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LinkedIn Ads

Can You Do Better?

Learn everything you ever wanted to know on LinkedIn Adverts and more with our unmissable introduction into LinkedIn Ads.

If you want to know if your brand is a good fit for LinkedIn Adverts or if your LinkedIn Ads are working as hard as they could be, simply book in for your 100% Free LinkedIn Ads Audit, with one of our PPC Experts.

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LinkedIn Ads: The All You Need to Know Guide!

LinkedIn ads aren’t always brands’ go-to pay-per-click campaign of choice, with many opting to use Google or Facebook ads. That said, while there’s no denying that these two platforms have both mass appeal and, in many cases, much larger audiences, LinkedIn has unique benefits that surpass even the likes of Facebook and Google.

A B2B advertising behemoth, coupled with unique and impactful B2C opportunities unbeknown to various advertisers, LinkedIn Adverts, when used right, can be an indispensable tool in terms of generating leads and exalting brand awareness depending on your audience and product.

LinkedIn Ads Audit

Are You Running LinkedIn Ads?

If So Learn How To Get Better Results Today!

Your Free LinkedIn Ads Audit are typically 20+ Pages and will give you actionable insight on how to get better results from your LinkedIn spend! Just some of the areas we will report on are:

  • Account Structure & Settings
  • Conversion Tracking
  • Target Audiences
  • Deep Dives into The Highest Spending Areas
  • Main KPIs Overview
  • And Much More!

Get yours today and soon you should be getting better results from your LinkedIn Adverts budget!

What are LinkedIn Ads?

Carousel ads LinkedIn ads Example

LinkedIn ads are paid campaigns shared on LinkedIn. Though LinkedIn has fewer users than platforms such as Google, Facebook and YouTube respectively, it is, however, the largest professional-based social media platform in the world. And so, if you have your goals clearly defined and have decided LinkedIn is the right medium for achieving them, pay-per-click ads can yield amazing results.

Text-ads-example-on-LinkedIn ads

Why Should You Consider Using LinkedIn Ads?

LinkedIn ads are an absolute must for many B2B and B2C brands, but this will heavily depend on your specific product.

If your brands' product or service is aimed at professional people then LinkedIn could work very well for you. But we always recommend rigorous planning and evaluation to make sure you are getting great returns.

As one of the worlds most engaged audiences of professional people it is unrivalled across most of the stand-alone networks in terms of the targeting (job title, education, location and many others) so do your research and if your customers are on LinkedIn now might be the best time to start to connect with them.

LinkedIn Ads: When Did They Start?

Since its launch in 2003, LinkedIn has seen a meteoric rise in its popularity. It’s also undergone various changes and celebrated a number of landmarks. Some of these include:

  • 2005 - First paid advertisement on LinkedIn
  • 2008 - First text ads are launched
  • 2013 - LinkedIn launches sponsored content
  • 2016 - Conversion and audience targeting and tracking is introduced
  • 2018 - Video and carousel ads are launched

And, indeed, 2021-2022 promises to see LinkedIn continue to thrive and adapt. From deeper audience insights to sponsored inmail ads and more, LinkedIn advertising seemingly has a bright and interesting future ahead.

How Are Your LinkedIn Ads Doing?

Get your 100% Free LinkedIn Adverts Audit here and find out How To Get Better Results Fast!

LinkedIn Ads Statistics You MUST Know About

Most Popular B2B Network

LinkedIn has 722+ million active members.

The Opportunites Are Huge

LinkedIn users reside in over 200 countries.

Close Gender Balance

57% of LinkedIn users are men, with 43% women.

Great Demographics

Over 50% of LinkedIn users are 25-34 years old.

And in terms of advertising on LinkedIn,
the statistics continue to be as impressive:

Unrivaled Access For B2B

An advert on LinkedIn can reach almost 13% of the world’s population.

Target The Best Prospects

LinkedIn Adverts provide more than 200 targeting options

Great For Brand Building

Ad exposure on LinkedIn can increase purchase intent by 33%.

Make LinkedIn Work For You

96% of B2B marketers also use LinkedIn for organic social marketing.

But what about actual user usage?

Engage With Your Audience

Over 40 million people use LinkedIn to search for jobs each week.

Increasing in Popularity

Content creation increased by 60% in 2020.

There’s no denying how astonishing some of these stats are, be it in regard to usage, paid ads or demographics, LinkedIn is a seriously potent tool. However, what are the reasons why you shouldn’t use LinkedIn adverts?

LinkedIn Ad Campaigns You Must Consider

If you are looking at how to advertise on LinkedIn then choosing the right ad format is absolutely crucial to the success of your LinkedIn campaign. Whether it’s the best way to showcase your product or the most impactful manner in which to convey your message, here are three campaign options you must consider:

1. LinkedIn Sponsored Content

Sponsored ads promote content. Using link building, you can post these ads anywhere including a blog, website or even within an organic LinkedIn post. The goal of sponsored content ads is to boost brand awareness and start a conversation about your brand. Paired with enriching ad copy and a strong CTA, sponsored content ads can be a sure-fire way of creating some noise about your brand.

2. Sponsored InMail


Taking direct marketing to a whole new level, sponsored InMail ads send a personalised message to a number of specific targets by way of LinkedIn Messaging. A great way to generate leads, sponsored InMail gies your ads a more personal touch when presenting your product or service.

3. Text Ads

LinkedIn Text Ads work around a similar premise to most social media ads, leading users to either your website or an optimised landing page set up for the sole purpose of converting leads. Taking the form of text, these ads are a seriously impressive way of making money.

4. Video Ads

Image showing the targeting options for Video ads on LinekdIn

Exactly like Text Ads only in the form of video, these LinkedIn ads, again, lead users to your website or landing page in order to convert them from potential customers to closed leads. Piggybacking on the success and rise of rich media, Video Ads are one of LinkedIn’s biggest ad mediums.

Indeed, any of these display options - depending on your short- and long-term goals - have their benefits and weaknesses. That said, they are most indebted to generating either a high ROI or boosting the awareness of your business.

LinkedIn Ads Best Practices

Make sure you research and make sure your target market is on LinkedIn, as this is a professional network, not every product, service or brand will fit well on here.

Keep your ads professional and catchy, there are a lot of both Good and Bad examples of ads on LinkedIn so again, do your research and get a feel for what catches your eye in a positive and negative way.

Choose The Right Objective & Messaging

Will you be using LinkedIn Ads for cold or warm traffic? Making the right choice of how your LinkedIn Adverts will appear to your prospects is key. Do you have a new and exciting SAAS platform that your audience just can not live without or are you an established brand that your prospects have likely worked with before?

Making the right choices here will help guide your strategy and segmentation and ultimately the returns you get from your click spend.

Maximise Full Screen Size Content

In what seems like an unwavering dominance of Mobile Traffic, LinkedIn still reports very little use of Mobiles on their website.

Is this due to the professional nature of the users or that LinkedIn just hasn't released updated figures?

Make sure you test and you might not have to create very mobile-specific adverts, it makes a refreshing change, right?

Optimise Your Budget

As with all Pay Per Click campaigns you need to optimise your budget and make sure you can get every last drop of ROI (return on investment) from your budgets.

LinkedIn Ads are no exception and you need to plot out your buyer journey and make sure you are getting the best returns possible. Cut wasted spend and reward areas that work well.

Understand the Importance of Ad Placement

LinkedIn like many of the other PPC platforms is ever-evolving and with several different ad types, you will need to test and optimise to what works best for your brand. Unfortunately, there is not one specific golden bullet so accurate conversion tracking and lead nurturing is paramount to success.

Get 5-Star LinkedIn Ads Results With Our Free Audit

Learn How To Get Better Results On Your LinkedIn Ads Spend

Your Free LinkedIn Ads Audit are typically 20+ Pages and will give you actionable insight on how to get better results from your LinkedIn spend! Just some of the areas we will report on are:

  • Account Structure & Settings
  • Conversion Tracking
  • Target Audiences
  • Deep Dives into The Highest Spending Areas
  • Main KPIs Overview
  • And Much More!

Get yours today and soon you should be getting better results from your LinkedIn Advert budget!

Why You Shouldn’t Use LinkedIn Ads?

LinkedIn’s audience is finite, unique and particular, therefore, you should stay away from LinkedIn ads if your brand doesn’t wish to target, say, a 45-year-old man who drives a particular car and is a manager of a medium-large size company.

Indeed, why you shouldn't use LinkedIn ads is less of a question of why you shouldn't use LinkedIn Adverts and more of a question of why you shouldn’t be using LinkedIn. And, after taking a quick look at your target market, the answer should be somewhat obvious.

Top Tips For Advertising on LinkedIn

Ads on LinkedIn are a powerful way to reach and build both lasting relationships and a strong sales pipeline. That said, if you just can’t seem to get it right at the moment, here are a selection of best practices that may help.

Create Good Content

Creating good content isn’t as simple as it sounds. Writing headlines that are concise, for example, can lead to more engagement; keeping descriptions under 70 characters stops your ads truncating on desktop, while a clear CTA explains to your audience how to act on their interest.

Content doesn’t have to be just copy-based either; it can be video- or image- or audio-based also.

Try New Tools

Be it enabling lead generation forms to gain more leads, reaching more of your target audience by expanding, or running numerous tests to compare multiple messages, images and targeting metrics.

By constantly trying out new tools and ways of working, you’re more able to define how to measure success and also act upon it.

Test. Test. Test

Run tests to compare multiple messages or versions of your ad, taking note of what resonates most with your target audience. 

It’s always important every couple of weeks to pause the ad with the lowest engagement and replace it with something new entirely. By striving to improve your ad relevance score, you can almost guarantee to improve the content in your ads.

Measure and Optimise Your Ads

By first defining what success means to your business, you can then measure and optimise your ads and navigate your analytics.

What’s more, Campaign Manager has strong reporting capabilities, giving you the best opportunity to take control of your output and implement any changes brought about by analysing your metrics.

By taking this advice and these practices on board, you can easily transform your campaign, turning average results into outstanding results.

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Book your 100% Free LinkedIn Advert Audit here and find out How To Get Better Results Fast!

Customer Buying Journey

Nailing down your customer buying journey will affect your decisions and how you might want to use different platforms such as Facebook ads in your funnel.

Facebook Ads can be used on both Cold and Warm traffic and understanding this will hugely affect your approach.

Being able to serve different adverts (offers, messaging, products to name just a few) to people at different cycles in your buyer journey will help you tailor the right message to the right people, critically at the right time!

Targeting Options For LinkedIn

Get your message and visuals in front of the right people when they’re most engaged by targeting your ideal market with these targeting options:

  • Location - Reach LinkedIn members based on where they live or where they frequent most by searching for and targeting their location.
  • Audience Attributes - As you work your way through your targeting options, LinkedIn lets you choose from everything from job experience, to interests, to hobbies, to education, to age.
  • Matched Audiences - Matched Audiences enable you to create bespoke audience segments including visited web pages, contact lists and retargeting. With this targeting option, you can create the perfect audience.

Choosing the right targeting options can make or break your campaign, rendering your message a complete success or a monumental failure. Choose the best one.

Why Use LinkedIn Ads?

Every social media platform is unique, and while on the surface they may seem similar, LinkedIn, for example, has a number of advantages over other platforms:

Reach a More Professional, B2B Centric Audience

The most obvious distinction between LinkedIn and other social media platforms is its audience; it being more refined, older, professional and even educated. Therefore, if your brands’ target audience is made up of educated, older professionals with at least 5+ years’ work experience, then LinkedIn ads tend to be your best outlet.

Easier to Define Your Target Market

Paid advertising largely depends on not your message, but rather who your message reaches. Indeed, due to LinkedIn being an already largely professional platform, targeting options are an added bonus, helping you double down on demographics such as job title, age, industry and seniority, for example.

Thanks to these targeting opportunities, if you’re already targeting business people but want to make it even more specific, LinkedIn ads are a good fit.

Proven to Increase Conversion Rates

A simple benefit of LinkedIn ads is that, use them in the right way, and you can increase your conversion rate. A recent study showed that LinkedIn users are more likely to convert to leads due to them being in a more stable, authoritative position in which to make decisions.

Use LinkedIn ads the right way, and your marketing output has the potential for monumental success.

Start Your LinkedIn Ads Campaign Now

Don’t neglect LinkedIn, and especially LinkedIn Adverts - they should be a significant part of your marketing strategy.

With a rich history and an exciting history ahead, there couldn’t be a more exciting time to start advertising on LinkedIn. Drawing upon the information, tricks and insider knowledge we’ve shared above to your advantage, you can easily create a successful and impactful campaign that delivers the leads you desire.

Master LinkedIn Ads By Asking The Experts!

Make the first step and get better results fast

Our LinkedIn PPC Ads Experts will show you how to get better results from your current budget.

  • Your LinkedIn Ads Audit is 100% Free
  • We have 15+ years of experience
  • 20+ pages of in-depth account analysis
  • Actionable tips to do straight away
  • Get ahead of your competitors
  • Improve your Return on Investment
  • Maximise the potential of your Brand
  • And Much More!

Get yours today and soon you should be seeing improvements in your brands' LinkedIn Ads budget!


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