are compromised. Access controls like minimal privileges, password policies and 2FA further reduce exposure.

This defense-in-depth approach significantly raises the barrier for hackers.

Layered security has the power to give your eCommerce business an incredible supercharge. Discover other effective ways to boost your eCommerce business.

Prioritise Security in Vendor Selection

Partners like payment gateways and data centers can also be sources of breach. When evaluating new vendors, conduct thorough due diligence. Review their internal security posture and procedures.

Require partners to provide compliance reports and submit to audits. Ensure their security measures meet your standards before finalising contracts.

For payment processing, only partner with PCI-compliant gateways. They adhere to robust data security requirements defined by the Payment Card Industry.

Plan Incident Response Upfront

Despite best efforts, some threats may evade defenses. Have an incident response plan ready for containment, eradication and recovery.

Define an emergency breach response team including legal counsel, forensic experts, PR professionals, customer service and IT security staff. Outline their roles with step-by-step playbooks on investigating, notifying customers, communicating with media etc.

Test it annually with simulated scenarios. Quick coordinated action makes all the difference during actual incidents. Being prepared with a robust response plan demonstrates commitment to customer trust.

Embed Security in Development

Incorporate security into new projects from the start, not as an afterthought. Follow practices like threat modeling, secure design patterns and static code analysis. Rigorously test for vulnerabilities before deployment to production. Follow this link to know which are the best design design agencies for eCommerce brands.

Partner with developers to foster a culture of “cybersecure coding”. Emphasise writing secure code over just functionality in training. Address weaknesses early in SDLC rather than expensive rectification post-release.

Regularly review and update legacy applications also. Update outdated components with known vulnerabilities. Perform careful regression testing to avoid introducing new weaknesses when patching.

Make Security a Shared Responsibility

Involve teams across departments in security initiatives for better efficacy. Clearly define and communicate their role in protecting data.

Engage marketing to promote cybersecure practices to customers. HR develops employee education and insider threat programs. Legal tracks compliance duties and contractual obligations.

Procurement focuses on vendor due diligence. Customer service assists with response during incidents. Make security intrinsic to every job function.

Learn from Your Peers

Follow cybersecurity advisories relevant to the eCommerce industry. Join trusted communities to exchange notes with peers on new attack methods seen and controls that proved effective.

Participate in information sharing programs like the Retail Cyber Intelligence Sharing Center. Leverage each other’s experiences to collectively raise defenses across the retail sector.

Enable Customers to Protect Their Data

Finally, empower customers to safeguard their own data. Provide account security features like 2FA enrollment and activity logs during sign-up. Send access notifications whenever their account is accessed.

Give users control over what personal data to share when not required for transactions. Allow customers to delete accounts along with associated data per GDPR norms.

Build trust by demonstrating that customer data protection is a priority in both policies and actions.

The Way Forward in 2024

In 2024, data breaches are no longer an “if” but a “when”. However, proactive mitigation can help minimise risks and prevent disastrous long-term consequences. The measures outlined above require investment. But the effort is well worth it to build customer trust and peace of mind. By tackling data security head-on, eCommerce businesses can focus on innovation and expansion even in the face of growing cyber threats.

Following high-profile breaches at companies like Facebook and Uber, consumers are wary of sharing personal information online. Ecommerce businesses need to demonstrate their commitment to cybersecurity, transparency and compliance.

As data becomes one of the most valued corporate assets, companies that take data protection seriously will emerge as winners. Turn security into a competitive advantage by embedding it into strategy and operations. Combine vigilance with resilience and readiness to thrive on customer trust in 2024.

Stay updated! We will keep you abreast with the latest innovations in the digital marketing world – such as Google’s Merchant Center Next.


May Dayang

I am an expert administrative professional with a strong background in marketing. Exceptionally skilled in organizing, planning, and managing tasks

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