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Luxury Holiday Specialist Under NDA 180 Day Review Feb 2019

Luxury Holiday Specialist (Under NDA) - 180 Day Review - Feb - 2019: Spend increase of 178.97%!

Google Ads (Text Search Ads, Image Display Ads, Text Display Ads & Retargeting) 

The Brief:

We are under a strict NDA with this client so all we can say is that they are one of the most luxurious holiday providers.

As a very well established and large spending account they wanted to see AOV, SIS and Spend increase while keeping other areas on the set KPIs.

Our team of PPC Geeks were able to smash the KPIs with AOV increasing 3.53%, SIS increasing 7.98% and Spend increasing 178.97%! This resulted in HUGE increases in Market Share and Revenue.

If you have an established brand and offering - but have plateaued or not seen much improvement in a while. You should join the hundreds of other businesses that have booked in for their Free Google Ads Audit as this will show you how you are doing and if there is any room for improvement and growth!



PPC Banner


Average Conversion Value Up


Search Impression Share Up


Spend Up

Average Conversion Value: Up 3.53% YoY

Search Impression Share: Up 7.98% YoY

Spend: Up 178.97% YoY

Company Bio:

We are under a strict NDA with this client so all we can say is that they are one of the most luxurious holiday providers.

Luxury Holiday Specialist

How we did it:

Granular campaign expansion (UK & Worldwide)

Dedicated campaign level remarking and RLSAs

50% traffic split experiments on bidding strategies

Ongoing ROAS focused granular optimsations (demographics/TOD/DOW/GEO etc)

SKAGs (Single keyword ad groups)

Continual ad copy A.B testing

See More of the PPC Geeks Case Studies

347% increase in leads over the first 6 months
65% increase in revenue over 6 months
More traffic and better Google Ads Grant Usage
921% Increase in CTR
YoY Conversion Rate increase of 105%
YoY eCommerce Revenue Up 42%
Revenue and Sales up 85%
33% Increase of Conversion Rate
35% decrease in Cost per Conversion
Conversion Rate Increased by 88%
Return on Ad Spend up 241%
107% Lead Increase & Long Term Growth
22% Decrease in Cost Per Lead
Revenue up 135%
Conversions up 250%
Sales & Revenue up by 85%
Revenue up 282.33%
CPAs 57% Below Target
Lead volume up 203%
142% Increase in Conversions
81% Increase in Revenue
Cost Per Lead down 44%
Conversions Up 471% Year Over Year
Return On Ad Spend up 3,197%
71% Increase In Sales
Conversions up 993%
215% Conversion Increase
ROAS up 57% and CPA down 40%
Conversion Rate Up 251%
500% Rise in Conversions
Conversion Rate Up 251.31%
83% Increase in Revenue
14.67% Reduction in Cost Per Conversion
Sales Increased 61.62%
109% ROI increase within the first 90 days
Revenue up 281%
Non brand CPA down by 50%
ROAS up by 72%
Cut Wasted Ad Spend by £7,000 per Month
Impression share up 80%
Lead Volume Up 266%
96% increase in Conversion Rate
Increased Conversions by 331%
58% Conversion Rate Increase

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