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What is Included in a Social Ads Audit? Master Social Advertising With Our Free Guide!


Key Elements to Include in a Comprehensive Social Ads Audit (Free Expert Level Guide)

What is Included in a Social Ads Audit?

If you have ever found yourself asking the question What is Included in a Social Ads Audit?

Don’t fear as this article has been written for you!

Today we’ll dive into what to expect from a Social Ads Audit and what’s included.

Include regular Social Ads Audits in your routine to monitor success, identify issues, and drive your brand to greater heights.

If you just don’t have time to do all of this yourself don’t worry, our Geeks are offering a free social ads audit that you can order today!

To understand and conduct a Social Ads Audit yourself, this guide provides a step-by-step walkthrough for your first audit.

Businesses and marketers must conduct a thorough social ads audit to assess the effectiveness of their social media ad campaigns.

Conducting an audit helps gain insights, identify improvement areas, and optimise strategies for better results.


Detailed Social Ads Audit Check List

Here are the key elements to include in a comprehensive social ads audit:

  1. Campaign Structure and Architecture: If you can answer the question what are social ads in marketing then you are half way there. Integrating structure and architecture within your account involves reviewing the overall organisation and setup of your social media advertising campaigns. Evaluate campaign structure, ad group usage, and alignment with marketing goals. Ensure that the campaigns are logically organised and easy to manage.
  2. Audiences and Targeting: Examine the audience targeting criteria you have used for each campaign. Analyse whether the chosen target audience aligns with your brand’s goals and whether it effectively reaches your intended audience. Look for opportunities to refine your targeting to better reach your ideal customers.
  3. Creative Content and Messaging: Evaluate the ad creatives and messaging used in your campaigns. Determine if they are visually appealing, on-brand, and have compelling copy that resonates with your target audience. Consider A/B testing different creatives to identify which ones perform better.
  4. Media Placement Performance: Review the Social Media Advertising Performance of your ads on different social media platforms and placements is a critical area of what is included in a social ads audit. Assess how well your ads are performing on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. Understand which placements drive the most engagement and conversions, and allocate your budget accordingly.


Identify Areas That You Can Optimise

  1. Landing Pages and Conversions: Examine the landing pages that your social media ads direct users to. Ensure that they are relevant to the ad content, visually appealing, and optimised for conversions. Analyse the user journey and identify any potential roadblocks that could hinder conversions.
  2. Budget and Spend Distribution: Analyse your budget allocation across various campaigns and platforms. Identify which campaigns are driving the highest return on investment (ROI) and which ones may need adjustments in their budgets. Ensure that your spending aligns with your campaign objectives.
  3. Benchmarking Against KPIs: Measure your performance against predefined Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that reflect your social media advertising goals. This could include metrics such as click-through rate (CTR), conversion rate, cost per conversion, engagement rate, etc. Benchmarking helps assess the success of your campaigns and whether they meet your set targets.
  4. Platform, Asset, and Audience Performance Trends: Look for trends in platform performance, such as changes in user behaviour or ad algorithms. Analyse the performance of different assets (e.g., images, videos) to identify patterns of success. Monitor how your target audience’s behaviour may have evolved and adjust your strategies accordingly.
  5. Opportunities for Optimisation: Based on the audit findings, identify areas where you can optimise your social media advertising efforts. This could involve adjusting targeting parameters, refining ad creatives, reallocating budgets, or exploring new platforms and ad formats.

By conducting a comprehensive Social Media PPC Audit, and yes if you follow this guide you will learn exactly how can I do a social media audit for free. Busy businesses and marketers can continually refine their strategies, improve campaign performance, and make data-driven decisions to achieve better ROI from their social media advertising efforts. Regular audits at intervals help ensure that they stay on track and adapt to changes in the social media landscape.

What is Included in a Social Ads Audit Will Depend On The Platform, Some of the Most Popular Social Ads Platforms Are


  1. Facebook: How to do Facebook ads Audit Advice: Facebook’s advertising platform is highly versatile, allowing you to target specific demographics, interests, behaviours, and custom audiences. Use eye-catching visuals and engaging ad copy to capture the attention of your audience. Consider leveraging video content, as it tends to perform well on the platform.

Demographics: Facebook has a broad user base, making it suitable for targeting a wide range of audiences. Especially favoured by millennials and Gen X users, with many daily active users across age groups.


  1. Instagram (owned by Facebook): Advice: Instagram is a visually-driven platform, so focus on high-quality images and creative content. Use Instagram Stories and carousel ads to showcase products or tell a story. Influencer marketing can be highly effective on Instagram.

Demographics: Instagram is popular among younger audiences, particularly millennials and Gen Z. The platform is renowned for its visually stunning content, perfect for fashion, beauty, travel, and lifestyle brands.


  1. Twitter: Advice: Twitter is a real-time platform, so focus on timely and relevant content. Use concise and compelling ad copy that encourages immediate action. Hashtags can boost the discoverability of your tweets and ads.

Demographics: Twitter’s user base is diverse, with active users from various age groups. It is popular among news enthusiasts, professionals, and individuals interested in trending topics and conversations.

What is Included in a Social Ads Audit Will Depend On The Platform, Some of the Most Popular Social Ads Platforms Are


  1. LinkedIn: Advice: LinkedIn is a professional networking platform, so tailor your ads for a B2B audience. Emphasise the value proposition and benefits of your products or services. Utilise sponsored content, sponsored InMail, and display ads to reach your target audience effectively.

Demographics: LinkedIn caters to professionals and businesses, making it an ideal platform for B2B marketing. It is popular among decision-makers, executives, and professionals in various industries.


  1. Pinterest: Advice: Pinterest is a visual discovery platform, so focus on aesthetically pleasing images and graphics. Use keywords in your ad descriptions to improve discoverability. Promote products, DIY projects, and lifestyle content. Pinterest and Amazon ads have also teamed up to display Amazon Sponsored Product ads on their platform.

Demographics: Pinterest is popular among women, particularly those interested in fashion, home decor, food, and DIY projects. However, the platform’s user base is becoming more diverse over time.


  1. Snapchat: Advice: Snapchat’s ad format is highly engaging, with AR lenses and filters. Use interactive and fun ad creatives that resonate with a younger audience. Story ads are effective for storytelling.

Demographics: Snapchat is popular among Gen Z and millennial users who enjoy sharing short-lived content, such as photos and videos. Brands targeting younger audiences or with a focus on entertainment and lifestyle can find success on Snapchat.


  1. TikTok: Advice: TikTok’s ad format is built around short, engaging videos. Create authentic and entertaining content that aligns with the platform’s style. Utilise popular sounds and trends to increase visibility.

Demographics: TikTok’s user base is predominantly Gen Z and younger millennials. It is known for its viral content and creative challenges. Brands targeting a younger audience with innovative and engaging content can find success on TikTok.

Remember that while platform demographics and best practices can guide you. It’s crucial to conduct audience research and test ad strategies to find what works best for your brand and goals. Social media platforms and user behaviour can change over time. So staying updated with the latest trends and features is crucial. All of these are followed by successful PPC agencies and/or brand owners marketing on these platforms.


Audit Campaign Structure and Architecture (What is included in a social ads audit)

Assessing overall campaign structure and architecture is imperative to identify gaps preventing optimal performance.

How to do social media marketing audit? During the campaign audit, businesses and marketers strive to organise, align, and optimise their social media ad campaigns for success. This process involves examining various key aspects to identify any gaps or inefficiencies that may be hindering optimal performance.

Account Architecture

Here’s a closer look at each aspect:

  1. Objectives and Goals: First and foremost, evaluate whether the campaigns are aligned with specific objectives and goals. These goals could vary based on the marketing funnel stages, such as creating awareness, driving consideration, or generating conversions. Ensuring alignment with clear objectives allows campaigns to have a focused direction and measurable outcomes.
  2. Funnel Structure: Analyse how different campaigns work together to guide audiences through the customer journey. Each campaign should be designed to cater to specific funnel stages, ensuring a seamless progression from awareness to conversion. The funnel structure should effectively nurture prospects and move them closer to becoming customers.
  3. Ad Sets: Examine the ad sets within each campaign and assess whether ad variations are sufficiently isolated. This allows for easier analysis of performance and helps identify which ad variations resonate best with the target audience. Isolating ad sets also allows for better control when it comes to budget allocation.
  4. Placements: Check whether campaigns are reaching all relevant placements where the target audience is present. Social media platforms offer various ad placements, such as in-feed, stories, or audience network. Ensuring broad coverage across relevant placements maximises the reach and potential engagement of the campaigns.

Cross-channel Influence

  1. Bid Strategies: Evaluate the effectiveness of bid strategies employed in campaigns. Bid strategies can vary, such as manual bidding, target cost, or bid caps. Analyse whether the chosen bid tactics are driving optimal ad delivery and generating desired results within the allocated budget.
  2. Budget Pacing: Examine like a PPC expert how budgets are allocated across different days and campaigns. Budget pacing is crucial to ensure that campaigns have sufficient funds to perform effectively throughout their duration. Adjustments may be needed to reallocate budgets to top-performing campaigns or to achieve balanced spending.
  3. Attribution: Consider how cross-channel influence is accounted for in attributing conversions accurately. Social media advertising is often just one touchpoint in a customer’s journey. Understanding the role of social ads in the overall conversion path helps attribute the right credit to each marketing channel.

By thoroughly evaluating these structural elements, businesses can set their campaigns up for success right from the start. Addressing any issues or gaps identified during the audit of your social media advertising enables marketers (just like you) to make data-driven decisions and optimise their social media advertising efforts. A well-structured campaign architecture boosts outcomes and maximises advertising ROI.


Review Audience Targeting and Optimisation Opportunities

Reviewing audience targeting and identifying optimisation opportunities are essential steps in achieving success with social media advertising. A well-defined and precisely targeted audience can significantly impact the social media ad performance audit and return on investment (ROI) of your social ads.

 Review Audience Targeting and Optimisation Opportunities

Here’s an in-depth look at key focus areas when assessing audience targeting:

  1. Custom and Lookalike Audience Performance: Custom audiences are created based on your existing customer data, while lookalike audiences are generated by finding users similar to your custom audiences. Analyse the conversion rates and volume trends of these audiences. Identify the top-converting custom audiences and explore ways to expand or refine lookalike audiences. Reach more potential customers with similar traits as your best-performing segments.
  2. Interest, Behavioural, and Demographic Targeting: Evaluate the performance of interest, behavioural, and demographic targeting options. Identify which targeting criteria are generating the most conversions and engagement. Similarly, assess Social Media Ad Targeting options that are not performing well and consider refining or eliminating them from your campaigns.
  3. Audience Overlap: Check for audience overlap between different ad sets or campaigns. Overlapping audiences can lead to unnecessary competition and increased ad costs. Find  opportunities to prevent overlap and ensure unique targeting for each ad set or campaign.

Performance of Segments

  1. Targeting Expanders and Limiters: Review the use of targeting expanders (e.g., “Detailed Targeting Expansion” on Facebook) and limiters (e.g., narrow audience targeting). Assess how these options affect the reach and conversions of your ads. Experiment with different settings to find the right balance that maximises reach while still targeting relevant users.
  2. Audience Fatigue: Monitor audience fatigue, which refers to the decline in ad performance due to the same audience seeing your ads repeatedly. If certain segments of your audience stop responding to your ads, it may be an indication that you need to refresh your creative content, adjust targeting, or introduce new offers to re-engage them.
  3. Comparing Audience Performance: Compare the performance of different audience segments to identify your most and least effective targets. Analyse metrics such as conversion rates, click-through rates, and cost per conversion for each audience group. This information can guide your budget allocation towards the best-performing audiences.

Regularly refining your audience targeting strategy based on the Social media advertising insights gained from this assessment is crucial for maximising relevance and ROI from your social media ad spend. Optimise targeting for ads that reach the right people, convey compelling messages, and drive better results.

Social media platforms provide audience insights and testing tools for data-driven decisions that boost the effectiveness of your advertising.


Audit Creative Content and Messaging

Conducting an audit of creative content and messaging is crucial for optimising the effectiveness of your social media advertising campaigns. If you want some inspiration follow our what are examples of social media audits that you can do today!

Captivating your audience and driving desired actions heavily relies on the creative elements of your ads. The visuals, copy, and calls-to-action all factor into the success of your ads. Here’s a detailed look at the key areas to focus on when assessing creative content and messaging:

  1. Ad Format Performance: Analyse how different ad formats perform in terms of engagement and conversion rates. This could include video ads, image ads, carousel ads, and other formats. Knowing which formats connect with your audience helps prioritise resources towards the most effective ad types.
  2. Messaging and Offer Testing: Test different messages and offers to determine which ones are resonating best with your audience. Analyse the performance of different ad copies and offers in terms of click-through rates and conversions. This information allows you to refine your messaging to better communicate the value proposition and drive desired actions.
  3. Creative Refresh Rate: Assess whether new ads are being tested at an adequate cadence. Keeping your creative content fresh is essential for maintaining audience interest and preventing ad fatigue. Regularly introducing new variations and testing different creatives ensures that your ads remain engaging and relevant.
  4. Personalisation: Review whether custom audiences are receiving appropriately tailored messaging. Personalising your ads based on user characteristics, behaviours, or past interactions can significantly improve relevance and ad performance. Make sure you are effectively utilising personalisation options available on social media platforms.

Don’t be Scared to Introduce Fresh Content

  1. Emotional Resonance: Analyse whether certain themes or emotional triggers in your creative content have a higher impact on brand sentiment and recall. Understanding which emotions resonate with your audience can help you craft more compelling and memorable ads.
  2. Call-to-Action Testing: Test different calls-to-action (CTAs) to identify which ones are driving the most conversions. Experiment with various CTAs such as “Shop Now,” “Learn More,” “Sign Up,” etc., and track their performance to optimise the ad’s desired actions.
  3. Creative Wear-Out: Monitor engagement metrics over time to identify signs of creative fatigue. If certain ads have seen a decline in engagement and performance, it may be an indication that they have reached their wear-out point. Rotate out underperforming creatives and introduce fresh content to maintain ad effectiveness.

Frequently optimising creative content and messaging based on performance trends is essential to keep your ads fresh, engaging, and relevant. A data-driven approach to creative optimisation allows you to continually refine your Facebook Ad Strategy, improve audience engagement, and drive better results from your social media advertising campaigns. Regularly test new ideas, analyse performance metrics, and stay ahead of competitors to connect better with your target audience.


Evaluate Media Placement Performance

Evaluating media placement performance is another aspect of what is included in a social ads audit and is a critical aspect of maximising the results of your social media advertising efforts. Different platforms and ad placements can significantly impact engagement, conversions, and overall ad effectiveness. By analysing media performance, you can make data-driven decisions to optimise ad distribution, targeting, and budgets.

Evaluate Media Placement Performance

Here are the key areas to focus on when assessing media placement performance:

  1. Platform Performance: Analyse how your ads perform on different social media platforms with your PPC audit, such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Snapchat, TikTok, and others. Each platform has its unique audience demographics and user behaviour. Understanding the variations in engagement and conversions across platforms helps you allocate your budget strategically and focus on the platforms that drive the best results for your specific business goals.
  2. Feed vs. Stories vs. Reels vs. Ads: Evaluate the performance benchmarks for each unique placement type within a platform. For instance, on Instagram, compare how ads perform in the main feed, in Stories, and in Reels. Each placement type offers a different user experience, and some may be more effective in capturing your target audience’s attention and driving conversions.
  3. Automatic vs. Suggested vs. Specified Placements: Assess how different placement options impact your ad performance. Social media platforms typically offer options for automatic placements (where the platform decides where to show your ads), suggested placements (where the platform recommends specific placements), and specified placements (where you manually select where your ads appear). Compare the results of these placement settings to identify which one delivers the best performance for your campaign objectives.

Diagnose Underperforming Placements

  1. Contextual Targeting: Evaluate how contextual targeting based on categories, keywords, topics, or interests affects your ad performance. Contextual targeting allows you to show ads to users based on the content they are currently engaging with. Understanding which contextual targeting options drive the most engagement and conversions can help you refine your audience targeting strategy.
  2. Placements Insights: Identify consistently underperforming placements that may be limiting your overall campaign performance. By diagnosing these underperforming placements, you can make informed decisions about whether to optimise them, adjust bidding strategies, or reallocate budgets to better-performing placements.

Optimising media placement distribution, bids, budgets, and targeting based on the insights gained from this evaluation is crucial for improving overall delivery and efficiency. It enables you to allocate resources effectively, focus on high-performing placements, and drive better results from your social media advertising campaigns. As user behaviours and platform algorithms change over time, ongoing analysis and optimisation of media placements are necessary to stay competitive and achieve the best possible return on ad spend.


Audit Landing Pages and Conversions

Conducting an audit of landing pages and conversions is crucial for optimising the success of your social media advertising campaigns. The landing page experience plays a significant role in converting ad clicks into meaningful actions, such as sign-ups, purchases, or inquiries. By analysing landing page performance, you can identify areas for improvement, address user experience issues, and ensure your ad objectives are fully supported. Here are the key aspects to focus on during the audit:

  1. Landing Page Views and Drop-off Rate: Audit Your Social Media Ads and analyse the number of visitors who reach your landing pages from social media ads and the rate at which they drop off without taking any action. High abandonment rates may indicate issues with landing page relevance, user experience, or friction in the conversion process.
  2. Page Load Time: Evaluate the load times of your landing pages. Slow page load times can significantly impact conversion rates as users tend to abandon pages that take too long to load. Optimise your landing pages to ensure they load quickly across different devices and browsers.
  3. Page Relevance: Ensure that your landing pages align with the messaging and offers presented in your social media ads. Consistency between ad content and landing page content is crucial for maintaining user trust and guiding visitors towards desired actions.
  4. Form and Chat Conversions: Track how well on-page conversions perform, such as form submissions or chat interactions. Optimise your forms and chat features to make the conversion process smooth and user-friendly.

Accurate Tracking is Very Important

  1. Phone Call Tracking: If your ads encourage users to call your business directly, track how many ad clicks result in phone calls. Phone call tracking is essential for understanding the offline impact of your online ads and can help you measure the success of your campaigns in driving phone inquiries.
  2. Site Activity Tracking: Examine whether visitors engage further on your website after landing on your designated pages. This could include exploring other pages, viewing additional products or services, or spending more time on your site. Understanding site activity helps gauge the overall user interest and engagement with your brand.
  3. Attribution Tracking: Evaluate how accurately conversion modelling assigns credit across different marketing channels. Social media advertising is often just one touchpoint in a customer’s journey. Attribution tracking helps determine the contribution of your ads to the overall conversion path, ensuring that you measure the true impact of your social media advertising efforts.

Addressing these factors identified during the Social Media Audit, landing page and conversion audit is imperative to support your ad objectives fully. By optimising your landing pages for better user experience and aligning them with your ad messaging, you can increase the likelihood of converting ad clicks into valuable actions. Additionally, refining attribution tracking allows you to make more informed decisions about budget allocation and optimise your social media advertising strategy for better results. Regularly reviewing and optimising your landing pages based on audit insights is essential to stay competitive and achieve your campaign goals.


Review Budget and Spend Distribution

Reviewing budget and spend distribution is a critical aspect of optimising your social media advertising campaigns and maximising your return on investment (ROI). Effectively allocating your budget and monitoring spend levels across campaigns, audiences, and platforms can help you identify areas for improvement and capitalise on optimisation opportunities.

Review Budget and Spend Distribution

Here are the key areas to focus on when conducting the review:

  1. Overall Investment by Objective: Assess whether your budgets are aligned with your marketing objectives and goals. Different campaigns may have varying priorities, such as brand awareness, lead generation, or sales. Allocating the appropriate budget to each objective ensures that your resources are directed towards achieving the desired outcomes.
  2. Budget Shifts Over Time: Analyse how budget allocations have shifted over time in response to campaign performance. If certain campaigns or platforms are delivering better results, consider reallocating funds from underperforming areas to mirror the performance-driven budget shifts.
  3. Spend by Audience and Placement: Review how your budgets are distributed across different target audiences and ad placements. Identify which audiences and placements are driving the highest returns and adjust budget allocation accordingly to capitalise on these high-performing areas.
  4. Pacing and Burn Rates: Monitor the pacing and burn rates of your campaigns to ensure that budgets are being spent effectively over their designated durations. Pacing refers to the rate at which your budget is being used, and burn rate indicates how quickly your budget is being depleted. Optimising pacing and burn rates ensures that your ads remain active and visible throughout your campaign’s duration.

Attribution Modelling

  1. Auction Dynamics: Stay informed with your Paid Social Media Ads Audit about the auction dynamics on the social Paid Social Media Ads Audit platforms you are advertising on. The minimum bid levels and ad costs can fluctuate based on competition and other factors. Ensure that your bids are appropriate given the current auction conditions to maximise your ad’s visibility and reach.
  2. Performance at Different Budgets: Analyse how campaigns perform at different budget levels. Assess whether higher budget campaigns lead to improved efficiency and better results. It’s essential to identify the optimal budget range for each campaign that delivers the best ROI.
  3. Attribution Modelling: Evaluate how your budgets are aligned with conversion influence data from attribution modelling. Understanding how each marketing channel contributes to conversions can help you allocate budgets more accurately, giving proper credit to each touchpoint in the customer journey.

Continually reallocating spend to high-performing areas based on the insights gained from the budget and spend distribution review is crucial for maximising overall ROI. As the performance landscape evolves, regularly assessing and optimising your budget allocation ensures that your social media advertising strategy remains efficient and effective. By investing in the right areas and adjusting budgets as needed, you can drive better results and achieve your marketing objectives with greater success.


Benchmark Against KPIs

Regularly benchmarking campaign performance against key performance indicators (KPIs) and historical benchmarks is crucial for maintaining proper context and optimising future efforts.

When reviewing campaign analytics, compare current metrics to the following:

  • Impressions and Reach – Evaluate if awareness and exposure goals are being met. Are current campaigns generating sufficient impressions and reaching the target audience?
  • Engagement Rates – Track engagement metrics like likes, comments, shares, etc. against previous benchmarks for branded content. Are audiences engaging at or above expected levels?
  • Click-Through Rate – Compare current campaign CTR to past rates. Are you meeting or exceeding historical benchmarks? A declining CTR may signal ad fatigue or targeting issues.
  • Cost Per Conversion – Review cost efficiency against targets. If CPA rises dramatically, it may indicate quality score issues or bidding challenges that need refinement.
  • Return on Ad Spend – Compare metrics like ROAS quarter-over-quarter. Are you generating equal or better returns on investment over time?
  • Sales Impact – Analyse campaign influence on incremental sales lift versus projections. Are you hitting sales goals and metrics tied to revenue?

Regularly auditing against KPIs and past performance provides the necessary perspective to optimise efforts. If current campaigns significantly underperform based on organisational goals and historical benchmarks, use those insights to adjust strategy. Continual optimisation is key to improving future campaign effectiveness.


Analyse Platform, Asset and Audience Performance Trends

Analysing platform, asset, and audience performance trends is essential for staying on top of your social media advertising campaigns and is another very important aspect of what is included in a social ads audit and will help you in making data-driven decisions to optimise your strategies. By comparing the latest performance with historical benchmarks, you can identify opportunities for improvement and adapt your approach to achieve better results.

nalyse Platform, Asset and Audience Performance Trends

Here’s a closer look at the key areas to focus on during this analysis:

  1. Platforms Trending Up or Down for Engagement and Conversions: Monitor the performance of your campaigns on different social media platforms. Identify platforms that are experiencing a positive trend in engagement and conversions, indicating that they may be more effective for reaching your target audience. Conversely, watch out for platforms that show declining metrics, as it may be an opportunity to reevaluate your approach or allocate resources differently.
  2. Ad Formats and Specific Creatives with Improving or Declining Metrics: Analyse the performance of different ad formats and specific creatives within each platform. Identify which formats and creatives are delivering better engagement and conversions. Look for trends in creative performance and focus on refining or replicating successful ad formats.

Adjust Your Ad Scheduling

  1. Audiences and Targets Maintaining or Losing Traction: Examine the performance of your target audiences and segments. Identify audiences that are maintaining or gaining traction, as they may be strong prospects for future campaigns. Likewise, pay attention to any audiences that are losing traction, and consider adjusting your targeting parameters to improve efficiency.
  2. Days, Times, and Placements Heating Up or Cooling Off: Monitor the performance of your ads based on the days of the week, times of the day, and specific placements. Identify patterns in engagement and conversions during certain periods or placements. Adjust your ad scheduling and placements to capitalise on high-performing times and locations.

Diagnosing the factors driving performance shifts is crucial in informing strategy enhancements. By understanding the reasons behind changes in engagement and conversions, you can make informed decisions to optimise your campaigns form your free social media pay per click audit.

Potential Actions

Here are some potential actions based on the analysis:

  • Optimisation of Ad Formats and Creatives: Focus on ad formats and creatives that have shown positive trends and invest more resources in producing similar high-performing content. Conversely, consider retiring or revamping ad formats and creatives that have been on a declining trend.
  • Refinement of Targeting Strategies: Use insights gained from the analysis to refine your audience targeting. Allocate more budget and effort to audiences that have shown positive traction while excluding or adjusting targeting for underperforming segments.
  • Adaptation of Posting Schedule: Based on the days, times, and placements that have shown heating up or cooling off, adjust your ad scheduling and placements to maximise reach and impact during high-performing periods.
  • Platform Optimisation: If specific platforms consistently show better engagement and conversions, consider reallocating budgets or investing more heavily in these platforms to capitalise on their effectiveness.

In conclusion, analysing platform, asset, and audience performance trends is a continuous process that allows you to stay agile in your social media advertising strategies is a very important part of what is included in a social ads audit. By understanding performance shifts and optimising your approach accordingly, you can achieve better results through effective PPC management and drive your social media campaigns towards success.


Identify Optimisation Opportunities

Identifying optimisation opportunities is the ultimate goal of conducting a comprehensive social ads audit. After analysing various aspects of your social media advertising campaigns, you can pinpoint areas that require improvement and develop actionable strategies to enhance performance. If you have followed this guide you should have avoided the Social Media Advertising Mistakes and be well on the way to getting better results. Here’s a more detailed explanation of the optimisation opportunities that can be uncovered:

  1. Increased Investment Behind Standout Performers: Allocate more budget and resources to campaigns, ad formats, creatives, or platforms that have demonstrated exceptional performance. By investing more in high-performing areas, you can further amplify their success and drive even better results and get the maximum benefit from what is included in a social ads audit and doubling down on this area will help your brand increase its effectiveness and profitability.
  2. Creative Refresh Based on Engagement Analysis: Refresh or update your ad creatives based on the analysis of engagement metrics. Introduce new visuals, copy, or calls-to-action to keep your ads fresh and engaging for your target audience.
  3. Refined Audience Targeting to Improve Relevance: Optimise your audience targeting by refining parameters based on audience analysis. Ensure your ads reach the most relevant users, leading to higher engagement and conversions.
  4. Shifting Budgets to Better Align with Performance: Adjust budget allocations based on campaign performance. Move funds from underperforming campaigns to higher-performing ones to maximise overall ROI.

Identify the Root Causes

  1. Recalibrating Campaign Structures, Bids, Settings: Reassess and adjust your campaign structures, bidding strategies, and ad settings based on insights from the audit. Optimize these elements to ensure better campaign performance.
  2. Addressing Landing Page Friction Points: Identify and resolve issues on your landing pages that may be causing user drop-offs or hindering conversions. Improve the user experience to drive better results from your ad traffic.
  3. Testing New Formats, Placements, and Audiences: Experiment with new ad formats, placements, and audience segments to explore untapped opportunities. A/B test different variations to discover what works best for your specific goals.
  4. Deeper Diagnostics on Underperformers: Conduct further analysis and diagnostics on underperforming campaigns or elements to identify the root causes of the issues. Use the insights gained to implement targeted improvements.

Social ads audits provide regular opportunities to spot optimisation areas and maintain campaign momentum. By consistently conducting audits and acting on the findings, you can achieve compounding performance improvements over time.

In summary, taking a comprehensive view across these key facets provides the holistic insights required to continually refine and enhance social advertising results. Dedicate the time and effort to audit rigorously and act on the findings to drive ongoing gains and success in your social media advertising efforts. Remember that the landscape of social media advertising is ever-changing, so conducting regular audits and staying proactive with optimisation is essential for staying competitive and achieving long-term success.


How Much Does It Cost For A Social Ads Audit?

While a short 1-2 day social media audit may only cost a few hundred pounds, budgets can easily grow to £3,000 or £5,000 for a robust analysing of several major platforms in detail.

One of the standout features of a social media audit is the tailored recommendations provided based on your business’s unique circumstances.

These insights, often derived from data-driven analysis, empower you to make informed decisions that directly impact your social media success.

Learn more about costs in our guide on How Much is a Social Media Audit. We will show you what to consider and the likely costs for your auditing process.


Hopefully, we have answered your question: What is included in a social ads audit

In conclusion, conducting a comprehensive social ads audit is an indispensable step for businesses and marketers looking to achieve optimal results from their social media advertising efforts. By analysing key elements such as campaign structure, audience targeting, creative content, media placement, landing pages, and budget allocation, valuable insights can be gained to refine and enhance social advertising strategies.

The audit empowers businesses to identify strengths and weaknesses in their campaigns, enabling them to capitalise on high-performing areas and address underperforming aspects. Through continuous optimisation, marketers can allocate budgets more effectively, enhance ad creatives, improve audience targeting, and refine campaign structures to drive better engagement, conversions, and overall ROI.

At PPC Geeks, we understand the significance of social ads audits in driving success for our clients. As part of our commitment to helping businesses achieve their marketing goals, we are offering a FREE social ads audit service. Take advantage of this opportunity to gain valuable insights into your social media advertising campaigns and unlock untapped potential. Our expert team at PPC Geeks will conduct a thorough audit and provide actionable recommendations tailored to your specific objectives.

Don’t miss out on this chance to optimise your social media advertising efforts and achieve sustained performance improvements over time. Contact us today to get your FREE social ads audit and embark on a journey towards greater success in the ever-evolving world of social media marketing. Let PPC Geeks be your partner in driving exceptional results and unlocking the full potential of your social media advertising campaigns.



Has worked on hundreds of Google Ads accounts over 15+ years in the industry. There is possibly no vertical that he hasn't helped his clients achieve success in.

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